Chapter 1
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She stopped to look around, but the fog had grown too dense to make out any path. She was lost. Her heart began to pound faster. Just as despair started to creep in, a solitary figure emerged from the darkness. A man. He introduced himself as Luca. He was a mountaineer, seemingly friendly, who offered her shelter in his cabin.
“Thank you, really,” Elena said with a forced smile, accepting the invitation without having the slightest idea of the danger awaiting her.
Luca's cabin was cozy, a safe refuge from the biting cold outside. After a warm meal, Luca handed her a cup of herbal tea. Gratefully, Elena drank it, but the liquid quickly sent her into a deep sleep.
When she awoke, the world around her had changed. She was tied to a chair, her wrists bound, her mind still foggy. The air in the room felt heavy, as if it were thick with a dark omen. Her first thought was fear. Then came the pain.
Elena tried to move, but quickly realized her wrists were tightly bound to the armrests of a chair. Terror exploded in her chest, making her hold her breath. Her wrists, wrapped tightly with ropes, began to throb with pain. She tried to speak, but a searing pain shot through her nose and ears.
"Ahh... my nose... my ears..." she whispered, her voice broken, as if even speaking was too painful.
Luca stepped out of the shadows with a sinister smile. “Finally awake, little piglet,” he said, watching her with eyes gleaming with malice. “I hope you slept well. The transformation requires... energy.”
Elena stared at him, her heart pounding wildly. “What... what did you do to me?” Her voice was full of fear and confusion, as the dull, burning pain in her nose and ears continued to grow.
Luca approached with a pleased grin, painting a vivid, unsettling picture of her situation. “Look,” he said, pulling a mirror from his jacket and holding it up to Elena’s face.
Elena held her breath when she saw her reflection. Her face... it wasn’t hers anymore. Where her small, delicate nose once was, something monstrous was starting to take shape.
“It all starts with the nose,” Luca said, amused by her reaction. “It used to be small, human, but now… it’s so much better. See how it’s widening? The cartilage is changing, thickening, becoming more like a snout. Your nostrils... look how they’re flattening and spreading, just like a boar’s.”
Elena shook her head, struggling against the ropes, her breathing becoming more labored. “No... this can’t be happening...” she whispered, tears streaming down her face. “This isn’t real!”
But Luca continued, ignoring her terror. “And then there are your ears,” he said, pointing them out in the mirror. “They were so... normal. But now they’re taking on a much more interesting shape. The cartilage is stretching, hardening. Your ears are becoming pointed, triangular... like an animal’s.”
A chill ran down Elena’s spine. She looked in the mirror, and the image staring back at her wasn’t hers anymore. Her ears had indeed lengthened, standing tall like those of a wild creature. She tried to reach for them, but the ropes binding her hands kept her trapped.
“No! Stop! Turn me back!” she screamed, her desperation rising.
Luca laughed, a cruel, heartless sound. “Oh, Elena, you’re so dramatic. You haven’t even seen the worst of it yet. This is only the beginning.” His smile widened, revealing a twisted satisfaction. “Take a good look, my dear. You’re not the same anymore. Breathe… feel it in your body.”
Elena tried to take a deep breath, but a strange sound came from her nose, a hiss, a snorting sound that didn’t belong to her. “What’s... happening to me?” she asked, her breathing growing more frantic. Her nostrils had widened so much that every time she inhaled, the air made an almost animalistic sound, like a grunt.
“Can you hear it?” Luca said with a creepy smile. “Your breathing is changing. Your nostrils, now wider, let the air pass just like a boar’s. It’s a primal sound, isn’t it? Sensual.”
Elena tried to deny what was happening, but it was impossible to ignore the changes she felt in her body. Her ears throbbed, almost burning as they stretched and took on a more animalistic form. The skin on her face was hot, feverish, as if it were constantly shifting. And then there was that smell... a strange dampness creeping over her skin, a warmth and wetness she couldn’t explain.
“You’re... turning me into a monster!” Elena screamed, terror mixing with anger.
Luca stared at her for a moment, his smile twisting into a maniacal laugh. “A monster? No, Elena, you don’t understand. I’m freeing you from your human chains. Soon, you’ll be something much stronger. Something more... real.”
“Let me go!” she screamed, desperately trying to free herself from the ropes binding her wrists. But her hands remained locked in place, trapped by the relentless grip of her restraints.
“You’re not going anywhere,” Luca said with a firm tone. “This is your destiny, and there’s no escaping it.”
Elena looked down at her body, searching for any other signs of the transformation. She noticed the skin on her abdomen looked different, wetter, as if it had been coated in oil. Then she saw something that made her eyes widen in shock.
“What... what is that?” she stammered, her heart pounding in her chest.
A thin layer of dark hair had started to grow beneath her navel. She didn’t remember having hair there. Her once smooth skin now felt rougher, as if it were transforming into something completely different.
“I don’t remember... having hair on my stomach…” she whispered, shocked by the discovery.
Luca nodded, satisfied. “That’s just the beginning. Soon, your body will be covered in fur, just like a boar’s. Your face will change, your body will adapt. And you... you’ll become a wild creature, free from human weakness.”
Elena squirmed in the chair, the ropes digging into her skin as she desperately tried to touch her body, to feel the changes for herself. But the bindings held her still, a prisoner to this monstrous transformation.
“No! I don’t want this! I can’t... turn into a boar! I’m a human!” she cried, her voice breaking with despair.
Luca leaned in close to her, his face just inches from hers, his eyes gleaming with pure madness. “It’s too late, my dear. The process has already begun. And there’s nothing you can do to stop it. You’ll love it, don’t worry... I already know you will...”
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#Feedism #StoryInspiredMusic #Playlist
Medical/Scientific Experiments
Sexual acts/Love making
Human to Animal
17 chapters, created 4 months
, updated 2 months