Big Reaction

Chapter 1 - Part 1

Lana was walking through the halls of her university. She was of average height with long dark hair that she often had tied up with a ribbon as she adjusted her glasses. She had a cute face and had a few fans, but she was still on the chubby side, her ample breasts and ass were the major factors of her popularity with the few other science majors in the university. Outside that circle though, she was fair game for the bullies for being fat and a nerd. One group in particular had been a thorn for her, the Cheerleaders. She rolled her eyes at this as it was a stereotypical trope but she guessed some stereotypes were real. The head cheerleader in particular, Jenny Olson, thin attractive, dyed blond hair with red streaks and blue eyes with a nice perky pair of DD breasts was one of the main causes of grief for Lana. She often led the other vain cheerleaders into pranks against Lana. One day they did the worse prank on her that really angered her. Lana, despite being chubby, always watched what she ate and was careful yet she began to gain weight and struggle with her clothing.

Lana had coffee from the cafeteria daily and thought nothing of it for a week even if she felt unusually bloated and gassy. Months went by and her weight went from chubby to outright fat as she gained a good 30 pounds as the cheer team laughed at her as she tore a pair of yoga pans at school. Turns out they had bribed the male cafeteria worker to spike her coffee with powerful weight gain supplements. She was furious as she had gone from 190 to 220 pounds and couldn’t no matter what seem to shift the weight as more names came her way. She was slightly relieved that the worker in question was fired but the university heads couldn’t find evidence to link it back to Jenny. She only knew it was her because she overheard them one day without them noticing.
“God can you imagine blowing up like in fort of everyone, I think I’d die of embarrassment” one said,
“Yeah Imagine if we were so fat we burst out of our clothes like that, it would be a waking nightmare” another said.

Lana wanted to get back at them but didn’t know how. She was at home with her best friend and roommate Charlotte when they caught re runs of old cartoons they grew up on. She was struck when an episode of her old favourite Totally spies came on watching as fat cover hoisted Bittersweet up Sam and fed her the sugar extract making bittersweet obese in moments.
“That’s it, that’s what I’ll do” Lana said making Charlotte jump a little.
“What?” Charlotte asked. Lana explained to her what she had been thinking about and Charlotte nodded as she thought it was a deserving punishment.
“It’s perfect and easy, but how to make it real is the biggest question” Lana asked herself as Charlotte just smiled and saw she was off in her own head again. She knew she had to think on how she could make something that could inflate the fat cells in the body. She thought about all the current weight gain drugs and aids and got to thinking if she could make it possible for someone to gain a few hundred pounds in moments.

She spent the night looking into everything she could on the subject, from how fat is stored to how fat cells grow and replicate and how much energy would be required to do so. It looked impossible as she tried to think of how chemically to encourage its reaction. She fell asleep when in her sleep a few ideas came to her mind as well as the image of the entire cheer team blowing up in front of everyone. She awoke the next morning and smiled to herself as she decided to head to her university lab early to get some work done. She grabbed a few things on the way she was hoping to be able to use as she then made her way into the lab and began to look at a bunch of research notes she found online about diet and fat cells as she made any notes she thought necessary. She leant back in her chair as a few other science majors came in and began to work on their own projects. She tabled her private one getting back to her course subject but still had things running through her mind as she had to jot notes down here and there.

Lana spent every break in the lab as she looked through more papers than she wanted and had a few ideas for how to do this but it was going to be a two pronged attack. She managed to find a combination of a few things that would swell the fat cells permanently as if they had been fat the whole time, but the concoction was so rich together it had to be split into a reaction between one part going into the body first and going dormant only to be activated by dose number 2. She had to get the calculation right in order to avoid them gaining to little or too much. It would take a week to make all the required doses for the cheer team and all that was left then was how to administer the two doses on top of actually testing the thing. Lana came through the door of her dorm tired and exhausted as Charlotte was waiting having just cooked brownies.
“Just what I need sugar for the brain” Lana smiled taking one; they were still warm which she thought was when they were best.
“Any luck with that plan?” Charlotte asked and Lana smiled mouth full of brownie.
“Yes though I have another few issues to contend with now” Lana said as Charlotte smiled.
“What issues?” Charlotte asked.

Lana explained about the two parts requirement and that she still had to test the different strengths.
“So you need test subjects?” Charlotte asked and Lana nodded but she knew that was going to be hard as she had to find people who would be willing to be fat after the test.
“Yeah and that is a hard sell for people, let me test this fattening serum on you that is permanent at various strengths” Lana joked as Charlotte chuckled. Lana soon began to make a few test vials at three different strengths, according to her calculations the first vial would roughly make someone very chubby at about 190 to 210 pounds. The second was outright fat at 260 to 300 pounds. It was the third and final vial which was the one she really needed to test, as that was the one that made you 370 to 400 pounds. She decided to keep the serum at home with the vials in the fridge as she had had to hide them from the teachers who regularly checked the labs at university. Charlotte came home with groceries as she beamed at Lana,
“I’ve solved your problem” Charlotte said and Lana looked confused.

“I have a couple of friends I spoke to, they are willing to help you” Charlotte said and Lana was in disbelief.
“Uhh How and what did you tell them?” Lana asked curious now. Charlotte explained how she had two friends called Nina and Polly. Polly worked from home as did Nina and were old friends of Charlottes that she kept contact with. They knew how it felt being bullied and neither were fitness lovers so didn’t mind being fat or obese as they didn’t go out often. Lana sighed in relief as she then looked at the vials and knew she was one short,
“I need three though, I need someone to test the chubby dose” Lana said and charlotte smiled,
“I can do it, not like I’m front and centre at the office anyway, plus I’m working at home right now due to the building being renovated so I have already been working from home a couple of months, just plausible enough to my sudden weight gain I think” she chuckled.

Lana and Charlotte made the arrangements for the testing day as Lana prepared the two doses for each person making 6 in total. As the day got closer Lana couldn’t contain her excitement cause if this worked, it was just in time for the big game where she could make them blow up in front of everybody. Lana found it easy enough to find a copy of the cheer teams schedule for that day as they weren’t secret about it and the gossips flew about it. They started by having a sports drink before the game and drank one before coming back on for half time, that was Lana’s moment to add the two parts, all she needed was to get in an out without them noticing which was easier said than done. But she’d cross that bridge when she came to it as she still needed to test that thing first. That day came quick as Lana awoke happily that day as she had set her alarm early and had proceeded to set things up as Charlotte mentally prepared herself.

“My friends should be here soon, are they ready” charlotte asked referring to the doses as Lana nodded with a wide grin. The doorbell rang and Charlotte went to answer it, Lana wondered what her friends would look like but got her answer soon enough. Nina was about 5’4 and of average build, nice enough figure but was wearing only a hoodie and sweats as she looked every bit the introvert Charlotte had said she was. She had long red hair and when she introduced herself Lana heard a slight Irish accent.
“Hey I’m Nina, Charlotte told us everything, honestly sounds fun to be honest” Nina grinned, she had a nice smile Lana thought as she then looked at Polly. She was short at about 5 foot; she had dark black hair that was most likely dyed. She was wearing a shirt with a band called Slipknot on it that was way too large on her it seemed. She was wearing black eye liner and Lana guessed she was a heavy metal fan.
“Hey I’m Polly, nice to meet you” Polly smiled too; she was very polite. Lana was surprised when they both seemed willing almost too willing.
“Nice to meet you two, so why did you two agree to this anyway?” Lana asked feeling she didn’t have the full story.

Both Nina and Polly shifted on the spot and looked at each other, even Charlotte looked shifty.
“Well we kind of have a confession” Polly began; Lana had to admit her interest was piqued.
“Well you see, we are kinda into it” Nina said as Lana raised an eyebrow at them,
“Like getting fat and stuff” Polly added as Lana nodded slowly, it made sense to her now. Lana knew of the world of those wanting to be fat and she guessed she met two of them, a perfect test subject for this she thought in hindsight. She looked over at Charlotte who from her reaction already knew this.
“I see, that’s actually perfect I guess for this, so why did you agree as well Charlotte?” Lana asked and Charlotte just smiled gently.
“Well, I may be into this also” Charlotte said with flushed cheeks. Lana was shocked by this as she just looked down and focused on the vials.

She had marked three as part A, the first part of the serum; the others were labelled as B, C and D depending on strength, D being the dose that will make anybody 400 + pounds. She poured three equal glasses of water out and added the first set to them and then mixed them with a spoon.
“Right I’ve used plain water to double check that this is tasteless as intended” Lana said handing each of the girls a glass. However she paused as she looked at their outfits, “You girls are going to get big mind I just thought about your clothes” Lana said.
“Ah wait we prepared for that” Nina said as she pulled out a huge tent like summer dress, Polly just grabbed her oversized shirt as she seemed to be already prepared before Lana looked at Charlotte who was wearing a pair of yoga pants, a plain pink shirt and a hoodie that was a bit big on her.
“Right well Nina you best go and change” Lana said and Nina nodded as she went to the bathroom to change. She came back soon with the dress draping over her and she had to hold the hem up as to not trip over it.
“Ready now” Nina grinned and Lana nodded handing the glasses back and watched as all three drank the water.

They put the glasses down and waited for about 5 minutes, nothing happened as Lana took notes,
“Any taste or did it taste like plain water?” Lana asked,
“No taste was just like drinking water” Polly said and the other two nodded.
“Excellent” Lana smiled as she noted that down. They waited for an hour to see if anything else happened. The only thing of note was that they seemed more peckish and hungry but only by a slight increase, now was the most exciting part, the second dose, she picked up the vial marked B and poured it into a second glass of water before handing it to Charlotte.
“This is the chubby dose, so you’ll gain about 50 to 70 pounds or so, how much did you weigh this morning for reference?” Lana asked.
“130” Charlotte answered, Lana then looked at the other two writing it down,
“140” Nina responded,
“120” Polly said. Lana took a breath and then said she was ready as she turned the camera on to film the reaction and Charlotte downed the glass.

They waited for about three minutes before anything began to happen. Charlotte’s belly gave a loud grumble as she felt bloated and put her arms to her belly as she hunched over a little. She belched before her eyes went wide as she felt her belly swell up under her arms and let them fall as her belly was sticking out by a good 5 inches and looked rounder. However the rest of her was now swelling as her face filled out and a small double chin formed as her arms inflated and became tight in the sleeves of the hoodie as her thighs were doing the same in the yoga pants.
“OH, this feels weird” charlotte said as she felt her clothes get tighter and tighter, Nina and Polly watching mouths open and transfixed on the sight. Her swelling slowed as Charlotte was unrecognizable from a few minutes ago. The thin 130 pound girl was now replaced with a very chubby 210 pound girl now, a large thick layer of fat everywhere and a big round belly that was hanging out of her t-shirt slightly.
“How do you fell?” Lana asked watching Charlotte exploring her new body with her hands as she cupped her much bigger breasts.
“good, just weird, but in a good way” charlotte beamed as Nina and Polly seemed to suddenly be just as exited at the thought of it happening to them, and they had opted to get bigger than Charlotte.

Polly was next and was going to take vial C. this was going to make her about 260 pounds if Lana’s math was correct. She was going to look bigger at her height but Polly was excited. She stood where Charlotte had in front of the camera as Lana wrote down the time and date before she poured vial C into a glass and handed it to Polly. Polly was a little nervous as she downed the glass placing it on the table and waited with anticipation. She felt bloated and funny as she too bent over as she felt her shirt fill out and looked down to see her belly surge forward. Her breasts followed along with her thighs and arms as she felt her ass fill her loose sweats.
“Oh my god” Polly said as she felt herself getting heavy and full as her belly rounded out before it started to sag and hang as her hips flared out wards. Her ass filled and was growing wide and out too as she felt the seam of her pants creak before...RRRIPPP. Her thighs also bean to tear through the sweatpants as her shirt was lifting and showing her belly as her hoodie also looked strained and tight before she began to slow as her face finally plumped up with a full double chin and puffy shoulders as her cheeks rounded out. She stopped and was officially fat now looking obese at her height.

Lana weighed her too for the notes and saw she had ballooned up to 270; she smiled at Polly who looked excitedly at the number.
“Oh my god I’m huge, well compared to me a few minutes ago, this is awesome” Polly said beaming at Nina whose turn it was next. Nina felt more nervous as she was about to be the biggest person in the room. She stepped forward and waited for Lana to hand her the glass with Vial D in it. Lana knew this was the big one as this was the test that was going to determine how big the cheer team would get.
“Ready Nina?” Lana asked and Nina took a deep breath before she nodded and took the glass waiting for Lana to start the camera. She looked at the glass nervously before she closed her eyes and downed it, no going back now she thought. With the bigger does it took slightly longer to take effect as it took up to 5 minutes before anything happened.
“Oh” Nina said as she hunched over and felt painfully bloated as her belly gurgled loudly. She let the dress drop covering her feet.

She felt her belly balloon out as did the rest of her at the same time as her body took on a thick layer of fat in seconds. Her body began to spread as her belly and ass jutted out and her thighs inflated along with her arms, her face blowing up like a balloon. She felt heavy and immense as she felt the dress tighten and pull up over her belly as her feet came back into view, very chubby themselves now.
“Woah” Nina said her voice a little deeper too as her neck filled with fat as her shoulders became rounded. Her belly began to sag and hang down farther and farther as it soon was over her thighs a little and her belly had spilt into two rolls. Her hands also fattened out too as her fingers looked more like sausages now. Nina looked around at everyone who was staring at her; she was feeling like violet from Charlie and the chocolate factory. She even felt like she was blowing up like a blueberry. She felt herself having to widen her stance as to not lose balance. She was scared, excited and horny all at the same time. She felt the dress begin to squeeze her tightly before she felt her growth slow and stop.
“Oh Wow! Polly said staring at her roommate. Charlotte was even staring as Lana went over and helped Nina sit down on the sofa which creaked under the sudden weight.
2 chapters, created 2 years , updated 8 months
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BitchImAPig 2 years
Love this story, honestly would love to see Jenny get revenge in some way, making Lana rely on her friends for help
AthleteTurne... 2 years
Will this be the end or is more to come? I loved it
GhostFA95 2 years
this was meant to be a one and done story, dont know if i'll ever get back to it i'm afraid, but yeah this is it smiley i hope you enjoyed it though