A Change of Weight

  By Bcain  

Chapter 1

(I am trying to get back into writing and sharing stories and so I wanted to re-upload my older collection first since I had taken it down a while back, hope you still enjoy even if its a second time around)

It was his last class of the week. The first week of classes was always a whirlwind of syllabi, introductions, and diving into new material. Rob was used to it by now with it being his senior year. He was counting the minutes down on the clock as he sat in the lecture hall. He had the weekend to relax and he was ready for this much needed break after the exhausting first week.
Five minutes to the end he began putting his things away in his backpack when a calculator came bouncing into his view on the floor in front of him. “Excuse me” a feminine voice from behind him said. “Can you grab that for me?” the voice asked kindly. Rob, being as decent a person as anyone, picked up the calculator and turned to return it to the voice that had requested it. Turning to meet the “calculator girl” he was taken aback by her presence. There stood a girl of about 5’5” with curly brunette hair pulled into a messy bun. She had a smile on her chubby cheeks as she received the calculator. Her cheeks, however, where not the only things that were chubby about her. As Rob’s eyes continued down her form she had a large chest that sat on a sizable belly, which looked to be struggling with the leggings and sweatshirt she was wearing. Below this belly she had a large set of hips and thick thighs that dominated her pear shaped frame. It wasn’t hard to tell that her butt had a difficult time squeezing into the tiny old seats of the lecture hall. With everything accounted for she had to be somewhere between 200 and 220 lbs. “Thanks” she said to a Rob who stood with a blank stare on his face. He was blown away by how cute she was.
You see Rob had a little bit of a thing for chubby girls and the chubby girl standing in front him might as well have been his dream girl. Rob quickly snapped out of his trance and replied “No problem” with a smile back. He turned to gather his things, but the urge to know more about this girl took over and he turned back to grab her attention once more. “I’m Rob by the way.” It was a big lecture hall and there were many students that blended into a mass of bodies, which Rob had not taken any interest in until now. “I’m Maria, very nice to meet you Rob.” She replied as they slowly worked their way in the mob of people to the exit. They continued talk as they walked home from campus. Rob found that they were both engineering majors and by the end of their walk they had exchanged numbers in the context of studying and helping each other with homework. Rob was a conventionally good looking guy, nothing out of the ordinary, but he felt he could consider himself somewhat handsome. He was 5’11” and weighed in at 185 lbs. He had short shaggy blond hair. He had an average to slim frame, not super muscular, but enough to be somewhat defined in his arms, chest and legs. He worked out, but nothing too crazy, just enough to stay in shape and keep his weight under control. He hoped that she was interested in a little more than just studying together, but time would tell. They parted ways as they walked to their respective houses.
6 chapters, created 4 years , updated 3 years
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Bbman30 4 years
I wish there was more of this story, it’s so good!