Big Bad Wolf

  By Firelion  Premium

Chapter 1

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I told you not to go into the woods, I told you that he wasn't any good


It had taken years of hard work, but I had finally finished setting up the perfect place to house whatever lucky girl I found to be my feedee pig. The house itself was on a massive acreage surrounded by desert and I'd ensured the basement had been built to my exact specifications. It was completely isolated for miles. No one would be able to interfere with my plans now, and, since I'd done the majority of the "specialized" work the basement would need for my pig, no suspicion would be cast my way.

Once all the basics had been built by the contractors, I'd set to work myself, beginning with the bathroom. Although I wasn't sure how long my pig would be mobile enough to use it, I installed an extra-large shower with a removable shower head, plus a massive ceramic bench that would hopefully make things easier. The sink was average, but I made sure the money I'd saved there went toward a specialized bariatric toilet that wouldn't collapse under my pig's weight. Most importantly I'd made sure the room itself was large enough to maneuver in and had particularly strong handrails running throughout it at waist height. There was no door on the bathroom so the hand railings continued uninterrupted into the main room.

I have to admit, I spared no expense when I'd set this room up. The far wall was dominated by the largest bed I'd ever seen. I had it custom made by a manufacturer who didn't ask too many questions when I'd told him the size and weight requirements I'd needed it to have. Good man. If you looked hard enough at the bed you could see the restraint system I'd added to it, though by the time my pig was down here that would probably just be for fun when I was in the mood for it. Near the bed behind some curtains I had my funnel feeding set-up, along with some other amusing toys to play around with when the time came. A large TV sat on a dresser. Filled with some very large clothing, and across the room were the industrial scale and the wall of mirrors surrounding it. The room was fairly spartan now and lacked personality, but all that would change when I found the right piggy to occupy it and make it her own.

The search process was not easy. I needed to find a woman who met a very specific set of criteria, and as it turns out, dating when you live in the middle of nowhere is actually a pain in the ass. Probably should have thought of that before but I made the best of it and decided to turn to the internet where I could filter the girls out with less effort, although I was slightly disappointed I hadn't caught my hog in the wild. I browsed all sorts of fetish dating websites but focused my attention on any even vaguely related to chubby or fat women. It was a pleasant surprise to find that there were far more women actively interested in gaining weight than I'd anticipated, but none of them were exactly what I wanted. I wanted one who fantasizes about it but still actively resists giving in to her temptations. A girl like that had so much farther to fall, and it would be far more fun to mess with her and drag her into the true depths of her depravity until her mind just broke into pieces for me to play with. When I met Leah I knew straight away she was destined to be that poor destroyed girl.

I started chatting with her after I saw a forum post she'd written about getting off on humiliation and looked at her profile. She was a pretty girl with that classic all-American look, blue eyes and blonde hair. She was a little on the short side with generous tits and a cute little belly. She was probably around 190lbs currently, but I could see the potential in her. She was a bit of a partier and judging by the stretchmarks on her belly she had recently gained some weight rapidly, another promising sign. As I chatted with her and learned more about her and her fantasies I could tell she was an ideal candidate. She was estranged from her family and new to the area, and most of her gain was a result of eating and boozing when she felt down. If she already ate when sad, that would be one less step for me. Leah told me all of her fantasies about being kidnapped and endlessly fattened, about how conflicted all these desires made her feel, the way she hated that she could almost only ever cum by picturing herself much heavier and being humiliated for it. She was horrified by these dark urges, but she couldn't stop herself from obsessing over them. This was going to be very fun indeed.
4 chapters, created 2 years , updated 2 years
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