Chapter 1: The Beginning
Harry sighed as he put his phone away. He was meeting up with a friend he had made online a couple of years ago for the first time. Harry was 27 and slightly below average height. He was average in build too, slightly stocky built, neither being slim or fit himself. He wasn’t fat by any means but had a bulge for a belly at 170 ish pounds making him overweight for his height, but the rest of his figure didn’t show any fat at all other than his belly right now. He had short black hair and dark eyes and was considered fairly good looking despite his bit of pudge. His sister called it cute puppy fat to his annoyance, he didn’t hate his weight but if he could choose he wouldn’t mind losing a little of it at least. However the friend he was meeting thought rather differently about his weight. Harry had an odd relationship with fat in general as he was a Fat Admirer and liked to encourage people to get fat if it was what they wanted within the feederism community. He had been a part of the Feedism community for 6 years now ever since he was 21.He had been curious about being fat himself when he began all of this and had tried the experimental gain and had found it not to his liking so stopped and was trying to be more active now. It also was good given Harry’s job as a security guard for a local store. Harry checked his watch as he saw it was 11 minutes to 2 PM the arranged time of meetup. Harry had met many people on there but one had left the biggest impression. Victor and Harry had begun to talk and soon found they had similar interests and likes. They could geek out with one another as Harry got to know Victor pretty well. They had sent pictures and even video called after a while so both knew the others real names behind the usernames and what each other looked like. Victor was a little older than Harry. At 33 years old, Victor was a chubby guy at around 205 pounds. Most of his Pics on his profile were of his chubby belly proudly being shown off in various tight shirts or peeking beneath t-shirts.
Victor was a gainer but had seemed to be stumbling to gain more as Harry had agreed to encourage him. Harry had seen his face though; Victor was not what he had expected to be honest. Victor looked young for his age, he was cute and still baby faced with shaggy blond hair and dark eyes. Harry pretty quickly found out Victor was Bi and then it didn’t take long for Harry to figure out Victor had developed a crush on him, and Victor had confirmed it. They talked and Harry told Victor outright he was straight as Victor knew and still wanted to remain friends with Harry. However Victor seemed to be flirty by nature with Harry. Harry didn’t mind but one thing that did happen a lot was Victor talking about the idea them both Gaining and getting fatter together. A year and a half of conversations that all in some way always involved this discussion.
Victor: “You really should try it; I think you’d look better fatter ;)”
Harry: “Again with this?”
Victor: “Come on I know you still think about it, you’ll look good as a sexy fat security guard barley fitting into that shirt of yours”
Harry: ““You know I’m not into that, tried it didn’t like it. Not interested in being fat myself”
Victor: “Come on I really think you’ll enjoy it, growing out of everything and getting bigger rounder. I just have a feeling you’d love being fat, I can tell”
This had been a merry go round in their conversations as Harry manged to always shift the topic back to the many others things they talked about. Victor didn’t seem like a bad guy just lonely if Harry was honest and he understood that pretty well. After two whole years they had decided to finally meet up in real life for the first time. Harry had caught that train to travel a couple towns over and was waiting outside the station. Harry didn’t drive or travel that often as he was somewhat of a recluse but had worked up the courage to do this. Victor had said he didn’t mind driving to meet Harry at his place but Harry wasn’t that confident yet. As a result both had reserved a Hotel in this town for the night.
“There you are, sorry if I kept you waiting” Victor said walking up to Harry. Harry smiled and stood up straight, he had been leaning against a wall.
“Not at all” Harry smiled was he was surprised when Victor hugged him, as Harry sighed but hugged him back,
“Sorry but I just wanted to do that for a while, you’re even cuter in person you know” Victor said.
“It’s okay, shall we get gong then?” Harry said as Victor nodded. They had decided to meet up for a meal together as thy walked towards the restaurant they had planned to go to.
They ate and knocked a few drinks back as Harry stuck with cola. He wasn’t a fan of alcohol. Victor naturally encouraged Harry to eat a little more than normal as Harry had to eventually say it was enough.
“Still all that will hopefully put a few pounds on that frame of yours” Victor chuckled. Harry sighed but took it as a joke. “I’ll get us another round, cola again?” Victor asked as Harry nodded. Harry sat there and waited as after 5 minutes Victor returned.
“Here you go” Victor said as she slid the cola across to him. After a few sips though Harry began to feel tired and his vision blurred.
“What.…the…” Harry slurred before his vision blacked out completely. Harry didn’t remember anything else from that evening. He had no idea that what he would wake up to was a situation he had never expected to ever be in.
When Harry woke up he saw it was morning. He still felt sluggish as his vison was focusing in and out as he felt like he was drunk. He went to move but found he couldn’t as he turned his head and saw his writs were restrained by rope.
“What the hell!.........Where am I?” Harry slurred as he felt like he had no energy as his vison was struggling between blurred and focused. Looking down he saw his jeans had been unbuttoned and the zip pulled down. And he also saw that his button up shirt had been unbuttoned over his belly now pulled back to expose it.
“Vic….Victor!” Harry called with all his might as he felt like his voice was weak too. Victor came into the room and had a grin on his face.
“Awake are you, good because your breakfasts ready” he said as if nothing was wrong.
“What the hell is going on? What are you doing?” Harry asked as he struggled to move still. Victor sat on the bed and put a hand on Harry’s belly and rubbed it softly.
“AS I Said to you many times I know you really want to be fat and huge deep down. And I know you would love it soo much. So I am going to feed you and make you nice and fat to show you that it’s what you want” he stood up and pulled over what looked like an old stand that looked to be from an old hospital. Harry felt powerless as he began to panic internally as he tied to fight but found he had no strength.
“Don’t fight anymore there is no point. The sedatives in your system are keeping your body relaxed right now. Now just sit back and let me feed you up” Victor said as Harry knew he didn’t have a choice. “From this day on your new fat life awaits and I know you’ll love it cutie” Victor said as he blindfolded Harry and placed a pair of earphones over his ears. Harry heard what he instantly recognized a hypnotic track playing. Harry was familiar with these as when he had test gained he had tried a few weight gain hypnosis tracks. They were one thing when he was fully conscious but in this state he was worried how much damage they might just do to him.
He felt Victor secure his head in place and place a Tube into his mouth and then down his throat. Harry knew what was going to happen now, and he knew he was right when he felt the thick milkshake like liquid go down the tube and felt it pour directly into his belly and again he felt his consciousness began to fade. What with the sedatives Victor gave him constantly, Harry lost track of time between his bouts of consciousness as he didn’t know how long it had been since he had gone missing. Only thing he knew is after several bouts of consciousness he felt his jeans were tighter than normal and his shirt felt tight to around his chest. He was even briefly conscious during a few of the feedings as he felt beyond full and heavy each time. However it was after what felt likes months that Harry heard something new as he could hear shouting over the hypnosis track. He felt the bed jolt and the headphones pulled off before he saw a blurred figure and then lost consciousness again.
Harry groaned as he began to regain consciousness and head the beeping of machines and as his vison focused he saw white walls and an open window. It was clearly not the room Victor had been holding him in. Looking around a little he could see he was in a hospital room. Harry tried to sit upright and still felt heavy and sluggish. A familiar voice then spoke to his left.
“Hey you’re awake, just stay still I’ll call the Dr” Rebecca said as she pressed a button. Rebecca, Harry’s sister, smiled at him as she looked to have been worrying a lot. Like him she had dark hair and eyes. Her hair was down to her shoulders and was pretty slim herself. Unlike Harry Rebecca wore glasses.
“What happened…Where am I?” Harry groaned his voice was horse and croaky.
“Try to conserve your voice Harry, it will be sore for a bit, you did have a tube constantly down your throat for a couple of months” Rebecca said.
“A Couple of months? He tube fed me for two whole months?” Harry croaked as he began coughing.
Rebecca grabbed a cup of water and gave it to him.
“Here drink this and try to stay calm, I know you’re confused and want to know what happened” Rebecca said. Harry drank the water and sat back as he looked up. Two months, he had bee fed and fattened for two whole months according to Rebecca,
“So what happened to…” Harry went to ask.
“Him? Well after you were gone for three days I got worried so I called the police. They looked and found you had been taken by that asshole and then began a manhunt. But that Creep was too good, managed to keep them going for two months before he made a mistake and they found him. He ran when they arrived to save you, they’re still on the hunt now” Rebecca said. Harry nodded as he felt stupid and frustrated that he had ever trusted Victor now. Harry looked down and saw his belly was definitely rounder and sticking out a lot more and that he appeared chubby overall now.
Harry sighed as the Dr Came in and smiled. He examined Harry thoroughly,
“Well you’re alert which is a good sign, you may feel weak and drowsy for a time given the constant does of sedation you were given on a daily basis. Just rest for now, I have also recommended you talk to a therapist given what you went through” the Dr said as Harry nodded. As the Dr left Harry caught the glimpse of a police officer stood on guard outside his room. He guessed they were prepared in case Victor tried to come back. Harry spent the next two weeks on nothing but bed rest and had begun daily visits with the Therapist. He was finding it helpful to talk about it all as he also talked about his new self-consciousness over his weight gain. When he talked about how his appetite was definitely larger the therapist after a few sessions put it down to what Harry feared it was. In her professional opinion it was due to the hypnosis conditioning Victor had put him through during his sedated state and as a result may take months to break.
As the weather got colder Harry was waiting as Rebecca was popping by, she had become a regular visitor. She had been a good source of news he had missed over the past two months. It was also hoe he had come to know he had lost both his job and flat. Harry as just thankful his landlord had been nice enough to contact Rebecca about his belongings and had let her pick them up. He was also waiting as he had asked her to get him some new clothes. She was wrapped up in a coat and scarf when she arrived.
“Here I got you some new clothes; I know you aren’t a fan of those hospital gowns” Rebecca said. He smiled and thanked her as he found an XL grey pair of sweatpants and a zip up hoodie along with a white XL t-shirt in the bag.
“Thanks, yeah not a fan of my bigger butt now showing on display” Harry sighed. Rebecca nodded as she took off her scarf and sat down.
“Harry, I know, but it’s not all bad, you’re not a massive or huge. Though I get you aren’t a fan of your new weight” Rebecca said. Harry nodded; he was appreciative of her support right now.
“Any news?” Harry asked he had wanted to know what was going on with Victor as they were still looking for him last he checked.
“Yes as a matter of fact, they found him….but it…..” Rebecca said sighing heavily.
“What happened? He didn’t get away again did he?” Harry asked but Rebecca shook her head. Harry was relived but then waited for her to give him the details.
“Well they found him in that old abandoned Restaurant, you know Rabbit Run Pizza?” Rebecca said as Harry nodded, he remembered it well from their childhood; he had loved that place as a kid. He fondly remembered the cartoon that had been all over the TVs back when it was open, Harry had always liked the main character the company was based around, its main mascot Vanessa Rabbit. He had crushed hard on her as a kid as many had it seemed, she was still popular now.
Vanessa Rabbit was the most popular among all the mascot characters that Rabbit Run Pizza had. Harry was among many kids who had had his picture taken with the animatronic of Vanessa Rabbit at the old pizza place.
“God I remember that place, I miss it sometimes, so what of it?” Harry asked as Rebecca nodded.
“Well they found him but……..they cornered him and he was panicking. Was saying he only wanted to make you happy and all that stuff. But he he…well…….killed himself in front of the officers” Rebecca told him. Harry was stunned,
“Really? He took his own life?” Harry asked as Rebecca nodded.
“Well guess that’s that then, guess he won’t be held to account for this” Harry said putting a hand in his belly.
“But at least he can’t harm you now, you can live in peace from him now” Rebecca said as Harry nodded.
Harry began to get stir crazy over the following couple of weeks as he had begun his final rounds of therapy and the last few checks to make sure his vitals and heart rate were back to normal. He was trying to look for a new place but nothing was available and was grateful when Rebecca told him to stay with her for as long as he wanted. Finally the Dr agreed for him to be discharged and he didn’t hesitate. Harry dressed and waited as he had text Rebecca as he looked at himself in the mirror. It was the first time he had really looked closely at his noticeably fatter appearance. There was no denying it now he really looked very chubby and puffy. His face that had been slim before had definitely rounded out and his arms and legs were thicker than before, his belly was the biggest difference though, it was like he had a large pillow shoved under his t-shirt. He spotted a scale that had been left and knew he had to check just how much fatter Victor had made him.
He set the scale to read in pounds over kilo grams and took a deep breath before he stepped on. He waited and then looked down and closed his eyes and sighed.
“206 pounds, fuck he made me put on damn near 40 pounds” Harry sighed. As he pushed a hand into his softer middle Rebecca walked in and smiled. She looked down at the scales he was still standing and gave him a gentle smile.
“So how much did he make you gain?” she asked as she walked over and looked down. She read the weight readout and gave her brother another gentle smile and pat on his back. “It could be worse Harry, anyway ready to go?” she asked as Harry gave a weak smile and nodded.
“Yeah, thanks Becca, lets head home” he said as Rebecca nodded and they walked out of the room and down the hallway.
Harry sighed as he walked as he felt his thicker thighs rubbing and was still not used to it. He promised himself that he wouldn’t get used to them; he would start his weight loss attempts and fight against the hypnosis still in his head no matter how long it took. Once they stepped outside Harry despite his now thicker insulation could still feel how cold it was now as he zipped up his hoodie and shivered placing his hands under his arms to keep them warm.
“Jesus its cold” he said as he saw his breath in front of him before he jumped when aloud crashing noise came from their right. He looked around slightly startled and panicky before he saw it was nothing and he calmed his breathing and sighed. Rebecca saw this and gently put a hand on his shoulder to reassure him,
“Remember your therapist said you’d be jumpy and nervous for a time” she said as Harry nodded. He hated it but he knew he was going to be very paranoid for a while yet. He got into the car and just wanted to go home now, he would look for a job at a later time he thought as they finally were headed home.
6 chapters, created 9 months
, updated 8 months