Chapter 1
I wasn't sure if this should be posted in the bdsm section or stories, but I know this kinda thing works out both as sexy talk and in practice.I've never bought into domination by force, myself. A pig should be trained, should learn to love their role, their life. As an example, if you edge them, rub their belly, sweet talk them whenever they eat, that'll become permanent. They'll always associate food and overstuffing with pleasure. That nice, fun activity rewires them to mix the needs of food and sex, and all too soon there's no need to push them; they'll feed to their limits uncontrollably.
Never let a pig feel like it's doing something taboo, or doing something for you. The both of you are working to complete them, to make your pig whole. They're becoming more attractive, more confident, more *them*. When their gut starts hanging out of a shirt that used to be loose, they're showing off. When people stare at your waddling, wheezing, heaving porker, they're jealous. Believe it, feel it, speak it. Part of your Porker's mind already felt that way, already knew it, you're just confirming it. Keep this up, and your pig will never even consider losing weight, however big you get them, and even civilians can be turned.
When they do well, food is a reward. When things go wrong, food is a conciliation. There's a reason to eat for every strong emotion, and you'll soon be able to gauge piggies mood by what they grab for themselves. Maybe they're eating chocolate cake when they're sad, or a sweet and creamy coffee when they're frustrated.
Never forget that every pig is also a person. They learn behaviors by rewards, they have hopes, dreams, goals, and needs, and all feeding, pushing, and fucking your pig does is fill one of their deepest needs. Make their goals into yours, get into their mind and change the thinking from fantasy to normality. This: the stuffing, the gaining, the sex, tight clothes, stares, comfort... is addictive, taboo, special, but you can make it their normal. And that's when you've won, because they're all yours, and they couldn't stop growing for you even if they could comprehend wanting to.
1 chapter, created 3 years
, updated 3 years