His Mother

  By Miachu  

Chapter 1 - Prologue

My life was relatively normal. I lived alone, had a job and enjoyed my somewhat quite life. However when I met Brendan, A actor who had recently hit it big. And started dating him, I knew that my life wouldn't be same, Going out to fancy restaurants, Going to movie premieres, Hanging out with other celebrities at parties ect. It sure was different from my regular lifestyle, with me mostly just getting up for work then going home again to repeat the daily cycle. However i could never of thought that it would be his mother Katie, That brought about the biggest change in my life both figuratively and literally

It all started on a regular day, The sun was shining through my window, the ray of light hitting my face. As i lay in my bed, still half asleep. Soon after i started to get up, Giving my arms and shoulders a stretch as i stood up, Yawning in the process. I took a look towards my window, still rubbing my eyes from tiredness.

Strange, Its awfully sunny this morning, I thought as i then turned towards my clock on my wall to check the time. That's when my tiredness suddenly vanished, The clock on my wall was reading 9:15 am. Crap! I'm late for work! With that i rushed out my bedroom and into the bathroom and had the quickest shower i ever had, Not even waiting for the water to heat up.

Cold and wet, i jump out the shower and quickly dried myself down, Still being wet in some areas. I threw on my work clothes, Gave my hair another quick dry down with a towel and rushed out my apartment, grabbing my bag and phone then locking the door behind me. On the way down the buildings stairs i bumped into my neighbour who lived across from me, Stacy, A friend who i had known since high school. Ohh! in a rush this moring are we? She said surprised, as we moved away from each other. Yeah sorry Stacy for bumping into you, I slept in and am late for work, I reply apologetically as i start to make my way back down the stairs. We'll you better get going huh, Hey! You still up for going out clothes shopping later? She called down the stairs. Sure I'll see you when i get back! I shouted back as i made my way out the door, to what i thought would be a regular day
19 chapters, created 3 years , updated 2 years
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Miteuf 1 year
Please write the chapter 20. I love your story !!
Miachu 1 year
Thanks! I'm trying 😅
Miteuf 2 years
J'adore toujours autant cette histoire. mais est ce que ce serai possible d'avoir la suite ?
Ditto 2 years
Love this story, would love to see it continued eventually
Richman92 2 years
Amazing story, hope you will manage to continue it
Miachu 2 years
Thanks! Just having writing blocks and motivation to write more, but it will update soon enough haha
FeedeeAli 2 years
just read all of it it’s amazing lol can’t wait for the rest
FeedeeAli 2 years
Miachu 2 years
GrowingLoveH... 3 years
I shouldn’t have said anything. I am the biggest procrastinator writer on ff! I have so many unfinished stories. Maybe we can encourage each other — to write more!
GrowingLoveH... 3 years
This is just so wicked — and excellent. I can’t get enough.
Miachu 3 years
I'm gonna have to get rid of my art block and actually continue writing this story haha, I have a few endings in mind, It just I need to dedicate myself to one and lead into it, Plus writing block hel
GrowingLoveH... 3 years
I suffer from writer’s block also.
GrowingLoveH... 3 years
Quality sometimes takes time. I am a patient reader, so take your time with this, and make it beautifully and darkly erotic. Thanks for your wicked thinking.
Miachu 3 years
Hopefully soon, I just need to get time to sit down and write a few more chapters!
Her Revenge 3 years
Any idea when we may see an update?
Eggmf92 3 years
Really looking forward to you next installment, awesome job so far
Miachu 3 years
Thank you!
Her Revenge 3 years
Wonderfully entertaining. I can't wait to find out how "Mothers" plan plays out!
Miachu 3 years
Thank you! 😊
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