Chapter 1
Another flight, another hotel room, another week away from home. Julie had grown accustom to the unorthodox lifestyle of consulting over the 4 years she’d been working it, but this wasn’t to say it still didn’t grind away on her at times. Flying from Chicago to Tampa every week, for this latest contract, was still a hassle and it only seemed to get worse the older she got. At 30 years old she was starting to feel it more than when she had first started.Checking into the same courtyard Marriott she had been for the last month and getting into her room, she let out a sigh of relief as she dropped her bags to the floor and fell backwards on the white crisp sheets of the king sized bed.
“What to do now?” She thought to herself as she let the tension in her shoulders slightly release.
A long hot shower seemed obvious to wash away the grime of travel and help her relax a bit. Endless hot water was certainly a perk of the lifestyle. Julie nimbly shucked her travel attire to the floor and pranced into the bathroom. She pulled the lever on the shower as far as it would go on the hot setting and waited for the water to warm. She took stock of herself in the mirror as she waited.
Straight shoulder length blond hair parted at the middle to framed her conventionally cute face. Two big blue eyes stared back at her in the reflection accompanied by a button nose and rosy cheeks that dimpled when she smiled. Below, slender arms lay at her sides and a pair of perky B cups perched above her smooth flat stomach. Her hips widened gently away from her sides giving her slight curves and a small cute butt bubbled out behind her. Thin legs gave her an enviable thigh gap and ended with small dainty feet.
Julie was very lucky to have the looks she had been genetically gifted and never had any trouble attracting others when she wanted to, but the constant on-the-go lifestyle had left her partnerless as it was too much to juggle with being away constantly.
The mirror quickly fogged over signaling that her shower had reached the optimal temperature. She welcomed the sting of the hot water on her pale skins as she eased her body into the scalding cascade. She cleansed herself of the airports film and let herself fully relax in the thick hazy atmosphere of the bathroom.
Finally, calling it quits before she got too pruney, Julie exited her shower and toweled off feeling much better than she had upon entering her room. She decided food was in order next and dressed her self in a casual outfit to go down and hit a sandwich shop she had grown rather fond of after exploring the area around the hotel.
Julie stood to the side of the counter waiting for her order to come out as she mindlessly scrolled through her phone.
“Number 56!” A girl behind the counter yelled, jarring Julie from her trance.
She walked towards the counter and went to grab the brown paper bag when another hand met hers. Confused she looked from the larger hand hovering above the bag up to the person it was attached to. A rather handsome man looked back at her and blushed slightly. He was taller than her 5’5” height and somewhat lanky. He had a head of messy dark brown hair and a slight 5 o’clock shadow. He wore a blue button down with the sleeves rolled up that hung loosely from his slim frame. It was messily tucked into his black slacks, which sat evenly on his bony looking hips.
“Oops, sorry I think that’s mine.” He said somewhat confused as to why the cute girl in front of him was trying to steal his food.
“Oh are you sure?” Julie asked pulling out her receipt to check.
A bold number 65 stared back at her towards the bottom of the slip. She’d been so lost in her own world that she’d mixed up the numbers.
“Oh, apologies, I guess I read the number wrong.” Julie spoke up, slightly embarrassed at the situation now.
“Oh no worries at all. It happens.” He said with a smile before finally picking up his order.
“Enjoy your food.” She said sheepishly as he retrieved what was rightfully his.
“Thank you, I’m Matthew by the way, well Matt really.” He said sticking out his large hand once more to shake.
“Oh, Julie, nice to meet you.” She said cordially as she took his into her smaller hand.
“Listen, I don’t do this often, but I’m going to grab a spot over there if you want to join me.” He said coolly.
“Oh?! Umm, I was going to do the same, sure I’ll join you.” She said somewhat surprised by the offer.
She spent enough time in the hotel as it was and welcomed an excuse to get out and interact with someone other than her team members for once. It didn’t hurt that Matthew was easy on the eyes either. She patiently waited for her ‘correct’ number to be called and then found Matt in a booth in the corner. They enjoyed their food as they chatted, opening up to one another. Julie learned that Matt was from the area and worked nearby. This sandwich shop had also grown to be a favorite of his. Julie explained her back and forth lifestyle, but that she was happy to meet a local given how much time she spent around here during the week. They chatted some more as they finished their meals and the conversation flowed effortlessly. Eventually, Matt offered to clear her tray with his and they stood to leave.
“Hey no pressure, but this was actually really nice…if not a little random. Any chance I could get your number?” Matt asked cautiously.
“Ha I know right? But sure. I’d like to meet up again when I’m in town if you’re around as well.” Julie replied.
Matt perked up at her response and handed her his phone to enter her number. A confirmation text was sent and they agreed to meet again before going their separate ways.
Magical Realism
Sexual acts/Love making
Fit to Fat
6 chapters, created 1 year
, updated 1 year