Chapter 1 - Owen
Emma and I had been married about six months when I first noticed things starting to change. We were together in the grocery store, me lagging behind (as usual) as she pushed the cart ahead of me. She was wearing a pair of her favorite jeans, and a small hoodie that she wore all the time. I stopped to grab some of my favorite cookies from the shelf and looked ahead as she got further down the aisle.That's when I noticed her form fitting hoodie had started to ride up just a bit, revealing two soft muffin tops peaking out above her waistline. Her jeans seemed to be holding her more tightly than normal, and was I crazy or were her perfect butt cheeks filling them out a little more than usual? I knew there was a difference because I had seen her wearing these exact jeans and hoodie a thousand times, and had never seen those muffin tops before.
I caught up and threw the cookies in the cart, as Emma was grabbing some snack cakes off the shelf. I put my arm around her waist, giving her a squeeze as she turned and kissed me. I let my hand linger on her exposed hip, and tested if she felt softer than normal. There definitely was a little more there than I was used to.
When we got home, Emma took off her hoodie and we unloaded the groceries. Whenever I could I snuck a peak at her body, trying to discover if I was imagining the change. It was obvious now that I wasn't imagining it at all. It wasn't just her hips, but her whole body seemed a bit softer. Her arms and legs were the slightest bit thicker. Her face and cheeks seemed a bit rounder. Even her belly seemed to be pushing ever so slightly against her t-shirt.
I went to the hallway to look at our wedding picture, and realized that she looked thin to me in the picture. It was now completely obvious that she had gained some weight in our first six months. I guessed that maybe she had put on ten or fifteen pounds, but I knew I should not ask her about it.
When I got back to the kitchen, Emma had just finished putting the groceries away. I hugged her from behind and kissed her neck, as I caressed her now fuller body. I felt her new curves, realizing how the extra padding was a welcome addition to my beautiful wife. Somehow it seemed like she fit better in my arms.
I could tell she was getting turned on, as she turned to face me, and pressed her body against mine. I continued to feel her softness, and thought that she must have no idea that she had gained at all, otherwise she may have been shy about me caressing her thicker body.
We made our way to the couch, and she pulled off her shirt. I could now see how her bra straps dug ever so slightly into her skin, something they hadn't done before. Her breasts had also grown as they filled the cups just a little too much. I reached down to unbutton the fly on her jeans, and could see the small roll that was forming on her belly. I felt myself getting even more aroused at the pressure her body was putting on the button of her pants.
We made love all afternoon, and ended up falling asleep on the couch. Over the next couple weeks I noticed how much her appetite had increased since we'd been married. She was snacking a lot, and eating larger portions at meals. We were cooking less and eating out more, oftentimes getting some extra late night fast food. Many husbands would probably try to encourage their new brides to cut back a bit, but I was never the controlling type, and to be honest, really enjoyed her added pounds.
Maybe it was some sort of evolutionary thing about wanting to procreate with a woman with "child bearing hips", but I was constantly getting turned on by Emma. We had sex everyday, and spent some entire weekends just eating and making love.
Over the next few months I silently watched as all of the eating added more weight to her frame. Emma never said anything, but she did start wearing some of her larger more flowing clothes more often. I kept expecting her to say something about starting a diet or a workout routine but she never did. She had never gained any weight her whole life, so she wasn't the type of girl to be constantly stepping on the scale.
We were having so much sex that we were trying some other positions, and revisiting some from when we were first dating. On one particular night I was making love to her from behind, something we hadn't done in years.
From this angle I could really see a difference in her body. Her butt was two round globes, seemingly twice as wide as the last time we did this. my hands gripped her waist, those formerly small love handles now filling my hands. I squeezed and felt the fullness of her doughy hips. i could see her profile in the mirror across the room, and watched her small belly wobble with every thrust. I admired the chub that was appearing on her upper arms, and how her hanging breasts had inflated.
I was amazed, after about nine months of marriage my wife had grown more beautiful every day. I wondered if she would continue to grow, or notice and lose the weight. She had to notice soon, she must be up at least twenty five pounds by now. Would she shrink back down to her wedding size, or let herself become chubby, or even fat? I looked back down to her thick round backside, and watched as i moved in and out, in and out.
I noticed how the edge of her butt would disappear and reappear behind my slight belly. That's strange, It didn't used to round out like this before...did it?
8 chapters, created 3 years
, updated 2 years