Chapter 1: old friends
Mike woke up as he turned over and turned his alarm off before he sat up to stretch before heading to make breakfast. He cooked up an extra-large breakfast with a plate stacked with syrup coated pancakes. Mike for the most part was a normal 23 year old except for his job and his appearance. Mike was obese, standing at 5 foot 10 with flaming red hair and freckles; his dark eyes were tired looking as he was still waking up before he scratched his massive belly that hung to over the top of his thighs making his whole body jiggle from his moobs to his ass. His last weigh in had him at 380 pounds as his whole body was filled with fat as not a thing on him had been spared, though he had always been fat anyway, he just made himself fatter for his job. He was a professional SBHM and modelled online for various plus size men’s clothing and other sites that payed for as long as they used his images.Mike thought back to his childhood, he had always been a fat kid, the fat kid everyone bullied and picked on, he remembered how he hated how fat he was back then. But one day his fate was changed by one person, David smith, the first person to never judge Mike for his size. He had befriended Mike when they were kids and soon the two became inseparable. Mike felt happy around David and never had a worry about his weight or self-confidence around him. David became his best friend and vice versa as David constantly told Mike just to be himself as he was cool as he was. David came around often to hang out and muck about as he even pretended a fair few times to be as fat as Mike to cheer him up by wearing Mike’s clothes and padding them with pillows and blankets even using a football to add to the fake belly’s roundness. Even Mike’s mother who had raised him alone since his dad had left loved David and laughed when he pretended to be fat like her son. She was large herself as it seemed to run on her side of the family. David didn’t do this around his place though when Mike visited him, Mike got the distinct feeing that David’s dad didn’t like him or his son hanging around with him.
Throughout their childhood years David helped boost Mike’s confidence not only as himself but as a fat kid. He told him how it was impressive that Mike could eat so much compared to him even once saying,
“Man being fat looks fun” David beamed as Mike blushed but smiled. This gave him a boost in confidence and it was needed in secondary school when both were around 14 and all the girls began to make endless comments about his weight, even the one he had had a crush on, David again was there to help,
“Just ignore them all you’re fine as you are” David beamed again. Mike smiled weakly before remembering David’s words “Man being fat looks fun”, Mike sighed and had to ask,
“What do you really think about all this?” Mike said patting his belly as he was sitting as David just smiled,
“I think it suits you and you should embrace it, find a job where you can eat what you like and be you” David said as Mike agreed, he had come to love being fat but was unsure of accepting that before David gave him that push. Though it was a sad day when David told Mike his dad had got a job overseas and that he had to move away.
The two kept in contact over the years and David helped boost Mike even more as he began to look at Jobs where he could get paid to eat or be fat now he was 18.
“How about working as a plus size model?” David said over the phone and Mike thought about it for a moment before her grinned widely,
“Oh that could work, what the hell I’ll go for it” Mike said enthusiastically down the phone. Mike made his mind up then as he auditioned for multiple plus size agencies and finally after a year found one that loved him and wanted to work with him. He was only 260 pounds at the time and said he wanted to get bigger which they loved. He was popular enough over the years and got a few good shoots and promoted plus size clothing, all the time the pay was great and he was able to buy so much food. His mother was proud of him as she delighted he had embraced himself and was living his best and happiest life. He gained a lot of weight as two years passed by as he loved to indulge but at some point he had lost all contact with David. David had gone silent at some point as David’s number was disconnected. Mike thought his dad may have cut him off as he felt Mike was a bad influence, but Mike took David’s words to heart though as he loved his job and looked forwards towards his future.
Back in the present Mike had fully embraced his fatness and fat life as he had intended. He loved being a SBHM model and wished David could see him now but lately the rent prices had risen and it was becoming a struggle. Mike checked his email as he had put out an ad for a roommate to help out with the rent and for a bit of company but no takers had emerged yet. He got dressed and went off to a photo shoot for a plus size underwear brand. He squeezed himself into his car and drove off to the shoot. He arrived and greeted the crew like old friends; he’d worked with them a fair few times so knew them well enough. He went to his dressing room and sat down to let the makeup lady do her job on him as another lady picked out a few different pairs of underwear for him to model in. the make-up lady moved down to his upper body as she powdered his moobs for sweat as he was going to be under hot lights for a good few hours. He was soon done as he thanked her and then went and changed into the first pair of boxer shorts and they felt nice and comfortable he had to admit. He went out as the photographer was ready and directed him in a few different poses before clicking away.
4 hours later he was finished as he was getting dressed back into his t-shirt and shorts as he thanked them,
“Good work today Mike, great pics man” the photographer said as Mike smiled and thanked him before her left to squeeze back into his car deciding to grab a large order form McDonalds on the way as it was surprisingly hard work to model and it made him hungry. He was home finally as he sat down and let his feet up as he kept eating away on his meal as he checked his phone and saw the real estate agent he put the ad through had a potential tenant. He was due to come around tomorrow at around 11:30 to check the flat out as Mike was more than happy as he texted back the okay. Mike wondered who it would be as he hoped they would be okay sharing with a SBHM model who was gonna probably get fatter as he felt tired looking up and seeing he had been snacking and watching TV for hours as it was 1:00 in the morning. He turned the TV off and stood as he stumbled with how stuffed he was as he waddled to bed and pulled his shirt off leaving his sweat pants on as he just collapsed on the bed which creaked a little, he was getting a bit big for his current bed, he had bought it back when he was 290 pounds after all.
Mike’s Alarm blared as he looked up and reached his arm out to turn it off and yawned as he stood and made his way to the shower. He pulled the sweats off and his underwear that he admitted felt tight as he sighed,
“I’ve been meaning to get a size up, or two maybe” he chuckled to himself. He took a long shower to make sure he got all the grease and crumbs off as he stepped out and checked himself out in the mirror grabbing and jiggling his belly with a huge grin on his face. He cupped his moobs and jiggled them too, he loved his body and had David to thank for that, he just wished he could thank him properly. He got dressed in a plain red button short sleeved up shirt and a pair of brown cargo shorts, he brushed his red hair backwards and saw it was 9:30, he’d best tidy up a bit he thought. He cleaned up now and then but only once a week; his place was a bit of a mess though with many fast food wrappers on the floor and empty pizza and doughnut boxes scattered around the room.
He was sweating a little when the clock hit 11 o’clock and he was done as he had everything in black bags. All that was left was to take them downstairs to the trash bins but he was too lazy but had the advantage of being the floor above and right above the bins. He opened the window as he carefully aimed and dropped the bags into the bin, direct landing.
“Score” he chuckled to himself. He sighed as he felt his belly grumble loudly, he hadn’t eaten yet and he was starving. He couldn’t be bothered to cook and opened the fridge to see what he had leftovers wise. He spotted to boxes of large pizzas and smiled,
“That’ll do nicely” he said grabbing both of them and taking them to the dining table. He enjoyed himself as he opened the boxes and looked up at the time, 11:03,
“Well let’s see if I can beat the clock and finish all of this” he said to himself accepting his own challenge. He ate quickly and scarfed the slices down chewing quickly and swallowing. He was starving so it felt easy at first but began to slow on box two. He looked up and saw it as 11:23 as he picked up his efforts and pushed himself. He lay back in his chair and felt stuffed, his shirt was even lifting and showing a small amount of under bell now as he rubbed his belly and then patted it making himself belch loudly.
He looked up and saw it was 1 minute to half past 11. He stood with difficulty as he picked up the pizza boxes and put them in the bin as he waddled to the hall way as he stopped to take deep breaths as he had winded himself from the stuffing. As he was leant against the wall unit in the hallway there was a knock on his door and he knew that was the potential tenant. He waddled over to the door and unlocked it opening it up and saw something he hadn’t expected today.
“Wow, guess you took my advice to heart huh, you’re bigger than ever Mike” David said beaming at him. Mike just stared at him, he couldn’t believe it, after 8 years David was stood here before him. David had barely changed he thought. His hair was slightly longer and he had stubble now. Mike had not grown anything as his face was still smooth. David had his hair swept back now, he was stood there wearing a plain black t shirt and jeans. Mike couldn’t help himself as he just waddled forward and hugged David.
“Good to see you, how are you, and you aren’t are you?” Mike asked,
“The roommate you asked for, yeah I applied” David said and Mike smiled immediately, David would be comfortable with Mikes lifestyle as he was the one who encouraged it in the first place.
Mike showed David around the flat and David his room, it was decent size and was the same as Mikes own room. The bathroom was fairly big as was the living room and kitchen area.
“So what are you doing these days?” Mike asked as they sat down on the sofa,
“Oh I work as an online graphic designer, pay is really good as well” David said as Mike thought that was perfect. Mike was so excited but then a thought came to his head, why did David lose contact with him 3 years ago.
“So David, how come you went silent three years ago?”
“Well, you know how my dad could be, he really didn’t like you or me being friends with you thinking you were a bad influence on me. So he deleted all my contact info I had for you, and me being dumb didn’t write it down anywhere else” David said smiling apologetically. Mike sighed but smiled, he knew David’s dad was very strict with David and could be very controlling. They spent the week getting used to one another again as they caught up and David got his work computer set up in his room and unpacked his stuff, like thought he had packed light for moving in but didn’t ask any questions.
The week came to an end as both were busy with work; David had a few things to get through as Mike had two more photo shoots to attend, though he wished he could have taken David to one of them. With David being around Mike was indulging more than ever and had passed 390 pounds on Friday which was begging to be a problem for his current wardrobe as it was on its last legs as most things were tight on him now, he knew he needed to go shopping for a size up soon. David finally had a day off as Mike had another shoot,
“Hey David want to tag along?” Mike asked and David nodded as he had nothing else to do. He got ready as he saw Mike waddle out to his car as David got in to the passenger seat and ended up having Mike’s fat love handles push into him even in the passenger seat. It was a quick drive as they pulled into what looked like a carnival as the shoot was themed for Halloween explained Mike and he was modelling plus size costumes. David looked around as the crew let them through as he was handed a visitors pass. He saw there were two other models there, a huge 500 pound guy and a slightly smaller man at around 400 ish, he was around the same size a Mike he thought.
David was led to the dressing room where Mike was to get changed and have his make-up done as David sat in the corner. The rather large make-up girl winked at him a few times as he smiled back. Mike was soon done as he stood and went behind the curtain to get changed into his costume as the large make up girl spoke to David.
“So known Mike long?” she asked him,
“Yeah years, I’m David by the way” David smiled as the girl beamed at him,
“Oh so your David, I’m Jane, Mike talks about you a lot, I guess we have you to thank for him being here and making him confident in his fatness” Jane said as David blushed and smiled.
“All I did was to tell him to be himself and do what makes him happy even if that meant indulging in food and being fat” David shrugged still a bit red in the face.
“well I get what you mean I was a skinny girl a few years ago till I met Mike, I was always struggling with my love of food and he told me what you told him, look at me now, 340 pounds and counting” Jane beamed at him. She gave David a slightly quizzical look and smiled before Mike came back in and was wearing a large Johnny Depp Willy Wonka costume, and looked good as he had the wig and everything,
“Looking good Mike” Jane said with a wide grin turning to look at him,
“Thanks Jane seems Mr. Wonka has been indulging in his own creations” Mike joked as he patted and jiggled his belly making Jane giggle.
Mike walked by and left to go out for the photo shoot as Jane and David were left alone with each other. He turned to see Jane was still giving him the quizzical look before he smiled and followed Mike as Jane smiled him off. The shoot was more normal than David thought as just like normal the models were posed and did the usual as they were finally done after 2 hours. Mike went back and changed out of his costume as Mike caught up with him outside.
“Hey I got two all access passes to the fair, want to look around?” Mike asked and David nodded as he had nothing to rush back for. They wondered around seeing it was pretty packed as they found a few stalls with food as Mike was hungry and even found the game stalls both having a few goes. They won a few things as Mike had a XXL T-shirt he had won with a picture of the Swedish chef from The Muppets on it as David had won a large Snorlax Plushie.
“Oh hey look, want to head in?” Mike beamed as David looked and saw a house of mirrors. David nodded as they headed in and soon passed by all manner of mirrors.
Mike and David passed by mirrors that made them tall, made them wider and made them distorted. They saw the hall of mirrors too but one caught his and Mike’s eye, the wishing mirror. “That looks fun, want to give it a try?” Mike asked and David thought for a moment before he nodded. The mirror was in a room with its entrance covered by a large red curtain. There was a member of staff there to let people in and out.
“HI there two please” Mike beamed at her and the staff member smiled.
“Of course do you have passes or are you paying?” she asked. Mike produced the passes they had gotten from the photo shoot and they were let in as the staff member pulled the curtain back and they saw a corridor with a door at the end. They passed through the curtain which was dropped behind them as they walked and waddled down to the door, a large sign was hung at the end next to the door in gold curved writing on a black tapestry. David read it,
“To all those who look into the mirror beware,
To those who are happy as they are, will see themselves no different,
To those who wish for something more or different, it is you who will be seen.
What you have always wished to be or wished to have will be bared to you,
You will no longer be able to deny or turn away, so be warned,
Your true hearts wish will be reflected back at you.”
David read it and thought it sounded like something out of the first Harry Potter book with the Mirror of Erised.
“Well that’s ominous” Mike beamed at him before he opened the door and pulled David through.
They saw the mirror as it was set into the far wall of pale blue the circular room made up of marble white arches. Mike waddled up and looked into the mirror and smiled at what he saw. He turned to David who was still stood back by the door.
“Well no surprise, I see myself as is, maybe fatter though now I look at it closer” Mike said staring into the mirror. David smiled as he shifted on the spot and Mike then saw he was keeping his distance,
“Come on, get your butt over here, I want to know what you see” Mike said as he waddled over and grabbed David’s hands. Mike waddled pulling David over to the Mirror and stood there stood next to Mike as David knew what he would see in the mirror. He had always known what his true hearts wish was since meeting Mike.
“Well what do you see?” Mike asked as David was thinking hard as he saw what he wanted to see, what he wished was real.
27 chapters, created 2 years
, updated 11 months
Would love to see a spin-off about Jane's gain, or at least a chapter dedicated to her growth.