Adventures of a regulator

Chapter 1 - Monday Morning Transformation

It was always a struggle for Callie, finding the perfect clothes for the day. She gazed at her body in the mirror, fruitlessly trying to tuck her black top into the hem of her leggings. There needed to be the absolute most amount of stretch to her clothes possible, but without looking too oversized on her nearly-petite frame. That would be a dead giveaway, of course.

When Callie had turned 20, she was selected (or rather bribed) to be one of the town's “regulators”. These people were chosen to help keep the rest of the world slim by taking on their weight for them. The rest of the civilians could eat whatever they wanted and still gain weight, however could transfer all of their fat over to a regulator via touch. Spotting a regulator could be quite tricky though, as Callie essentially looked like a normal civilian. The people had come up with many tactics to find regulators, such as touching anyone with overly-baggy clothes, existing fat people, those who seemed to shy away from others, or those who suddenly become shut-ins after entering their twenties.

It was rare that Callie was actually discovered as a regulator, usually only once every two or three months, probably because of her unassumingly outgoing personality, only slightly overweight body with appropriately oversized clothes, and innocent face. She looked studious - professional even - her chocolate brown updo with wisps that framed her face, and metallic rectangular glasses. She didn’t look like a wealthy regulator, but rather an average middle class citizen of her city. This of course, caused her to be a little frivolous in what she wore, not exactly prepared for that rare scenario that she was discovered. It was a good thing that all the weight only lasted until she slept at night, leaving as magically as it had come.

Today, of course, was not Callie’s day.

It was only about 30 minutes later that she found herself at the bus stop, sighing with relief as she saw the vehicle pulling over beside her. Waiting for the doors to open, she stepped inside with a polite smile, nodding at the driver as she flashed her card. Just as she turned to find her seat, she stopped in her tracks at the sheer amount of people on the bus. Every seat in the front was taken, with at least five or six people standing, who groaned with annoyance as Callie tried her best to squeeze through them. All of them were thankfully quite slim, Callie thought to herself, she could safely brush against them without giving herself away. Upon reaching the back section of the bus, she grimaced when she saw that the only available seat was right by a decently overweight woman who seemed to be a similar age to Callie.

Not wanting to be rude, Callie took a nervous breath before she pretended to graciously take the seat next to the girl. Great, another fat chick to mess up her day, and she couldn’t help but notice all of the other obese women who were sitting in the back section of the bus. As Callie sat, she made sure to keep as much distance between her and the girl as she could - now completely aware of just how little room she had in her current clothes, wishing she had been a bit more cautious in the morning. She could only hope the girl had a quick ride ahead of her.

As if her prayer had been answered, Callie saw the girl beside her pull the rope to stop, reaching across her tummy and causing her body to squish into the window in the process. Truly a sight for any outside onlookers. Callie stood with vigor, feeling significantly safer to be sitting alone than with this pudgy lady, and flashed a bright smile at the girl as she walked off. Her strike of luck continued when she noticed quite a few other fat women waddling their way down the steps to leave.

With a relieved sigh, Callie slid into her window seat, being extra attentive to cross her bag over her shoulders neatly. Before she could finish, she saw a lady standing beside her seat, resembling the previous girl in age but with a much, much larger body. Callie’s jaw dropped, stunned at her size as the woman plopped into the seat next to her, fat rippling and jiggling with the impact of hitting the seat.

Callie cowered away, trying to squish herself as far into the side of the bus as possible, praying to herself that this *** wouldn’t slide any closer to her. She watched as the woman leaned far back into her seat, her hands resting on her belly as she tipped her head back, clearly trying to regain her breath from the short trek to the back of the bus. Callie couldn’t help but wonder how this lady had even squeezed through the people at the front, hell, she looked hardly big enough to squeeze through those seats as is.

“Can I help you?” Callie blinked, coming back to reality from her own thoughts. The woman beside her was looking at her expectantly, and for good reason considering Callie had been staring at her for a good minute or two.

“Oh- I uh… I just really like your hair! Couldn’t help myself from looking. My apologies,” Callie dipped her head in embarrassment, apologetically clasping her hands together. Sure, Callie could lie when she needed, it’s all a part of her job in her mind.

“Hmph, sure kid,” the lady grumbled, probably used to people blatantly staring at her overgrown body. Nonetheless, Callie had to hold back a scoff at ‘kid’, because the woman looked at most 5 years older than her. Clearly still in her twenties like Callie, but with a physique like that? She couldn’t help but wonder how much the lady had neglected her body over the years. Her mind wandered as the bus started moving again, watching her seatmate’s blubbery body press up against the seat behind her like a pancake in response to the forward movement of the bus.

Just as Callie was about to plug her headphones in and get comfortable for the ride ahead, she glanced out the window, noticing a detour due to construction. Grumbling, she kept an eye on the signs, trying to get a feel for how much longer her journey was going to take. Her eyes flew open in a panic when she saw that the detour was going to take them down Sycamore Road, an infamously pothole-riddled road with many sharp twists and turns - just about a thousand opportunities for this woman to brush up against her and blow her cover.

In a panic, Callie reached for the stop signal, praying that they had put a detour stop right before they turned into the twisting and turning neighbourhood that was Maplewood. She knew that if the bus made it to Sycamore Road, there probably wouldn’t be another stop until she was through Maplewood, right out into the sprawling urban streets of the city. Her head whipped between looking out the window, and trying to gauge the driver's next move in a panic, praying that someone would ask the bus to stop before they got to the residential areas.

Of course, Callie never got lucky like that in life, and she accepted her defeat as the driver took the detour turn at a disastrous 30km/h. Just enough for the obese woman beside her to be caught off guard, jiggly arms flailing in the air for a moment before grabbing the bar in front of them, hand pressed right against Callie’s.

“Oh, sorry dear, didn’t mean to startle you!” The woman exclaimed quietly, lifting her chubby hand from Callies. It took a moment for Callie to process what had just happened. Did the woman seriously not notice who she was after that? Looking down, Callie only saw a small amount of pudge had gathered around her waistline, only visible to her extraordinarily critical eye. It had only been a few seconds after all, maybe she hadn’t noticed the feeling of her fat decreasing slightly, maybe she had too much of it to even notice a small change. Or maybe, just maybe, she didn’t want to get rid of it - and was intentionally ignoring Callie being a regulator.

Her seatmate sat as unassumingly as ever, just now with cheeks that were flushed with embarrassment. Thighs spread over her seat, double belly bouncing over the hem of her high-waisted jeans, doughy arms hardly contained by her overstretched t-shirt. All was right in the world for a *** like her, Callie thought, perfectly compliant and unable to do anything but sit there and succumb to gravity. She wasn’t fatphobic, walking in their shoes for even a day was enough of a struggle for her to think that way, but she did look at them with disdain considering the trouble they imposed on her.

“Sorry to disturb you, but where did you get this watch? It’s lovely,” The woman asked, nodding towards Callies wrist. Again, Callie took a second to snap back to the present, giving the woman a dumbfounded look as if to silently ask her to repeat what she had said. The woman sighed in annoyance at Callie’s absent-mindedness, taking matters into her own hands and grabbing Callie’s wrist, bringing it towards her eyes and squinting to read the name.

“Hey, don’t touch-“ but Callie knew it was already too late. As the woman continued to maneuver Callie’s wrist to get a clear look at the brand name on the watch, Callie felt the familiar tingly warmth of the woman’s fat starting to spread across her body. She first felt the watch starting to pinch at her skin, wrist thickening with blubber, and quickly decided to just rip off the watch and hand it to the woman.

“It’s yours,” Callie said in a panic, hoping the lady hadn’t realized how chubby her fingers and wrists had gotten. And God, the woman was so fat that it happened much quicker than usual, her face felt bloated and round, thighs growing into each other on her seat. When she focused back on the lady, she was looking suspiciously at her, eyes raking quizzically over her body.

“Just want to test something,” The lady said slowly, and to Callie’s horror, she planted a hand firmly on top of her thigh. Callie’s mouth dropped in surprise, feeling that warmth all over her body again as she started to rapidly expand. Her thighs pushed up against one another, forcing her legs apart, which were only pushed further as her belly surged forward, being weighed down by gravity onto her lap. She tried to struggle away from the woman, pressing her body as far into the wall as she could, but now that she was discovered, she knew it wouldn’t stop here. Her belly swelled, jiggling with each pothole that was hit as it started to press against her shirt, which was threatening to be pulled out of her leggings and ride up her body.

She felt her chin start to sag, her face becoming embarrassingly round as it too jiggled with the movements of the bus, and Callie’s face became flush with embarrassment. Her arms were swelling bigger and bigger as the woman in front of her became significantly more slim, her body pushing itself away from the wall of the bus and towards the woman beside her. Finally, her shirt decided to give in, sliding out of her leggings and threatening to reveal her doughy potbelly underneath. Luckily, Callie never wore bras, and feeling her tits swell and drag the fabric over her nipples sent a shiver down her spine, jiggling uncontrollably as they fell to either side of her round and soft belly.

Callie stifled a moan as she felt the cool air hitting her stomach, her leggings could only stretch so far, and fell just below her belly button, with her shirt ridden up halfway to her tits. Her jiggling belly was so heavy that it pinned her to her seat, not used to the massive influx of weight, and she couldn’t do anything except sit there like a prized pig as her huge body bounced and grew in front of the onlookers in front of her. She worried her lip between her teeth, embarrassed that most of the people on the overcrowded bus were now looking at her.

She hadn’t even noticed that they had gotten to the next stop as the woman removed her hand, smiling devilishly at Callie as she gave the bloated girl’s belly a hearty smack, watching as it wobbled back and forth pathetically. Callie had been reduced to a ball of fat that had outgrown her clothes, and to be honest, she didn’t even want to move. She just wanted to sit there and sink into the floor, but did not forget to shoot the woman a glare as she got off the bus in her now gracefully-slender body. With a huff, she tried to adjust the position she was sitting in so that she wasn’t slouched down against the wall, and she groaned as she felt the rolls on her sides expand as they pressed into each other, jiggling with every breath. Her heavy stomach extended nearly three feet in front of her, and her wideset ass was certainly taking up half of the seat beside her.

Begrudgingly, Callie grabbed onto her skimpy black top, her sausage-like fingers trying to aimlessly pull it down over her doughy belly, trying to hide it from view. It was fruitless, of course, and it only caused her to look like an overstuffed sausage as it covered a mere few extra inches of her soft double belly. Before she knew it, they had reached the end of the route, and everyone was forced to exit the bus. Shit - she had missed her stop.

With shaky, overexerted arms, Callie attempted to stand from her seat, but only made it halfway before falling back into her seat, wobbling embarrassingly against the seat as her shirt rode further up her stomach. Everyone’s eyes were glued to her as she huffed and puffed, trying desperately to get up again, but her fat belly kept her pinned to the seat no matter how much she struggled. She was left wobbling and jiggling against her own body as onlookers judged her, both inside and outside, and Callie could feel herself burning with embarrassment as she once again tried to pull her shirt back over her belly. With the last ounce of energy in her, she grasped the bar in front of her, and finally successfully pulled herself into a standing position.

To Callie’s dismay, each step caused the bus to shake, and she was absolutely bursting out of her clothes. Her tights rode down to just above her asscrack, displaying her meaty lovehandles, side and back rolls, and belly which hung hungrily over the tops of her thighs, moving like jelly with each minuscule movement that she made. Her tits took up the majority of her top, with just the top portion of her belly being able to be stuffed into her much-too-tight top, spilling out eagerly as it too swayed like a pendulum with each step, extending further in front of her than it ever had. Her arms had overtaken her top, pushing the sleeves up to her shoulders and nearly ripping into the arm holes. Her face was embarrassingly rotund, her chin obscuring her from looking down at her jiggling body, and she could feel all the fat in her cheeks that bounced whenever she took a step. All in all, Callie felt like a spectacle of overindulgence as her greasy fingers wrapped around the bar in front of her, stepping down to the front portion of the bus.

“Out the front door, everyone,” the bus driver yelled, causing some groans to erupt from behind Callie’s slow-moving fat ass. Callie felt no different to them, even the people in the front of the bus looked at her in disgust, and the teenagers in front of her snickered as they turned around, one of them poking their finger deep into Callie’s fat-riddled stomach.

“How is this whale going to get to the front, huh? We all saw you struggling to stand, and you’re out of breath just from walking. How is a fatty like you going to even fit out that door?” She poked around further, giving Callie’s belly apron a slap, laughing as her whole body wobbled at the movement. Callie’s face burned, she watched the group of teenagers scurry to the front of the bus, and when they turned, the one in the front had a twinkie between her fingers, and was waving it teasingly in front of her face at Callie, who was still down the aisle of the bus.

“Come on ***, you know you want it!” They laughed uncontrollably as they continued to swing it around, as if Callie was a dog being tempted by a treat. The bus driver did absolutely nothing to reprimand the teens beside him, just rolled his eyes at the annoyance of their shrill voices and went back to his crossword puzzle. Begrudgingly, Callie had no choice but to continue towards the front of the bus where the teens were, her body swaying and jiggling with each step she took. She held her breath as she neared the seats on either side of her - even as a relatively thin person, she felt claustrophobic enough walking down this aisle, now she wasn’t even sure if her blubbery belly and overgrown ass would even fit through it.

Stepping through the first row of seats, she felt the cold metal digging into her bare skin, her bulging lovehandles and lower belly being compressed by the frame of the seats. With another wobbly step, she felt her belly jiggling further out of her shirt and pants as it was freed from its metallic constraints, her fingers trying to again clothe her midsection as she continued towards the front of the bus, vehicle shaking with every step her monstrously large body took.

“Oh hurry up, fatty. Don’t make us late just because you can’t buy clothes that fit,” Callie heard the girl behind her mutter in annoyance, and she felt fingers digging into the rolls of lard on her back, trying to squish her body through the seats even faster. Callie lifted her arms in surprise, her steps speeding up as she kept feeling squished - and then felt her body wobbling with fat as she struggled past the seats, trying her best to continue forward. The woman behind her must have also been overweight herself, as Callie felt more and more fat accumulating around her already overgrown waistline, making it even harder for her to squirm her way through the final seat. Once she made it through, she overstepped due to the extra weight, losing her balance and clinging clumsily on to the teenager in front of her, who took the opportunity to shove the twinkie right into Callie’s face.

“That’s what I thought,” the girl chuckled, and without missing a beat, the girls skipped off the bus. Regaining her balance, and quickly swallowing the twinkie (hey, free food!), Callie turned with a sigh towards the door of the bus, the urban city just outside that door waiting to judge and tease her fat, newly jiggly body that hardly fit into her clothes. The only thing she knew was that she had a long day ahead of her, and getting this big was only the beginning of it all.
1 chapter, created StoryListingCard.php 1 year , updated 1 year
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Ramdathj 1 year
This is so hot and well-written! I love this premise.
Kexickus 1 year
OMG, this is so hot! Please continue!
Beatlemaster... 1 year
Fantastic start, excited to see where you take things from here.
Suomynona 1 year
Absolutely love this, am looking forward to more!
GwenLovehandles 1 year
Thank you so much!! I will work on updating it again soon, just because your comment made me so happy smiley Have a lovely day!