A Heavy Birthday Wish

Chapter 1

Jessica was finally turning 18 today, she had all her friends and family around her and most important of all Clark her Boyfriend. He was only average height but was sweet. He had dark brown hair and eyes, he had a goatee and was good looking. Jessica was a girl of a short height of 5 foot, well above average weight and considered chubby with a nice round butt and c cup breasts. She had her dark hair tied up in a ponytail with her bangs loose and her thin framed glasses adding to her looks in Clark’s opinion. Today she had decided to wear a nice pair of stretch denim leggings and a nice marron long sleeve top hat hugged her figure and had a low v cut that showed her breasts off.

The party was a hit with Jessica on cloud 9 until she overheard Clark and his friend Barry talking about her.
“Dude Jessica looks so good today” Barry said and Clark blushed,
“Yeah she’s stunning”
“Dude I’m surprised though she not your usual type of girl” Barry said,
“Her personality is what counts Barry” Clark replied quickly defending her witch made her heart skip a beat.
“Just you go for a different weight type is all” Barry said as Jessica was taken by surprise when her mother walked in with the cake. Her mother Tilda was a small woman who was thin but had a killer figure her breasts, his and butt being a draw for even younger guys as she still looked very youthful. she lit the candles and told her to make a wish,
“I wish I had the figure that Clark likes” she thought as she blew the candles out. Everyone cheered as they all began to snack on food. Jessica was talking to her friend Bethany who was a slim blond haired girl and was just finishing a piece of the cake when her stomach made a churning noise and she buckled over slightly.

“You okay Jess?” Bethany asked as Jessica stood up straight,
“Yeah just need to go to the bathroom I think” Jessica said as she made her way up the down stairs bathroom her stomach still making a few gurgling noises. She closed the door behind her as she began to feel really funny now and sat down on the toilet. She held her stomach as she felt pressure build up and felt bloated. She felt her body began to shake as she stood up to look in the full length mirror. She heard her stomach begin to bubble as she felt herself swell as she watched her clothes tighten. She looked as if she’d just gained 10 pounds in a single go as her jeans were now digging in. in sheer panic she tried the door but it was stuck now. She was scared as she felt herself grow more this time her top pulled up and exposed her new full on pot belly and her new love handles began to fold over her waistband. 20 pounds just felt like they were added. She was knocking for help but no one heard her over the loud music. She belched as she felt warm and felt herself swell outwards again with another 20 pounds. She felt her underwear completely tight and painfully so.

She caught a glimpse of a picture of her that was hung in the bathroom and saw it was different. She saw that she was huge now in the picture like 300 pounds. She lurched as she felt a stronger wave hit her and she really blew up, 50 pounds on her frame now as she felt her pants rip in a few places and her top rode up becoming a crop top. Her breasts were now firmly DD size. Her face was round with a double chin and chubby cheeks and her belly was like a beach ball at her height. Before the part y she was around 180 pounds, she estimated she was now over 260 or around there. She felt warm again and felt a new feeling, like pleasure flooding over her as she heard her belly bubble again and growl as she moaned as she blew up again as more pictures around the house changed. She felt her jeans rip completely as she passed 280. Her body just filling up like a balloon. Her top hanging on for dear life as it too began to rip as she felt her bra and panties practically crushing her. Her underwear was stretched to the limit and was ripping in places.

Jessica rubbed her new belly as she belched again and felt herself go back to slowly filling out gradually as she felt herself finally cross 300 as her bra burst off and panties ripped. She felt free now except her top that was still struggling for dear life as it gradually ripped….popped and tore in places. Finally her belly began to feel like it was going to erupt and she fell to the floor on all fours as she felt warmth and pleasure over take her as she moaned as she ballooned up with the final pounds. RIIIPPPPPPP as her top fell to the floor and freed her now mammoth breasts and large ham like arms from their confinement. As she felt those last pounds pile on she was in ecstasy until she calmed back down to realise just what had happened to her.
“OH…God….I’m..sooo….fat” she gasped as she tried to stand back up. She was unaccustomed to her new weight and wobbled as she nearly fell head first into the shower that she noticed was bigger than before.

“What…….the………hell” she huffed as she had to use the sink for support and stood having to widen her stance to account for her huge thighs that touched and rubbed against each other. She was still shaking as she wasn’t used to her own weight yet as she went to take a step forward and nearly lost her balance. She sobbed as she had to waddle to the mirror that was now bigger and on a different wall. As she made her way there she felt every bit of her new weight on her small frame. She bounced, jiggled and wobbled all the way as her thighs rubbed with each step. She finally made it too the mirror with sweat dripping down her brow to her breasts and below. She was in shock at the figure she saw. Her face was unrecognizable, she only knew it was her due to her hairstyle and glasses. Her face was full on puffy cheeked and had a thick double chin and the begging of a third, her eyes squinting slightly. Her neck was non-existent and was buried under her chins and shoulder fat. Her breasts were ginormous and had lost some of their perkiness as they wobbled and jiggled, her belly was massive, it was almost halfway down her thighs and was doubled with her belly button buried in the crease.

Her butt was huge and she was now wider than the door frame her hips a full foot to big now as she tried to reach back and couldn’t but she could feel her ass quiver and wobble with the slightest movement. Her thighs as she suspected touched all the way down to the knees and were almost as big as two of her former waist put together. Her calves were swollen and looked like overstuffed pillows and her ankles were buried too with her feet almost twice the size they used to be, she was thankful she wasn’t wearing socks or shoes when she was blowing up. Her arms were next as she had to keep them at a 45 degree angle as she tested their jiggle and they were soft and huge, like giant Christmas hams. Her forearms fared no better with no elbow in sight now and her hands were so fat with sausage fingers, she found it hard grip anything properly. She stood there dumbstruck and was panicking about what everyone would say. She was now a naked giant blob. She saw a set of scales and thankfully they were set to up to 700 pounds. She stepped on and again was thankful it had a speaking function.
“Weight : 560 pounds” the scales read aloud and Jessica froze,
“No way I’m only 40 pounds shy of 600 pounds” she freaked out. She wondered what had gone wrong, last she remembered she’d wished she was Clarks ideal girlfriend in body.

Then it clicked, she had assumed when Barry had said that she was different weight wise she had assumed she was too fat, never guessing it was not fat enough. She turned and saw the picture of herself again, she was chubby before because she liked to eat but always held herself back, in this she assumed the new life and she hadn’t done so and had eaten way more and was a fat teen. What surprised her most was that the bathroom being different and the pictures made sense now. Turning she saw her old clothes weren’t there and instead a new lot had taken their place folded up on the towel rack. She waddled over slowly and saw a note on top of the clothes and read it,

“Best birthday wishes and granted, hope you enjoy your new life, I know your Boyfriend will”

The note wasn’t signed but there was a knock on the door that startled her.
“Jess, you okay in there” she heard her mother say on the other side of the door. She grabbed the clothes and tried to put the underwear on but couldn’t put the bra on, she just about managed the panties.
“Jess” her mother called again, it was no good jess needed help.
“Uhh I need help mom” Jess said as she took a deep breath and opened the door.
As her mother came in Jess had to conceal her surprise as her mother had also blown up in size from earlier. Her mother must be in the 400 pound range she thought.

“Ahh I see, turn I’ll do your bra up Hun” her mother said as Jess turned and let her mother do it up, Jess took note that the bra and panties were actually really comfortable and were a red velvet.
“All done Hun, best put those on as quickly as you can” her mother said kissing her on the cheek and leaving. That confirmed it to Jessica, in this new world she was always a huge fatty. She picked up the hue pair of leggings that were mock denim like her old ones. She pulled them on noticing they too were soft and comfortable. She struggled to get them over her hips butt and love handles but managed it in the end. Next she picked up the top and saw it too was a bigger version of her old one, a maroon long sleeve top with a v cut neck to show her breasts off. She too struggled but pulled it on and it too was comfortable.
“Wow well, guess I’ll go see” Jessica said as she took a deep breath and open the door waddling out sideways.

The first thing Jessica noticed was that half the people in the room were now fat like her or at least in the above 250 pound range.
“Hey you took your time Jess” she heard Bethany’s voice come but different somehow. She tuned and knew why,
Bethany was now a huge 380 pound fatty, her light blond hair still the same but just her whole body was a rounded blubbery mass.
“Yeah sorry, struggled to change clothes” Jess said and Bethany just laughed.
“Amen girl, fat girl problems am I right.” Bethany said and went off to talk to more people. Jessica was stunned seeing her now fat friend waddle away completely unaware of the changes.

Jessica waddled further in looking for Clark and saw the birthday cake that was now 4 times as large. She was getting hot and sweaty as she needed to sit down as she found a large armchair and dropped half expecting it to break under her, but it held.
“Guess the furniture is reinforced in this reality” she said to herself as she led back and relaxed. She was tired already and not used to carrying an extra 300 + pounds around or so on her frame. She at some point fell asleep without warning as the tiredness caught up to her. She awoke to a practically empty house as she saw people begin to go home.
“You awake” Jessica heard Clark say and she turned her head to see him there. He was the same at least, he had his hand on her shoulder and was smiling lovingly at her.
“Shall we get you upstairs?” he asked and she nodded still a bit tired.

Clark helped Jessica stand and slowly walked with her as she waddles slowly her butt jiggling form side to side as her belly also bounced slapping against her thighs. The stairs were no problem when the day started but now at close to 600 pounds she was terrified of them. She took small steps up as her knees brushed up and hit her under belly. After 10 minutes she made it up but was sweating again and was breathless. She managed to get enough push to make it too her room and sat atop her bed. Looking around the room, it was the same yet different. Before it was a typical girls room with a single bed and a tidy desk with various posters of things like celebrities and anime. The anime posters were the same but instead of the celebrities there were fat motivational posters like Eat cake and get fat written on them. Her desk was bigger and had a large armless chair and her bed was now king size. She saw her wardrobe was bigger too no doubt full with new larger clothes.

“You look tired, want something to eat?” Clark asked but before he could answer her belly gave a loud ferocious growl. She blushed as he smiled and went back downstairs. Jessica sighed as she placed her hand on her belly and rubbed it slightly, why was she not so freaked out anymore. It felt so natural the more time she spent like this, and was this really Clark’s type. She got her response when he returned and had dragged a trolley up the stairs before loading it with so much food she was shocked. Her belly growled again in want and desire. She felt her tenseness relax as Clark pushed the trolley up in front of her.
“Lie back Jess, I’ll feed you” Clark smiled. Jessica suddenly felt her nether regions twitch and felt a warm pulse down there, she was excited and turned on by that sentence. She lay back and Clark propped the pillows p to keep her a t a 45 degree angle as he pulled the trolley next to the bed and then sat on top of her thighs as he took her top off.

Clark began by picking up the left over pizzas and began to feed her, she let the food slide down her throat and felt pure bliss and wanted him to continue. He continues to feed her slice after slice until 4 XL pizzas had been eaten, she was still hungry and didn’t want it to stop. Clark moved on to the hotdogs and she quickly scarfed them down as she was getting wetter and wetter. The voice in the back of her head asking what was happening to her was slowly being erased as she continued to feed. 40 hotdogs were finished quickly, Jessica beginning to breathe heavily and panting in lust for more. He reached over and picked up the cupcakes, there were still 40 of them left as he unwrapped one and held it to her mouth. One by one she felt her stomach begin to finally expand with food, as she felt more pleasurable by the cupcake. She was stuffed full when all the cupcakes were eaten, Clark was rubbing her belly when she saw the large two tier birthday cake that had only had a few slices taken out of it left on the trolley.

“Feed me the cake” Jessica said as she moaned as Clark rubbed away as she felt herself get even wetter. Clark smiled as he leant over and sliced the cake more in to biteable chunks for her. He picked it up as Jessica had her mouth open already and was determined to eat even if she felt full. He fed her the first, then the second and so on as she began to feel like and over stuffed balloon that could pop at any minute. She had to peel her leggings down off her belly as she belched and forced herself to eat more Clark looking equally turned on as she felt his dick hardened against her belly. The cake was halfway finished as she felt herself cum and moan with ecstasy and pleasure. Clark without thinking reached for more and fed her and she was too turned on and pleasured to notice the pain in her belly. By the time both had cummed for the final time and were calming don they realised the whole cake was gone.

“That was soooooooo good babe” Jessica said as Clark lay on her gently as he heard her belly bubble and churn as she digested the food. Unknown to them was Jessica’s mother who had seen the whole thing before smiling and going back down stairs. She made her way to the kitchen and was washing up a pot and various herbs were across the worktop as well as a heavy looking old book.
“Whoops better put this away, mother always told me too keep this secret” she said as she looked at the page that read “Wish” as well as ingredients and an incantation. She closed the book and lifted it before stopping to look at herself in the mirror
“Never thought her wish would blow me up too, but I not complaining” she said as she placed a hand on her rather youthful looking cheeks and smiling, she recalled that after her daughter had gone to the bathroom, she had felt odd and then whilst cooking more had begun blowing up herself her clothes growing with her. She was taken by surprise at first then smiled knowing that this was a side effect of her daughter becoming a huge blob.
“That’s the thing with theses spells, never know the extent of the effects sometimes” she said as she played with her new body as well.
1 chapter, created 3 years , updated 3 years
39   3   12299


Karenjenk 3 years
and a fun fast read.
I loved it.
needed a break after today
GhostFA95 3 years
Thanks 😊