Chapter 1
Ben had always had a thing for bigger girls. It had started at a very young age (before puberty and sex were even a thought) and had continued to develop as he matured into adulthood. Fortunately for Ben, he had come of age in a time that included the internet and thus he soon discovered the world fat fetishism, feedism, and that he by no means was the only individual interested in women with a little extra meat on their bones.Now at age 27, Ben was educated in his sexual fetish, the ins and out had come through years of lurking and eventual participation in these online communities and he was confident in his preferences. Always one to be understanding of the trials and tribulations the girls he came to date experienced on a day to day basis he made sure to shower them with compliments and let them know how much he loved their big and often growing bodies.
Currently however, Ben was in a bit of a dating drought. It had been several months since his last relationship ended after a fight over his previous lover, Lauren’s, expanding waist. While he had always tried to be respectful, he was ever the subtle encourager and though Lauren was well accustomed to being with feeders in the past, she was not so much interested in the fetish for her own sexual needs. The tension came to head after another attempt at some prodding from Ben to finish the pizza they had ordered one Saturday evening.
“Enough is enough, I am full and I do not want the last slice. You are always pushing food my way and I have had it!” She erupted on her partner.
“Hey, I didn’t mean anything by it, please don’t be mad. You do not need to finish it, I just wanted to offer it up before I put any leftovers away.” He tried to explain to her.
“No Ben, if its not this its something else, always one last bite, one more drink, or surprise trips to the grocery with more snacks. Always more food! I just can’t do it anymore. I’m happy with my body as big as it is and while I don’t mind to indulge here and there I don’t like that you’re always pushing for more.”
Lauren sat on the couch; her plush 230 lbs body jiggled in her tight tank and shorts as she angrily articulated her point. She had been at an even 200 lbs when her and Ben had started dating, but his constant encouragement had added an additional 30 lbs to her 5’ 5” frame.
“I’ve always supported you the way you are though.” Ben tried to counter her.
It was true after all; he had always showered her with compliments regardless of her additional pounds.
“I don’t care how big or small you are, I just also like to make sure you’re well fed. I’m sorry for pushing.” He admitted. He felt bad realizing he had gone too far.
“You just wont ever truly get it Ben, you’ve been a slim athletic guy your entire life, you don’t get the insecurities and social judgment that comes with all this extra weight.” She explained.
She was right; Ben had always been slim and even on the verge of muscular. He had participated in sports all through high school and even now played with friends in a few different rec leagues throughout the year. He regularly went on runs around the neighborhood throughout the week. He had never been even on the verge of chubby standing at 6 feet tall even and 175 lbs. Most of the girls he had dated had matched or weighed more than him. He ran a hand through his short light brown hair as he let her words sink in.
It was over.
“I can’t do it any more, I think we should split up.” She finally said the words out loud and Ben just nodded in agreement.
“I understand.” He said solemnly as he helped her get her stuff and walked her to the door.
Although he would miss Lauren it was probably for the best in the long run. His feeder tendencies would always come up, they were a part of him and he knew he would need to be with someone who accepted and understood that.
He apologized one last time as he walked her to the door and watched as she made her way to her car parked in the drive, her short blond hair swaying with the light evening breeze.
Contemporary Fiction
Mutual gaining
Sexual acts/Love making
Fit to Fat
9 chapters, created 4 years
, updated 3 years