It's Time for the Tube

Chapter 1

"Of course I'm sure!" I said. "If not now, when?"
Everything had just arrived, the tubes, pumps, swabs, and shakes that were gonna help me reach the next level of growth. I tipped the hydrolic on the bed so I was sitting all the way up, shuddering as I felt the increased pressure on my fat pad from my gut pushing it's way down past my knees.
I was leaking pre into my cavernous fat pad and starving for this. I'd have been jerking off if i thought I could maneuver any of my sausage like fingers under my gut and into the fat pad, but that had been beyond me for over a year by now, I had to rely on Tom's help to get it taken care of, and from what I could see of his tented jock strap, he was ready to give me that help.
"Alright," Tom finally conceded. He knew this was coming ever since I showed him the order, and I knew he'd started practicing with one of the dummies earlier today. "Hold still, the first step is the numbing spray...." And ten minutes later, the tube was pushed down into my (starving) stomach, and the pump clicked on. I burped mildly, tasting the vapours of sweet cream but nothing else happened. "Turn it up... Faster.... More.... Oooof" at about the third time I saw him tap it, the pressure in my gut increased tremendously, like I was pushing down a Thanksgiving dinner at full speed. Within minutes I was more full than my first time getting two whole pizzas down, and I'm glad Tom knew to turn it down when he saw me groaning and rubbing the fat separating me from actually massaging my stomach.
Tom crawled up into the bed pushing into my side as he wrapped his (comparitively) thin frame around my rolls and folds, massaging my over bloated abdomen and suckling my moobs as I lay there moaning. Right when I had started to feel like I'd signed up for more than I could handle, Tom had moved, pulling my legs into the stirrups and winching them up to get in close to my buried member.
Instantly I lost all sense of thought as Tom pulled back my fat pad and licked out the pre, fingering my ass with practiced precision to light up my prostate like a Christmas tree until I was squirming, every muscle heaving trying to move the pig I'd become, trying to hump and wrap myself around the source of pleasure.
Tom, finally done lubing me up crawled in between my legs and stuck his lengthy cock into me, gyrating in and out, both hands massaging my gut or my ass or both at once until I could barely breathe with pent up excitement
When Tom had finished with me, he stuck in my butt plug on low, leaving me just barely unable to finish
"This was your idea, pig. You wanted to be kept a horny mess until you got over a thousand." He squeezed my tits, twisting them to just before the pleasure became pain, and started wiping me down. "If the shake works as well as the box says, you'll get that last 50lbs in just a few weeks, no worries".
He left me to try and jiggle and buck hips that hadn't been able to lift my bulk in years. I wasn't getting off until I'd hit the half tonne
1 chapter, created 3 years , updated 3 years
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