A Holiday Reunion

  By Bbob23  

Chapter 1 -2010

A few years ago, my best friend Tyler moved to Oregon for work. Seeing as we grew up in Ohio (where I still live) we don't get to see each other as often as we'd like. Though we can't meet face to face very often, we do keep in close contact via text and phone calls for most of the year.
There is, however, one time a year when we always see each other- The Holidays. Tyler ALWAYS comes home to see his family for a few days, and we can usually secure a day for the two of us to hang out.
Well, the holidays were approaching and Tyler and I were texting about our plans. He mentioned his time was tight, but if I was willing to meet at his parents house and spend some time there, we could get away in the evening and get a bite to eat or something. I thought that was great, seeing as I spent most of my teen years at his house, and viewed his parents as my second Mom and Dad. I would be happy to see them as well.
We texted off and on for the next couple weeks, just about normal stuff, until the day before his visit he sent me a unique message.

"Hey man, just to warn you, I've put on a bit of weight since you last saw me....not too much, but it might be noticeable. Just don't want you to be caught off guard lol."

I replied: "Lol. Cool man. Looking forward to hanging out."

I didn't really know how else to respond. I was glad he told me in advance though, so I wouldn't be surprised. Tyler has always been in great shape. In High School he played Soccer and ran track, and it would be surprising to see the smallest amount of chub on his normally toned physique. I wondered how much he put on, and why. I should have expected this kind of thing, as we were now getting close to thirty, an age where a lot of people start to pack it on. Also, his genetics weren't the the best in that area. His Mom has always been overweight, and though her Dad has a thin frame (and was pretty thin when I first met him - twenty some years ago) his belly has grown year by year, and now rounds out in front of him a good ten or eleven inches. Tyler's older sister, Jane, who was once thin (and my secret high school crush) gained about forty pounds after her marriage, and another twenty after the divorce.
The dinners I used to eat at their house were enormous. Tyler's Mom loves to cook (and eat) and would prepare amazing feasts. When she wasn't cooking dinner she was bringing snacks to us in his basement. Tyler probably would have gotten fat a long time ago if he wasn't so active. I was less athletic, but luckily blessed with a very fast metabolism. I'm one of those skinny guys that larger people can't stand, no matter how much I eat or what it is I never gain a pound. My parents, unlike Tyler's, have always been in good shape- though I do admit that my dad has been sporting a small pot belly in recent years.

The day came when I would head to Tyler's parents house for our yearly hangout. I got ready in my apartment, having a harder time than normal figuring out what to wear. I was distracted by the texts I was ignoring that were coming from my ex girlfriend. She wanted to get back together, but there was no way. We broke up because she didn't like how much time I spent playing video games, and I didn't like how she was a horrible and controlling person. My Mom liked her though.
I finally got dressed and made my way to Tyler's parents house. As I drove there I thought about Tyler's last text, and wondered how much he'd changed. I imagined him having gained two hundred pounds, with a big rotund belly matching that of his dad. I wondered how I should react if it was that extreme. Should I ignore it? Say something right away? Tease him about it?
I walked inside and Tyler greeted me at the door. I purposely didn't look to his midsection- though I knew right away it wasn't the enormous gain I had imagined. I could however see the added weight in his face, and when he hugged me his belly touched mine sooner than I expected. He took my coat and as he turned around to hang it up I got my first look at a body I didn't recognize. He was wearing a sweater that was a bit tight, and it worked together with his snug waist band, creating two round love handles that were never there before. As he turned around my gaze was met by a mound of solid belly. Not the tight round protruding gut I'd imagined he would inherit from his dad, but nonetheless larger, doughier and heavier than he led me to believe. Just above his belly were two small but definite man boobs where Tyler once had two tight pecs.
"I know, I know, I'm fat now" Tyler said. He must have caught me noticing his gain. " I warned you" he laughed while he patted his gut twice, sending two small jiggles throughout the new blubber. "Hard to find time to work out as much while working a desk job."
We were interrupted by his Mom grabbing me and hugging me. "Ryan it's so good to see you! You look great!" She stepped back and looked me over, lingering a bit on my sweater "Is that a new sweater it's so nice." She felt the fabric. "I'm gonna take Tyler to get some new sweaters, all of his are a little tight, he's getting a little soft." She patted him in the belly, Tyler blushed a bit. "Come on in! I put out some appetizers. Jim (Tyler's dad) isn't home yet, but Jane's here."
We went in and sat around the table. There were a ton of appetizers out- as expected. Tyler wasn't shy about stuffing his face. I suppose I had my fair share as well. Jane and Tyler's mom asked me all about my break up, and kept telling me that some people are very affected by breakups (though I didn't feel like it affected me much at all). Jane looked great. She told me she had gained weight after her divorce, but was able to lose it. However, I didn't say it, but she hadn't lost any of the weight she gained during the marriage. I felt my crush on her alive and well, and had always liked how she looked with the extra weight. The gain favored her butt and breasts, really showing off her curves. Her belly was now covered in a smooth soft pillow, and even though she had taken to wearing oversized sweaters, I could still make out the mound of her larger feminine gut. She didn't have the round ball shape of her mother, but based on where Tyler's weight had attached to his body it looked as though if he kept it up he may grow to a similar shape.
By the time Tyler's dad got home, I felt stuffed, while Tyler, Jane, and their Mom hadn't slowed their eating. I dropped a fork on the floor and when I picked it up noticed that Tyler had undone the top button on his jeans that were obviously a size or two too small. I must had eaten more than I thought because my pants felt pretty tight and I thought to myself he may have the right idea.
"There he is!" Tyler's Dad exclaimed as he took off his coat. "Come give me a hug." Tyler's family is very welcoming. After the hug I stepped back, Tyler's dad reached out, put his hands on my sides, and said something I was definitely not expecting.

"Well, well, well....it looks like Tyler isn't the only one letting himself go this year."
8 chapters, created 4 years , updated 4 years
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Canuck 4 years
i am loving the pace of this one, too. it adds a feeling of realism, with the passage of time. nice work!
RFBurton 4 years
Outstanding story so far! Well written with a nice pace and VERY different from so many....I look forward to the continuation!