Chapter 1
(This is my first wight gain story. English is not my mother language, so sorry about the bad grammar, and some weird sentences, but I hope, you will enjoy it anyway.)CLUB 220
Chapter 1
Hello! I'm Martin – my nickname is Marty -, 19 years old, and my story starts a year and a half ago, when I wasn't as bulky as I am today.
It all started with a certain trip at the end of May, where I learned such important information about one of my classmates that fundamentally changed my life.
I was still in high school then. At the beginning of the third year, we got two new classmates, a pair of twins a girl and a boy: Sabina and Levente, who recently moved to the area.
Sabina was my exact type and I attracted to her from the first time I saw her.
She was a light brown haired, green-eyed (like her brother), thin and fairly decent girl, but she wasn't uppish. Fortunately, she didn't grow too tall, only approx. 163-164 cm (around 5 ft 4), which I consider important to point out because, with my height of 177 cm (around 5 ft 10) and 75 kilos (165 pounds), I was not one of the bigger guys. So I thought we would fit together very well.
I'm not ugly, in fact I think I'm just average (I have blue eyes and light brown hair anyway) and in the second year, for example, there was a girl in the parallel class with whom we get together quite easily (it's true that the romance ended after two months, but that's beside the point.) So I had enough self-confidence to try to captivate Sabina’s heart.
I soon found common ground with her and his brother Levente too, we always had a good time together. Then when it turned out that Levente wasn't doing as well in math as he should have been, we started studying with each other.
Anyway, like me, Sabina studied quite well, but Levente said that he thought I can explain mathematics to him more clearly than his twin sister. And we played on game consoles (I don't mention brands) with Levente and we became quite good friends.
Sabina doesn't like virtual games, but apart from that, we got along well too.
However, no matter how nice she was to me and no matter how much I felt that not only liked her, but she also liked me, somehow I still couldn't get to closer to her. Somehow, the breakthrough that she might be willing to go out with me didn't come. And even then I had no idea why…
Then, at the end of the school year, in the last two days of May, we went on a sleepover class trip to a tourist house in the mountains. And on that ominous day, in the minutes before the evening closing time, the truth suddenly became clear to me.
It so happened that some of our classmates brought some booze, which their high school brothers got for them - we were not yet 18 years old (in Hungary you can buy alcohol above 18 years), and unfortunately we didn't even look older, that they served us in the store without asking for our IDs - and, of course, there was also the girls, who tapped the home liquor supply, so we managed to create a good atmosphere behind the teachers' backs.
However, by the time the evening party we held in the lounge came to an end, I was so dizzy that I had to go outside to get some fresh air. I staggered out of the building and moved a little further to the side, into the bushes, because I felt like I was going to throw up, but in the end nothing came of it. So I sat down on a hard surface - it was really dark, because the light from the lamp at the entrance didn't reach there, so I only felt by my hands that it was a tree stump - then I took a few deep breaths.
That's when I heard the door of the house open and a few more people come out, and then they start come towards where I was crouched in the dark.
It turned out that it was two girls, and one was Sabina, and the other was her best friend Fruzsina.
They stumbled rather unsteadily, then when they got out of the range of the lamp, they suddenly fell down in the grass, only a few meters away from me.
They obviously didn't see me, and at first I wanted to say "hello, I'm here" to them, but then I changed my mind and decided not to. I was kind of curious about what the girls would talk about among themselves. Maybe my sixth sense told me that I should listen, who knows…
- Jesus, I'm dizzy - said Fruzsina and blew.
- Yes, I exaggerated it a bit too - agreed Sabina, and it was clear in her speech that she was already tipsy. - I'm not used to this.
- Well, it would be nice if so… – said Fruzsina sarcastically - I hope the headmaster didn't notice that we became drunk.
- Ahh, I don't think she's stupid either. But it will be good to watch out for Miss Giselle (the other supervising teacher who was with us). We need to get ourselves together by the time we go back to the house. – answered Sabina.
Then they talked for a few more sentences about things of no interest to me, but then, to my great joy, the topic turned to the boys.
Well, I was secretly waiting for this.
Fruzsina whined about how she likes one of the boys in the class, but he's in love with some other girl, and how frustrating this is, etc. (usual stereotyped nonsense arising from a situation familiar to everyone). And then Fruzsina asked Sabina what kind of boys she likes, because until now she has never told any of her classmates, or even other boys from school, that she likes him, so she would be very curious about it.
"Me too!" - I thought, so I listened hard.
- Hmm, the thing is that there are guys in the class whom I like, and not one, but several, but actually all of them only from a certain point of view. I mean I like some of their qualities individually, but none of them have all of them at the same time. - said Sabina still mysteriously.
- And who are they? - asked Fruzsina.
- For example, Félix, Attila, Lehel... Marty. - listed Sabina.
- What?! - Fruzsina was shocked, while my heart was pounding because my name was also on the list. – Félix and Attila?! Sorry, I understand that you like Lehel and Martin, because they are quite handsome, but how can you find attractive those other two? – added Fruzsina surprised, and I agreed with her, because the aforementioned guys were quite overweight. Félix weighed about 120 kilos (265 lbs), and Attila wasn't far behind.
However, it seems that Sabina drank herself completely honestly, because she blurted out without any inhibitions:
- I like chubby boys.
- Really?!
- Yes, actually only those who are good for my taste. - confirmed Sabina. - Somehow thin guys don't have much of an effect on me.
- Is it serious?
- Absolutelly. So Félix and Attila are exactly my case. It's just, that I think Félix is too stupid, and Attila is also not an interesting person and what more he smells quite sweaty. So I only like them for their body type, not otherwise. But Lehel, who is handsome, in the other hand quite smug and jerk, so he also has no chance with me. Marty is the only one who is very likable, behaves normally and his face looks good, but unfortunatelly she is too thin for my taste. - finished Sabina, and although my heart was still pounding when she talked about me, like Fruzsina, I was shocked by what Sabina said about her preference of body types.
- However, I wouldn't call Marty too thin. He's not scrawny at all. I think he is quite average - said Fruzsina.
- OK, I know, but I still like it better when someone is bigger.
- But why do you like fat people? - continued Fruzsina puzzled.
- I don't know, that's how I'm put together - laughed Sabina.
- Holy shit! You didn't even say this until now, fuck!
- Well, you see, this is me. I'll drink a couple of glasses and I'll reveal all my secrets – giggled Sabina. - But please, don't tell anyone this info about me... Please!
- OK, you can trust me! – swore Fruzsina and I had known her since our first year, I knew that despite her foul language she was a correct girl, and that's why I believed that she would really keep her word. Sabina's secret will be safe with her. - And have you ever had a fat boyfriend anyway? - she asked further.
- Well, there was a guy I dated before we moved here, but he didn't have a lot of self-confidence and didn't believe that I really liked him chubby and then after a while he annoyed me that he kept talking himself down. Finally, when it turned out that I was going to change school, I told him that I didn't want to continue the relationship with him. So that's why I'm single…. And because I couldn't find someone who was nice enough and big enough at the same time. I wish the ideal guy could be put together from separate components – mused Sabina. – let's say if I could put Marty's head onto Felix's body... that would be perfect.
At first, the girls laughed at this idea, but then Sabina confirmed that she would really like this solution, and I just sat there in the dark, resting my head in my hands, while the thoughts buzzed back and forth in my head, and it seemed so unbelievable, which I heard that somehow I couldn't really understand.
In the meantime, I also felt that a few mosquitoes had found me, and I started to itch strongly in several places, but I didn't dare to hit the bugs or scratch more violently, because I was afraid that the girls would hear the flapping or notice the movement, so I tried to tolerate it silently, gritting my teeth, as the little animals of the forest feast on me.
- Your fucking mother! – I heard an annoyed swear word connected with a snap from Fruzsina, who seems to have also been found by one of the blood-sucking insects.
Luckily, after a few minutes, my rescuer arrived, in the person of Miss Giselle, the teacher who turned off the music inside and her howling voice, clearly audible from inside the house, let everyone know that it was time to finish the disco, have a shower and go to sleep.
Sabina and Fruzsina slowly got up to their feet, sneaked back into the building, and after waiting for about two minutes, I followed them.
Fortunately, they haven’t noticed that I had come in after them, because by that time they had already retired to their room, so I didn't reveal to them that I had overheard their confidential conversation.
Sexual acts/Love making
No Transformation
First person
16 chapters, created 1 year
, updated 1 year