The Harness

  By Firelion  Premium

Chapter 1 - Acknowledgement and Chapter One

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I'd like to thank grassblade77 for coming up with the concept for this and his extensive contributions to this story. You wouldn't be reading this without them.


I think she hates me more than she hates Lucas, somehow. I suppose I should understand her point of view, given our situation, but her dislike of me was almost offensive. Could she not see we were in the exact same predicament? Regardless of how we’d started, I was hardly any better off than her now.

I eyed her with distaste, watching the swollen fullness of her belly straining against her harness. It was like a train wreck I couldn't stop staring at, disgust and arousal at war in my mind. The vast expanse wasn't quite large enough to provide the tension required to release the locking mechanism, but it was formidable. I looked down at myself and flushed with shame. My own enormous belly made hers look rather pathetic in comparison. I couldn't even see my own harness over it at this point, though I could certainly always feel it there.

I glanced up and caught Marina's eye; involuntarily shuddering as I felt the force of her loathing. There would be no forgiveness there.

Not that I deserved it.


"What do you think about her," I leaned over the back of Lucas' chair, draping my thin arms around his toned chest and kissing his neck in the way that always turns him on.

I really wanted this one.

"She's clearly your type, Liv." He looked at me and rolled his eyes. She was hardly the first potential victim I'd tried to show him, but he had always found something “wrong” with each of my previous options. Too independent, too smart, too thin, whatever. Lucas wanted to wait until we found the perfect pig, one who would despise what we were doing to her but be hopelessly aroused by it at the same time.

He wasn't wrong about my type though. The woman on the computer screen smiled brilliantly at us, her slightly chubby cheeks showing off adorable dimples. Long blonde hair, tanned skin from hanging out at the beach, and bright blue eyes, a true All-American girl. She looked like she would have been a popular cheerleader in high school, but had let herself go in her post grad years without exercise to keep up with her eating habits. She wasn't even truly fat, just a little on the chubby side, a little shorter than me and maybe 170 lbs or so, a little extra arm flab, the curve of a starter belly unmistakable beneath her just slightly too-tight shirt. But she was still healthy, still beautiful, and exactly what I wanted. Judging from the outline of her bra digging into her flesh, her chest looked like it had grown recently from C cups to D’s and her hips flared into graceful arcs that lent her a pleasant hourglass shape.

In short, the ideal victim. I've always enjoyed contrast, something Lucas and I lacked with our equally toned bodies and naturally pale skin with dark hair and eyes. I was already imagining her light blonde hair mixing with my dark curls as I laid out my lithe, muscular body over her sea of flab. Lucas and I had both fantasized about this for a long time, discussed it endlessly both in and out of the bedroom. To take a young and pretty, slightly chubby girl who's shy about her weight and turn her into our own fat plaything. To watch her gain uncontrollably against her will, every part of her ballooning with lard. To see the horror and shame, to turn that against her and condition her to be helplessly turned on by that fact, to use her for our own enjoyment.

It was our shared fetish and something we had both agreed we couldn't live without, but despite my occasional fantasies I was absolutely not a gainer and considered myself firmly planted on the “feeder” side of the equation. Sometimes Lucas joked about having me gain weight, telling me I'd probably end up loving it, but we both knew I'd never seriously do it. I adored being thin, loved my sharp, angled features and hard-earned muscles, enjoyed seeing the stares from men in public and knowing how badly they wanted me. I liked knowing I was hot and I wasn't going to be changing that, ever. I also was excited by the idea of lording it over our precious little pig, prancing around her in cute little lingerie and reminding her she’d never be like me again.

"So where did you find her?"

Lucas interrupted my daydreaming and I smiled as I took a seat in front of the computer, scrolling through the forum for enthusiasts like us where we had originally met. It was a community I had been a part of for a while, and I had made some interesting connections there. But none had piqued my interest quite like Marina, a young bisexual woman who had recently joined and was eager to explore her newfound fascination with weight gain and feederism. She was enthusiastic, to say the least, and her profile claimed she was even ready to try a little gaining herself, just 10 lbs or so, to see what it was like. If only she knew just how deep that rabbit hole could go.

Her forum posts were innocent and curious, filled with questions about the lifestyle and the thrill of watching someone's body transform. She made a lot of posts asking feedees what it was like to gain, and of course they all told her it felt amazing and they were thrilled with every pound, which only seemed to drag her deeper into her kinky fantasies. Of course, none of them were trapped in dark basements being pumped full of slop against their will. I could sense her excitement and nervousness as she dipped her toes into this new world. She posed similar questions to the feeders, wanting to know how it felt to help someone gain and know they were responsible for it, and received similar positive replies about the intimacy of the power exchange and the fun of watching their feedees’ transformations. The naivety was practically dripping off of her. And, after learning as much about her as I could between the forum and finding her social media and realizing she seemed to live a somewhat isolated existence, I knew exactly how to reel her in.

I sent her a very casual private message, introducing myself and inviting her to meet up at a bar to discuss our shared interests. I'd been careful never to discuss my more extreme interests in the forum so my profile and posts were relatively benign so there would be nothing to scare her off prematurely. I didn't reveal my true intentions - not yet. Instead, I spun a tale of how Lucas, my supposed feeder and "partner in crime”, was looking for someone new to join us in our games. I told her that we were looking for someone to help us fatten me up, and that she would be the perfect addition to our little trio.

Marina was hesitant at first, I'm sure all those stranger danger warnings were echoing in her mind, but I could sense her curiosity getting the better of her. After all, we'd be in public and I surely wasn't a threat, as a fellow woman. After a few more reassuring messages she agreed to meet me at the bar, and I couldn't wait to see her in person. As I got ready for our meeting, I couldn't help but feel a thrill of excitement flutter in my chest and between my legs. Lucas and I had been planning this for ages, and it was finally coming together. It hardly felt real as I got ready, choosing a tight red dress that showed off my figure nicely. Lucas watched me from the bed with a hint of amusement in his expression, and at the time I had thought he just found my nervous excitement entertaining. He dropped me off at the bar early, and I went inside to order us some drinks, ignoring the couple of men that tried to chat me up. My sole focus was on my mission.

When Marina finally walked into the bar, I was taken aback by her grace and charm. She was even more beautiful than she was in her photos, with a shy smile and sparkling bright eyes. It was obvious she was pleased with what she saw as well, and I caught her supposedly subtle gazes of appreciation up and down my body multiple times as I introduced myself and handed her a sugary cocktail. We chatted for hours, discussing everything from our favorite foods to our deepest desires, or at least what I had lead her to believe mine were. Despite finding her genuinely interesting and our conversation delightful, all the while I was playing her, slowly reeling her in with my honeyed words and warm smiles.

I kept the drinks coming as told her about Lucas's "plan" to fatten me up, cursed my “high metabolism” that made it difficult, and explained how she would be the perfect person to help us achieve our goals. I reassured her that if she gave it a try and found it wasn't for her she could end the feedism dynamic at any time, no hard feelings. With a suggestive smile I lightly slipped my arm around her chubby waist and whispered in her ear that we could still be friends, maybe even more. She blushed, biting her lip and avoiding eye contact, and I felt another rush of excitement. She really was so deliciously naive. She was perfect. If only she knew what the real plan was.

As the night wore on and greedily drank everything I offered, I could see the anticipation and lust building in her eyes. It was so clear to me then just how responsive and entertaining she would be for me. For us. By the end of that first meeting, she was eager to meet Lucas and join us in our games. And I knew that once she took that first step, there would be no turning back for the beautiful young woman. I wanted her, and I was going to have her.
8 chapters, created 2 weeks , updated 2 weeks
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