The Dangers of the Internet

  By Firelion  Premium

Chapter 1

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9 June 2016

HumbertHades: Judging by those pictures you have up, you're gorgeous. But of course still much too small. Women look best when they're at least 350 lbs. I'm Henry, write me back like a good piggy.

That had been the first time Cassie had talked to Henry. Of course she'd rolled her eyes a bit at the end, but it was refreshing to get a message more elaborate than "hi u r pretty cam plss???". She'd signed up for the feederism-focused website a month ago out of curiosity and had been a bit disappointed with it so far. It was even particularly useful for discussing her fetishes, half the men messaging her were barely literate. Cassie didn't care if it made her sound petty and stuck up; she was pretty and smart, or at least smarter than these guys. Henry simply sending full sentences was like a breath of fresh air.

BestUllNvrHv: 350 is quite a lofty goal, don't you think?
HumbertHades: Not with the right pig. Some just take to the weight gain naturally. After the first 50 lbs or so anyway.
BestUllNvrHv: I weigh 183 right now. Think I'd take to it?
HumbertHades: Definitely. You're already fat so gaining shouldn't be an issue. You clearly like to eat. Getting you past 200 would be no problem.
BestUllNvrHv: 200 is one thing, but I dunno how I feel about gaining much more than that. Things can get complicated when you get that much bigger.
HumbertHades: You'd have nothing to worry about. With my help, you'd be so addicted to food, constantly stuffing your face to get fatter that you wouldn't notice or care about the gain until it's too late. You'd be 300 lbs before you could even register just how fat you let yourself get, how out of shape you've become.

Cassie slipped her hand into her underwear, fingers quickly finding her clit and massaging it. Though she'd never admit it in real life, she loved getting off by talking to feeders and imagining herself getting steadily larger. She continued circling her clit with her only slightly chubby finger as she read all about Henry's dream of turning her into a true fatty. When he told her about how he would tie her up and force feed ice cream into her belly she arched her back into her chair, fingers increasing their pace. Imagining herself at 400 lbs, too weak and out of shape to even try to resist the feeding, sent her over the edge and the waves of her orgasm crested over her. Her body shook and she remained lounged in her chair, basking in the wonderful afterglow. She had almost forgotten the chat entirely until the new IM notification beeped and brought her back to reality.

HumbertHades: Are you still there?
BestUllNvrHv: Yeah, sorry, bad connection. I've gotta go anyway, but we can maybe chat another time, yeah?
HumbertHades: Of course. I'm sure we'll talk again soon.

This was usually how it went for Cassie. Nothing could make her cum harder than fantasizing about becoming absurdly fat, but it was just a fantasy. After she came the desire to gain abated somewhat, at least until the next time she got horny. She'd entertained the thought of really gaining before, but never all that seriously. As much as it turned her on, Cassie wasn't really ready give up her current figure and cute outfits. She carried her current weight well, and she loved getting all dressed up and going to the bars, watching men stare as she flaunted her thick hips and ample breasts in tight dresses. She looked damn good and she knew it.

Cassie's life carried on as usual for the next few months. She'd go to work at the law firm, go shopping, hit the gym, go out to the clubs on weekends with her friends. She appeared to be a perfectly normal 24 year old, and she was exactly that, apart from her dark fantasies. They'd been getting progressively weirder, even by her standards. Sometimes they were a little scary even, but that was part of the thrill for her. She still talked to Henry on a regular basis. She couldn't help herself; Henry seemed to know exactly what to say to turn her on. They talked almost every night now. Lately he'd been really pushing her to eat and gain some actual weight. It was incredibly arousing, but Cassie couldn't quite bring herself to let go. She had actually lost about 10 lbs since they'd started chatting, hoping to catch the attention of the cute new guy at work. But still, she did enjoy Henry's fantasies, so she figured she might as well play along and at least pretend for him.
6 chapters, created 2 years , updated 2 years
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