Amy's Experiment

  By Zlukz

chapter 1 : the big day

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It is Monday, September 3rd and this isthe big day! Today is Amy's first day in a prestigious media called Amazing Experiences. This media is very well known and makes a lot of television reports on very diverse subjects. It is now the goal of a lifetime that is being realized for her. She will join the media of her dreams after several years of journalism studies.

Amy is a bubbly young woman measuring 1.65m and weighing 55kg. For her first day she decides to put on her nice clothes chosen with care the week before. With her black skirt, her black jacket and her white blouse, she hopes to make a good impression from the beginning. Of course she does not forget to wear her lucky watch that gave her her.

This first day goes pretty well, her colleagues are nice and she already gets along well with her office neighbor, Sarah. Only her boss was very cold. He asked her from the beginning to prove herself with the realization of a report. He gave her 3 months to do it.

For two days after her first day, she talked a lot with Sarah to find a topic.

The right idea will come from Sarah on Thursday. Sarah has always been attracted to curvy women and sees great potential in Amy. She cannot help but imagine her with wider hips and a larger chest. So she suggested to Amy that she do a report on obesity. Sarah felt that the best way to investigate this disease would be to live with an obese person for a month. Amy is reluctant at first because she does not want to hurt her body, she who is so athletic. But Sarah reassures her that it is only a one-month experiment. Moreover she assures her that she will be followed by a doctor who will know how to stop the experiment if it becomes too dangerous for her body.

Amy eventually accepts the idea, which she doesn't think is so bad. She knows that she can't become obese in a month and that she will only gain a few pounds. Knowing that she is athletic, there is no doubt in her mind that she will be able to lose them after the experience.

She submits the idea to her boss who validates it directly. She then contacts Dr. Melendez who will take care of her follow-up. Amy made sure she was followed by a reputable nutritionist when she chose her doctor. She also contacts Lisa, a 150kg woman, who will show her the diet to follow for the next month.

The beginning of the experiment is finally scheduled for September 15.
7 chapters, created 1 year , updated 1 year
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Fatpeter 1 year
Wow! This story just took a hot twist
Nok 1 year
very interesting style
Jazzman 1 year
Nice twist!
Miteuf 1 year
Cette histoire me fait beaucoup penser au reportage de Zita effectuer il y a quelques années.
Zlukz 1 year
Je me suis en effet inspiré de la trame principale, sauf que j'imagine ici une suite différente 😁😉 J'espère que vous apprécierez
Fatpeter 1 year
I like where this is going. Can’t wait to read more!
Zlukz 1 year
A new chapter is now available 😉
Karenjenk 1 year
2. wow... way nice start... keep going?
Zlukz 1 year
Thanks ! The following chapters are coming 🙂