Lab Pig (unfinished)

Chapter 1

"Mr. Faust, stay behind for a bit, would you?"

The college student had been hurriedly packing his things, trying to make a run for it at the bell, though "run" might have been a bit strong to describe the hurried waddle the young man's gait could reach when pressed. At 5'8 and 300lbs he looked every ounce of his size and more, with no help from his utter lack of fitness. Clark Faust was rarely seen in class, and though he'd originally used the hours he spent in the dining hall for studying between the occasional snack, he'd since put an end to the actual classwork and increased the amount of food to make up for it. While the other students were too interested in their mid-terms to care about one loaner blowing himself up, biology Professor Alex Wright was seeing a miracle as one of his charges doubled before his eyes.

"I've been growing significantly concerned about your grades and more so about your attendance" stated Alex curtly, looking over the lightly panting young man, taking extra note of the roll peeking out from his straining shirt and the thick bulges of moobs parked on top of the soft, blubbery gut. "It seems you'd rather spend your time gavaging yourself than learning about Osteoblasts, and I've got to wonder if that's because you /like/ the results you're getting? Surely you were full after the second pizza you had last night, but you didn't finish any of the homework I gave you on Mitosis, you went and struggled to get down a third" Clark turned red immediately, and was that a twitch in his pants? Surely that part of him was entirely covered with the results of his endless stuffings by now. Clark said "Erhm" and then started mumbling. "What was that? We're alone, speak up!" "I just... I...." Clark was stammering, and turning even more red, looking like a trapped pig about to do his best to bolt. "Very well. You are to come here" Alex scribbled down his address "After you've finished in the dining hall, and we'll make sure you have what you really need. Both of us know your only future in academia is as a study on how much of a whale you've become"
3 chapters, created 3 years , updated 3 years
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Grrth1313 3 years
Keep going! Amazing