Waking the Blob

Chapter 1 - Good morning

"Mmmph".... I swatted at the source of wetness under my tits, or tried to anyway, there was an ass in the way. Slowly opening my eyes I saw John there, still dripping cum from using my undermoob to get off. "Clean it up" I mumbled groggily, pulling off my CPAP and reaching for the bed controls to sit up.

"Ah, Karl's up!" John called into the main house, summoning Alex and Bill from whatever they were doing a few minutes later. I noticed that Bill was looking bloated and noticably fatter, he'd definitely been picked as next to take my place, though I wasn't gonna tell him my thoughts there. I just yelled for my bottle. "Which one?" Alex asked, holding up my morning coffee shake, a gallon of coffee, heavy cream, and chocolate syrup pegged at 6,000kcal, and my piss jug. "What do you think?"

John lifted my belly up and back, relieving the pressure from my thighs and knees and Bill pushed the urinal opening into my fat pad. I've been told it's more like a cave at this point, and the photos they've shown me agree with that assessment. Alex setup my funnel, "Do you wanna know your weight today, Karl?" I didn't. After the first thousand pounds all that really mattered was that it was a lot, and that was months ago. With the bit for the funnel in my mouth, I gave the thumbs up and started swallowing as the sweet creamy life Energy started flowing down my throat.

After my other messes were made and cleaned for the morning, after a sponge bath and s powdering of my rolls, the gas mask bong came on, and I was swept up into the sweet oblivion as my legs were pulled up into the stirrups to start my work for the day

I could never tell who was fucking me, feeding me, or getting me high at any time. My gut and rolls were in the way with me lying back, feet in the air, blasted out of my mind. It was usually burgers or pizza going down my throat, I think, but most of what I felt was the tightness of my stomach being stretched for hours, the haze of my mind being wiped with food, sex, and weed, and the occasional jerks of my buried cock so I didn't stop being hard in my little cave the whole time. I felt myself being filled with another load, and pudgy fingers grabbing my moobs before my nipple found it's way into someone's mouth. I shuddered, gasping around what seemed to be cheesecake before returning to my meal, desperate to feel even more stuffed in every way.

At the end of the day, when I'd been cleaned again and the lights had gone out, bill came in to lay with me for a bit. I couldn't guess his weight except that he can't have been more than a fifth of my size, thick moobs, a rounding gut with blossoming love handles. He started kneading my belly absently with one arm and working my right nipple with his mouth for a while until I started thinking I'd have to try and fall asleep through all that amazing stimulation when he stopped and asked "is it worth it?"

I turned to look at him, and spoke through my CPAP "Nothing else is"
1 chapter, created 3 years , updated 3 years
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