Emily’s Ability

  By Bcain  

Chapter 1

Emily had discovered her unique ability at the young age of 18. It wasn’t exactly clear to her at first, but with time and experimentation she had learned the ins and outs.

It had been prom night (as cliché as that was) when she first experienced it. Ben, her boyfriend at the time, had taken her out for a lovely evening of dancing and celebrating their last year of high school with all their close friends. The after party was at a friend’s house, a large property with no neighbors nearby so that they could have a bon fire and camp out without worry of disturbing anyone. Alcohol was involved and by the end of the night most were slightly tipsy. Emily and Ben had talked about sex, but both agreed they wanted their first time to be special. With a little liquid courage to quell their inhibitions tonight seemed like it could be THE night.

Stumbling back to their tent after saying good night to the group, Ben was looking forward to cuddling up next to his sexy girlfriend. Emily was beautiful, most would say she was out of his league even. She had long dark luscious brown hair that fell over her tan shoulders and B cup breasts, piercing green eyes, and a bright yet wily smile that sometimes made her look like she was up to something. She was fit, though not to the point of her shedding a certain feminine softness. He took in her smooth, mostly flat, middle that sat above her rounded hips and butt as she bent over to enter the tent. He thought about how lucky he was as he followed her in.

Ben was pretty average for the most part. He had short messy blond hair and deep blue eyes, not quite fat, but certainly not in great shape. He was surprised at how their relationship had blossomed as he assumed someone like Emily would’ve gone for a football player or the like, but maybe that was just him being close minded. In fact, if he‘d known more about Emily and her preferences he would’ve realized that the quarterback was simply not her type. Either way he was happy to be with her now and looked forward to the prospect of sleeping with her tonight.

They quickly fell into embrace and began to make out on their sleeping bags. In the troughs of passion they slowly removed their clothes, one item after another, exploring more of each other’s bodies.

Emily removed Ben’s shirt exposing his pale, slightly soft, physique and small belly. She ran her hands over his sides as they kissed, testing the small layer of fat at his love handles. Ben removed Emily’s sweatshirt as well, continuing with her shirt and exposing her pert breasts and cute bra. He hugged her close wanting to feel their bodies touch skin to skin, their small soft stomachs pressing together. Their pants came next, Ben’s hard member coming to attention through his boxers having been released from the restricting material of his jeans. He sunk his hands into Emily’s thick yet strong thighs once her jeans were also removed only growing more aroused. Her tight panties clung to her hips and matched her bra, she’d been prepared for the possibilities of tonight.

“I think I’m ready.” She whispered into his ear as she gyrated her hips over his soft middle.

She could tell he was more than ready by the way his erection was poking into her thigh. They quickly fully disrobed and Ben produced a condom, which he fumbled to quickly apply in his anticipation. With it being their first time, they were nervous, but the excited looks on their faces told each other this was right. She slowly and gently slid on top of him as they took their time. It was not the crazy sex they had seen in the movies, but it was intimate and pleasant. Ben rocked gently, making sure Emily was comfortable and hoping to limit any initial pain. Slowly, they built a rhythm and Emily felt herself loosen up to him with pleasure.

They were lost in each other, but if they would’ve been paying more attention they might’ve noticed the subtle change that was occurring. As they rocked back and forth Ben’s small belly began to expand. It was a very slow and small change, but nonetheless it occurred. And it wasn’t just his belly, but rather his entire body that was slowly softening up as they continued to have sex. His chest softened up ever so slightly, his face even filling out a little more. His usually scrawny rear and legs thickened the slightest bit.

They were both filled with a warm pleasurable sensation that enveloped their bodies and each thought this to be a normal feeling associated with sex, but the truth was Emily and Ben were experiencing the side effects of Emily’s rather unusual ability for the first time.

Fortunately (or not depending on how you looked at it) Ben quickly came to release. While Emily had not reached orgasm, she was still wrapped in pleasure from the whole experience. After his awkward sigh of release, she leaned over and kissed him before dismounting, her hand sinking into his softer chest as she did so. She chalked it up to the alcohol and her own secret desires clouding her mind and quickly dismissed any chance of Ben’s pecs actually having been fattened up the smallest amount.

You see there was a reason she had chosen Ben over most of the other guys the girls at school had fawned over. Of course he was a sweetheart with a great personality, but also he was a little on the chunky side as far as his weight was concerned and that excited her. She was still figuring herself out, but she was pretty sure she had a thing for guys of a bigger variety.

Disposing of the condom and getting into their comfortable sleeping clothes they quickly fell asleep holding one another, Emily’s head a tad more comfortable against her lover’s softened arm.

The next morning as they were waking up and getting dressed Emily began to suspect that something was amiss. No longer inebriated, she watched as Ben fumbled just a bit to get his jeans over his butt and close them. The same jeans that had been loose fitting mere hours ago seemed closer to a skinny jean than what the style was originally intended. He managed to get them on fine, but they were definitely tighter and his small belly perched ever so slightly on the waistband. It was certainly more than the previous night. The same went for his now tighter shirt, which pulled against his love handles and chest as it stretched over the slight dome of his gut. He was bigger, not by much, but enough for her expert eyes to notice the roughly 5 lbs gained.

Ben himself noticed the change as well, but had already chalked it up to bloating from the alcohol of the previous night. His mind was foggy from the hangover as he uncomfortably continued to pack up their stuff. He pushed any concerns about his ill-fitting clothes out of his head for now to focus on the task at hand.

Ben drove Emily home and she thanked him for a wonderful night. They both agreed that while they were going to different schools in the fall, they would enjoy their last summer together. It would consist of days out to the beach with friends (plenty of shirtless Ben for Emily to take in), concerts, and house parties all in the warm heat of the summer. Emily was happy that whatever weight Ben seemed to have gained that fateful night seemed to have stuck to him and she never missed a chance to graze up against his softer body.
43 chapters, created 3 years , updated 2 years
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Letters And ... 1 year
The most unusual take I’ve read on the Midas Touch….ever? Fun story!!
Scootergirl 2 years
I'd love to see more of scooter-bound Ashley!
Idkgrl 2 years
The chapter we’ve all been waiting for…

Excellent work as always
Bcain 3 years
Wanted to thank everyone who's followed along so far. This is the longest story I've ever written and I can't believe I've surpassed 100,000 views! (whatever that means, it seems like a lot)
Joey95 3 years
I had a theory that if Emily masturbated she would get fat haha
Bcain 3 years
I also had this thought, but I see Emily as a girl who has definitely explored her own body. It'd be a little odd if she hadn't even attempted to masturbate before this point in her life.
Idkgrl 3 years
Excited that Emily is getting chunky too.

Wonder if she can use her ability on herself somehow…
Bcain 3 years
Ha glad you're still enjoying. Would love to make a buck, but also you know how inconsistent I can be. Not sure it'd be fair to charge so it stays free since I could go on hiatus for months at a time.
CeReallyFat 3 years
Amazing writing and such a sexy idea and story development!
Fatowl 3 years
Great Story!! Fatten Emily and have her get with Liz while Brian moves onto Ashley?! Maybe fatten others in Ashley's gang?! Gotta bring out Emily's bi or lesbian feelings!
RavenBlackwing 3 years
This is honestly one of THE BEST stories I’ve read, I love it!
Stevita 3 years
We love to see a fat shaming rich bitch brought down (up?) to size! Can't wait for the action and the aftermath!
GrowingLoveH... 3 years
Wow! Just finished ch. 29 (part 31)! This story has it all. I love that you’ve circled back to strike revenge. So we’ll done.
Growingsofter 3 years
Cant weight for the next chapter
Bcain 3 years
Sorry for the slow down. I have been and will continue to be super busy over the next few months but will get out chapters as I can. I have more plans for this one and am happy to see people enjoying
Ifmusicbe3 3 years
I feel like we’ve missed out on a lot of Brian’s gain and Emily’s experience of it. When do we get to catch up with his journey?
Blubear 3 years
Weird idea, what if by Emily playing with herself, she gains weight from her ability and because she’s now bigger, her ability is stronger meaning fattens up at a quicker rate
Blubear 3 years
Weird idea, what if by Emily playing with herself, she gains weight from her ability and because she’s now bigger, her ability is stronger meaning fattens up at a quicker rate
Fatowl 3 years
More!! More!! More!!
Bcain 3 years
Thanks as always for the positive reinforcement, it really helps keep me going on a story if I know other people want more.

I’ve been busy as of late so I apologize for not churning out chapters as quickly, but I will keep going on this one once I g
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