Chapter 1 - Entry 1
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Today was a interesting day at the office. A new girl started working with us, Named Tracy. Of course she caused w few turn of heads, And i don't blame them. She was gorgeous!
From her face, her lovely hair, and not to mention she's pretty tall! No wonder all the guys where looking, and of course they all flocked around her.
But me? I wasn't so interested at first, She's far to slim for my liking, I'm pretty sure she probably has abs also, So i didn't really flock round her, Only really giving her my initial hello and welcome.
But something changed later in the day while I was in the staff room having my break, She came up to me and actually started speaking with me! And it was quite the pleasant chat! We talked about her background and her starting her job here, apparently she's related to the boss, being his nephew, but she told me not to tell others that... I wonder why she told me?
But with the conversation, I felt that there was a some kind of spark between us, She actually made me laugh, something that i don't do often. And she seemed pretty happy with our conversation also, I wonder...
Afterwards in the car park she spoke with me again, thanking me for the lovely chat and welcome also, I noticed a few of the other guys looking over at us, obviously a little jealous that i seem to to caught her attention... But I only just met her, why can't two people just speak with each other without people thinking along the love line... But I will admit she is pretty cute, even if she isn't my type, I do think we could become friends with time.
She mentioned to me that she had actually just got a place of her own and was going home to get some decorating done, seems she was also pretty new to the area, as she asked me if i knew any good places for food. Now me being me I know all the best places around here, I suggested to her to try out this take-away that does some amazing kebabs, she said she'd maybe check it out and thanked me. Before we said our goodbyes. Such a sweet girl
No Transformation
First person
7 chapters, created 2 years
, updated 2 years
"His Mother" its pretty hard to write for, so this will be a nice breather
Thank you!
This story is going to be a more POV story, and will not be as heavy of a read than "His mother"
Speaking of "His Mother", This is actually set in the same universe!