Chapter 1
It's been a long time since I met Johnny. Three years, at least I think. Time passes a bit differently now. I don't have any reason to leave to leave the house anymore. To be honest, I'm not sure if I even could. My days have turned into non-stop eating frenzies, I sleep when I can.I used to be thin. The chart he posted on the wall right in front of me tracking my ever increasing weight gain reminds me of this fact constantly. There are pictures marking each milestone. I look nothing like the thin, tight body in the first photo at 130 lbs. The last picture is at 400 lbs; it hardly even looks like the same girl. That was at least a year ago. God knows what I weigh now. I woke up only a few minutes ago but I can already feel my massively enlarged belly rumbling to be fed. I'm so hungry all the time. Right on cue, Johnny comes in bearing a gigantic cart of food. At least two dozen pancakes, a pound of bacon, scrambled eggs, and that odd shake he has me drinking at least every 2 hours.
"Is my fatty hungry this morning?" He coos while pushing a large forkful of pancake toward my mouth. I want to resist, but the hunger is unbearable. I open my mouth and swallow like a good girl.
I'm out of my mind with hunger and forgo the fork entirely, shoving all the food into my greedy mouth with my bare hands until my stomach feels near the bursting point. The effort is exhausting. I'm sweating and gasping by the time I'm done. I can't even sit all the way up to see over my engorged belly.
"Such a good girl," Johnny says soothingly, running his hands over my painfully full abdomen. "You still have to drink your shake though."
I'm too weak to stop him as I feel the feeding tube shoved in my mouth, dreading what's coming next. He pours the entire contents of the shake into the vat connected to my tube, and as the pressure builds I'm left with no choice but to swallow it all. One of his hands reaches down between my legs to find my clit, already spread wide by my oversized belly. He lazily circles the sensitive nub, enjoying the fact that I'm nearing orgasm as I'm being uncomfortably stuffed with his special 4000 calorie shake. My belly feels so full it hurts, but pleasure and pain are strangely similar sensations for me now. Before I can come, he abruptly stops the ministrations, smirking at my muffled groans of protest.
"Not yet. You're a pig and you'll come like one. Besides, we have to make sure you got as fat as you were supposed to for me first. It's weigh in day!"
Before the restraints tying me to the bed are unleashed, Johnny takes the opportunity to play with my belly. With both hands he grabs my rolls of flab, kneading the fat and shaking it roughly. He grunts with the effort of lifting it and lets it flop back down hard, the flesh slapping against my sensitive pussy and eliciting a moan from me. He probes my cavernous bellybutton, two fingers easily disappearing into it. I'm groaning around the tube, jiggling with what little movement my new body allows me. Orgasms have become my only solace outside of food at this point, but I stopped being able to reach around the mountain of belly lard to touch myself a long time ago. When I'm unrestrained the best I can do is use my chubby hands to tug and tease my nipples, desperately rocking my sagging gut to try to hump my pussy against the fat.
Having him jiggling my rolls and pushing down into my soft fat feels even better than when he touched my pussy. Johnny had made sure that from the first day this whole thing started I would get pleasure from it. He often tells me his favorite part is knowing that I'm such a greedy piggy I can cum just from having my fat rolls played with. As his fingers caressed and fucked the deep hole he'd turned my once tiny navel into I felt my entire body clenching in preparation. "Soon I'll be able to really fuck this hole. You're such a slutty glutton baby. Every new roll you eat onto yourself gives me even more options."
Contemporary Fiction
Medical/Scientific Experiments
Sexual acts/Love making
First person
3 chapters, created 2 years
, updated 2 years