Who's the Dom?

Chapter 1

Gainer story: who's the Dom? (Longer story, dark themes, unwilling gainer, part 1)

Bryan woke up as the sun streamed in through his window, the smell of breakfast wafting through the air. He hauled himself to a sitting position, wrestling his gut to rest on his legs while he took a moment to get a breather. Things had sure changed since he'd moved in with Chris. No longer working in construction after finding out the attractive jock was willing to use his inheritance to serve and service him, Bryan had enjoyed his new life of hedonism to the max, enjoying the delicious cooking, tasty cigars, and beers brought to him throughout the day. Any time Bryan needed something, it was already in his hands before he could get up.
Bryan waddled to the restroom to do his business, then stepped into the mirrored wet room, sitting on the bench there and grabbing the showerhead to hose himself down, rinsing away the sweat from his rolls and fat pad, thinking about the days when he hasn't even considered sitting on the bench, the days when the bidet was wasted on him.... It was a big change. Bryan had asked Chris what he'd thought about all the new weight, and always got the same response "I promised to take care of all your needs and desires. If master wants to be a pig, then master wants to be a pig". That was all he'd get for an explanation, but there'd be pastries or cookies or ice cream presented to him after that would make Bryan forget the world.

Bryan finally managed to dry himself most of the way off and waddle to the living room, plopping himself heavily on the couch. Chris brought him his breakfast, fit for a king as always, eggs, toast, bacon, cheese, and enough for him to not feel hungry. The moment the plate was in his hand, Bryan got hard again. Chris pushed up Bryan's belly and pushed back his fat pad, sucking him off while he ate, edging him throughout the meal like every other one. This time, though, when Bryan finished the plate and patted Chris's back, there wasn't a finale.

Chris got up and grabbed a blender filled with a creamy looking liquid, bringing it to Bryan, just saying "drink". Bryan, overstuffed as usual after one of Chris's meals, tried protesting, tried questioning, but Chris reached one hand into Bryan's fat pad and used the other to tip the shake down his protesting mullet. Bryan swallowed, gulp after gulp of sweetened cream with a slightly alcoholic aftertaste, as he was edged and edged, filling him up far past the point of just comfortably full that he'd gotten used to over the past couple years, making him slightly tipsy as wave after wave of pleasure came from his cock without ever letting him cum. "If master wants to be a pig, then a pig master will be"
Finally, the shake was drained, and the hands removed from Bryan's fat pad, leaving him hard and leaking into himself, stuffed beyond all reason, and panting. Bryan couldn't move, he couldn't adjust his gut, he could barely speak trying to keep everything down. He wanted to make himself cum, he was supposed to six times a day, he wanted to think of something to say or do but the alcohol was starting to get to him. "Why?" He asked. "I just told you why" was the only response
Bryan couldn't leave. He hadn't had skills for years, and was too fat to use any of the ones he'd had before. He was lazy, he was gluttonous, he was HORNY. In one shake his life had been flipped upside down. Chris helped him to the bed after a couple hours, coming back with more food, more shakes, Bryan couldn't fight him off, or stop himself from being edged, his muscles had wasted from waddling maybe a couple feet a day, just to the couch and back to bed or the restroom, and now he was drunk and overstuffed and just trying so desperately to cum of all the absurd things.
The first time Bryan grabbed and drank the shake himself after a meal rather than having to be fed, he was finally brought to orgasm, wave after wave hit him as he let loose a load pent up after the last couple days of torment, and he heard the words "good pig" as he passed out.

As the days went by, Bryan would always drink the shake he was offered. He'd always clean his plate, he'd always accept the belly rubs.

When he found he couldn't even get up anymore on his own, even when he wasn't overstuffed, is when his hazy brain figured out what was happening. He'd always wanted the ultimate hedonism, wanted to lay around overeating, smoking, drinking, cumming. Now that was his life. That was all of his life. And he'd pay for it by being the fattest pig there ever was. He finally understood Chris was just doing as normal: giving him what he wants
1 chapter, created 1 year , updated 1 year
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Tomjames 1 year
This is the hottest thing I've read in a very very long time !! I would love to read more from you.