Tricky Treats

  By Bcain  

Chapter 1

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(Got this one out a tad late for spooky season, but it was well worth the weight (I couldn't resist) for the accompanying artwork I commissioned from SweetnessAdmirer on DA.)

Allie walked briskly up and down the aisles of the unfamiliar market. This was her last hope. If they didn’t have candy here she would be out of luck for the barrage of trick-or-treaters she was about to have on her doorstep. She had already tried her usual grocery store as well as a few convenience stores with no success. She was kicking herself for forgetting to grab some candy earlier in the week. Now that she had waited too long, it seemed there was nothing left.

She had all, but given up when she noticed the chintzy looking non-descript market nestled in a desolate strip mall while waiting at a stoplight. The storefront had a plethora of knick-knacks and other tchotchke along with a paper “OPEN” sign. She didn’t see much in the way of food items, but this was what made Allie turn off into the parking lot. None would think to look for candy here so they just might have something left. It was a stretch to say the least, but she was desperate and not ready to give up just yet.

Allie loved the Halloween season. Scary movies, costumes parties, and of course trick-or-treating. She looked back fondly on her memories parading around her childhood neighborhood with her sisters all dressed up and excited for the many treats they would procure. Now that she was 28 she made sure to get her doorstep decorated and primed for any and all trick-or-treaters who might come by, hoping to give them the same joy that she used to have all those years ago. Unfortunately this year she had be slightly more busy at work than usual and the Halloween prep had been set aside until the last minute, which is why she found herself in this current predicament.

Aisle after aisle continued to be packed with random stuff, none of which was candy. The dull florescent lighting cast everything in a sickly yellow sheen. The almost subliminal buzz from the bulbs burrowing into her head. Allie chided herself for poor planning and decided she did not want to spend another second in this place. This year she would have to leave her porch light off and turn away all those hopeful kids. She felt like an idiot in her costume as she slumped her shoulders and turned to leave in defeat.

The green body paint and blown out hair of her she-hulk costume now felt like they were calling attention to her failure. Form fitting purple yoga pants and a workout tank with some small tears had completed her outfit. Allie regularly hit the gym and while she wasn’t a hulking body builder by any means, she maintained a trim and toned figure. Initially she had felt like the costume was a great choice given its relevance and the ease to which she could pull it together last minute, but now she just felt silly given that no one would be coming to her door for treats.

She rounded the corner of the last aisle to head back to the exit when something caught her eye. She stopped, turning on the heels of her trainers to look more closely. Trick-y-Treats was plastered across a big orange bag that looked to be filled with assorted candy sitting on the end shelf. She picked up the lone bag to inspect it closer; the large bag had some heft to it. She did not recognize any of the names of the candy within, but they all looked similar to what one would expect in an assorted candy bag. A vague similarity to a kit kat, a likeness to snickers, some plain looking chocolate bars, and some chocolate coated balls that appeared to have peanut butter within. Not quite a Reese’s cup, but close enough.

“Must be some weird off brand stuff.” She thought, as she looked the bag over.

She confirmed that it was still within its expiration date by a couple months and therefore safe to hand out to people. Her luck had turned; Halloween at her house was saved! She was proud of herself for not giving up and making this one last stop. She hoisted heavy the bag onto her shoulder and strutted to the front with triumph.

“Huh, only $6.66 for this giant bag? Seems cheap, but I’m not complaining.” She thought as the numbers flashed in red on the readout while the cashier checked her out.

The pale lanky man with a blank stare on his face pushed forward a receipt to sign and Allie scrawled a quick signature on the line before hurrying out the door to get back to her house before trick-or-treating started. She failed to notice the fine print at the bottom of the receipt as she signed the merchant copy, which stated, “Buyer Beware” in bold red lettering. The light up “Market” sign above the entrance flickered eerily as she exited through the automated sliding doors and back to her lone car in the parking lot.
3 chapters, created 2 years , updated 2 years
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Lpark435 2 years
We definitely need one more chapter at least, this was a very good story!
Bcain 2 years
Lol well I’m glad it was enjoyed. Really just wanted to do something for the holiday, but might take a swing at continuing if I can find a way in.