Reflection 2

  By Miachu  

Chapter 1 - Bigger than ever

Oh there you are, it's been awhile. How long has it been since last time? The last time you truly looked at yourself in the mirror? The last you checked, you couldn't believe how much you'd let yourself go. And in embarrassment you got rid of your mirror, Hiding it way from sight and out of mind.

But here you are again, looking right at your reflection. Since last time things haven't changed. Your horror at looking at yourself didn't spark you, to change your ways. From what I see... they've only gotten worse. Wow, Just look at you... your even bigger than last time! Way way bigger!

I see your standing further back, to get yourself fully in frame. But even then, you've gotten so big that you've failed at even that. So tell me fatty, how did you end up like this? How'd you let yourself go even more than before? Because I can hardly even recognise you under all that fat...

Since last time, you told yourself you had to make a change. You were going to try and loose some of the weight and get some control over your body again. But look how that turned out. Instead, you ended up doing the exact same thing as before... giving up. Because your real good at that aren't you?

Instead of dieting and working out. You ended up just eating more and more. getting more fatter and softer. It didn't help that your husband treated you like a queen. You spent most of your time at home, looking after the kids... but even when they got older and went to school. You still remained at home, lazing about and enjoying yourself.

You got to watch all your favourite shows, while snacking down on your favourite treats. and you knew full well what the results would be, but you still did it. Even when the scale passed 400 pounds one day, you didn't attempt to stop your growth. I guess in a way for you it was normal. Being the size you were and it constantly increasing. And why should you worry about it? You had a easy life. Being your husbands little... well not so little house wife. As he worked hard to provide for you and your family, you provided your appite with food and satisfaction. He'd return most days from work to find you laying on the sofa, stuffing your face more and more. Plus, he didn't seem to mind you gains... in fact he seemed to enjoy them. He would provide you with even more fattening treats, and you'd openly accept them every single time.

Of course this behaviour would continue to increase your size, as time went on. Others started to refer to you as the "Fat mum" when they would see you picking up your kids from school... But you didn't care... you'd go straight to a fast food place after picking them up, for your 3rd lunch of the day. A sign of your gluttonous behaviour.

Eventually your kids started going to high school, leaving you with even more free time on your fat ass. You'd eat more, move less. only really getting up to do the basic things, you just couldn't pause and watch your show later now could you? You just had to binge the whole series as you finished your 2nd tube of pringles.

You just got fatter and fatter, without doing anything to try and prevent it from happening. Perhaps you enjoyed it? Lazying around all day as you ate and grew. Because when you passed 500 pounds, you turned your head the other way. And now look at you.... Your the biggest you've ever been, as your now nearing 600 pounds. It's really starting to effect you isn't it? You struggle to do the most basic things now, even getting up from bed has been getting more challenging.... if your ot careful, you may find yourself never getting up from it.... Or is that what your hoping to happen? To get so fat, that you'd never need to get up again. Enjoying your lazy life to the full? Is that why you've decided to look in the mirror again? For one last final time? Might as well asset the damage you've done now right?

Your just fat all over. Your legs and hips have gotten so wide, that they brush against the door frames now. Your arms are as thick and wide as your thighs used to be when you were small, but to mention your belly, which sticks out and hangs. It certainly looks heavy doesn't it? But you don't care do you, why would you at this point? You have no intentions on changing your ways. And as your husband comes in and sees you, he can't help but stare at you, eyes filled with love. As he brings his hand to your belly and gives it a feel. Guess things have developed between you two. The two of you finding pleasure in your growth. The two of you embrace, and soon take your affection to the bed, where some treats have been placed for you and soon find their way into your mouth, as your husband and yourself enjoy every moment of it... I guess I'll enjoy the show, watching you get even fatter as the days go by, eventually you can't get out of bed anymore one day. Leaving you properly immobile, A crowning achievement of your gluttonous life.

Who would have thought this would ever have happened to you? Not you of course, But me? I knew from day one that you were a uncontrollable glutton. I guess I'm glad you decided to not get a new mirror... otherwise I'd never get to witness your full transformation.

Hope you enjoy your future life style fatty, because you're not going anywhere
1 chapter, created 1 year , updated 1 year
12   1   2014

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Miachu 1 year
Trying out writing again, hope you enjoy!