Chapter 1 - Prologue
It's funny how in a single instant... your whole life and world can be flipped upside down. Everything you know and love? You're daily routine and life? Gone! just like that in a second! Never to be the same ever again! Well that happened to me... and everyone else in our world. Everything changed when they showed up... "The Blobs" least that's what we call them.What are Blobs you ask? Glad you asked! "The Blobs" are these strange, creamy white slimy creature's that seem to have some kind of sentience to them. Think of pizza dough, but way bigger, slimmer and can move. But you might be wondering.... "What makes them so dangerous? How could slime monster things flip the world so much?". Well... to put it straight... these things can make you huge... As in they will fatten you up nearly instantly if you make contact with them. It's like they get obsorbed into your body, causing you to gain weight. The bigger the blob... the fatter you will end up.
I've seen it with my own eyes how big they can make some people, Big enough to the degree I don't think you could class them as human anymore. More like they become a fleshy Blob themselves that is immobile and just sits there forever.
Why do the blobs do this you may ask? We have no idea... we don't even know where they came from! Let alone why they fatten people up to extreme sizes! All we know is this... 1: Don't touch them at any cost... 2: If you see one? Turn around and go the other way. 3: Try and remain as quite as possible, they seem to use sounds as a guidance on where things are when they aren't wondering wanderlustly. 4: If you are getting chased by one? Seek a body of water fast! They avoid water as they seem to dissolve when making contact. And 5? Simple.... Survive... Getting to fat and becoming a blob of flesh, is basically just the same as dying in most people's eyes... what kind of life is there to even have at that point?
But don't you wanna know how this all went down? How the world reacted? And what I did after that faithful day? Then here, I'll tell you.... this is my story of my survival in a Blob infested world...
College Fiction
Medical/Scientific Experiments
6 chapters, created 1 year
, updated 1 year
And lmao! that's brilliant! i had no idea that was a thing
Seeing if people would be interested!
Feedback greatly appreciated! 😃