The Meeting

Chapter 1 - The meeting

I didn't usually check out chat rooms. I normally came for the stories and maybe some pictures and that was all. But one night I was feeling especially lonely. I logged onto the chat room for weight gain and figured I'd see what happens. Being an FFA (female fat admirer for those of you who don't know the lingo) and a feeder/encourager besides usually gains me a lot of notice in chat rooms. I accepted a couple guys chat requests and starting getting to know people. There was one guy I really hit it off with. We exchanged emails so that we could exchange pictures and phone numbers so we could text each other. For the next three days we texted each other all day long. Most of it was about his gaining, but some of it was on a more personal level. Finally he asked the big question, "where am I from." As it turned out we almost couldn't be any farther apart. He was from Alabama and I was in Michigan. Damn. Too far we both say. But we continue talking with each other. As time went on we began to share a little more of our lives with each other. Texts became phone calls and before you know it, we were ready to meet one another.

He sent me pictures once in a while. The one of him in a cute bowtie for a wedding, the one of him in his work shirt showing how much he was gaining. I sent him the one of me in the cute sundress showing off how much weight I was losing. But once we decided to meet one another, we stopped sending pictures so we could surprise each other. I threw myself into workouts, got my hair redone, mani and pedi, the works. I was totally feeling hot by the time I boarded the airplane. We both liked to travel so we decided to meet on neutral ground and meet in Washington DC.

I got off the plane and checked into my hotel room. I got changed to meet him and I hoped he liked what he saw. Even without meeting him in person, I really liked this guy. I left with my hair slightly curled, make-up just right, and clothes just a little revealing but still respectable. 'Here goes nothing', I thought. We met at one of the trendy restaurants in downtown. We met at the bar and he was hard to miss. He was wearing the same adorable bow tie that I loved but I couldn't see the top of it as much anymore. His suit jacket would barely button and I was loooving it! We gave each other a simple cheek bump and a big hug. My small frame immediately sunk his big soft belly and chest. We set down to get a drink and loosen up.

You could've cut the sexual tension with a knife. We talked and flirted, and as the maître's came to seat us we started to touch. I selected what to have for dinner. I knew he was a bit self-conscious about eating too much in public so I ordered him the fattiest and biggest meal the standard menu had on it. I ordered myself a salad and a small chicken dish. Through dinner we talked and I was so distracted by how much he could EAT! It never seemed like he got full. He plowed through his meal and ate all the rolls of the table. I asked him if he was full and he said he was getting there, but not quite yet. At home he could eat almost twice what he just had. I leaned over to give him a bite of my chicken. When he leaned over to get it I saw his lower buttons straining to hold on for dear life. I knew I'd have fun with that later. I ended up giving him most of my chicken, and couldn't be happier about it. After he cleaned up the chicken I called for the dessert cart. I knew what he liked from all of our conversations. I ordered a big piece of cake for him and sinful looking brownie for me (knowing full well I'd never eat more than 2 or 3 bites). He hungrily dug in and I picked at the edges of my brownie. As soon as he was done I leaned forward to feed him a couple bites of mine. A few big bites later and he was starting to look like he might be full.

Like a true southern gentleman he asked me what I'd like to do next. I knew he'd probably need to sit down and relax for a while, so I suggested we do a bus tour of the area. We snagged a seat on top of the tour bus, for a couple reasons. 1. that we'd be more concealed from the other passengers, 2. we'd have a great view, and 3. he'd have to climb the stairs and I could watch his wide ass wobble back and forth as he climbed. When he stuffed himself into the tiny plastic bus seat I was delighted to hear him puffing for breath after such a short walk and climb. To me that's a true measure of how fat and out of shape a guy is. As we were riding along I started to get chilly so I cuddled into his side a little tighter. As soon as he reached his arm around me the game was on.

I snuggle against him and let my hands slowly start exploring his fattened chest. I knew he was sensitive about how flabby it was getting so I made sure to lavish praise on him, while telling him what I was going to do to his nipples later. Next I gently pushed against the top of his belly to test how full he was. It was a little firm from dinner but not hard like it should be after a proper feeding. In small gentle circles I worked my way down to my favorite part, the overhang. Sadly though, his shirt was too tight and I didn't get to jiggle it the way I was hoping too. I put it on the to do list for later though. When the bus tour was over we walked the couple blocks back to the hotel we were both staying in. On the way we stopped at a fast food place to grab a couple burgers and an extra tall milkshake for him. They're his favorite.
2 chapters, created 12 years
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GrowingLoveH... 8 months
Beautifully written.

I wish you had more stories here.
Pd500 1 year
What a wonderful read! Thanks!
Shyguystan 10 years
Lovesfatguys 12 years
Thank you everyone so much!
Drstrange 12 years
very nice smiley totally agreed with hortensia
Built4com4t 12 years
brilliant. wonderful detail, great bit of writing. yummy