Chapter 1 - Start to my weight gain
I got to my dorm on the first day of college. I was so excited to go and meet my future husband. My roommate, Ivy, met me in my room, and gave me a big hug."I'm so excited to room with you!" She told me.
"Me too!" I said back. She showed me around for a while and then told me her predicament.
"My boyfriend wants me to get fat!" She told me. "I've tried, but I keep chickening out."
"I'll help you," I said before I knew what I was doing. "I mean, I'll gain weight with you."
She looked at me happily.
"Let's get started then!" She said.
We went to the store and got 5 pizzas and a few hamburgers each. This was our food supply for the next two days. We ate it all in one day instead of two. I had a secret obsession about getting fat. I really wanted those curves.
That first night, Ivy took me to a party. I danced with a massive food baby in me. I loved that bloated feeling. I danced with one guy specifically, named Bryant. He was perfect. He was tall and strong, and most importantly, he liked my food baby. We talked all night, and at the end of the party, he kissed me on the lips. I was in love.
The next few days passed like a blur. I had classes and other activities, and I didn't see Bryant again for a while. That was okay, because I was still gaining weight. I texted him every night, though. I didn't see him for two months. Every night for those two months, I would have the same diet. 2 and a half pizzas and 3 cheeseburgers. It was expensive, but worth it. My slender frame wasn't skinny anymore. I was fat. I weighed 170 pounds all of the sudden! I finally saw Bryant again, and we spent the whole night making out and him touching my fat belly. He showed me his stomach, too. His six pack was gone, and he had a belly, too. We invited Ivy and her boyfriend, Jack, over for dinner. We had pizza, hamburgers, chicken, and french fries. I had around 4200 calories in that one meal. I couldn't eat like that all the time, but I did sometimes. I love being fat, and I support body positivity. I hope others can find love in the curves, just like me and my new husband, Bryant.
1 chapter, created 1 year
, updated 1 year