Fat Investigation

  By MottiF  

Chapter 1 - Ortal getting huge

Ortal was well known detective in her precinct. One of her recent case was involving with the mysterious disappearance of girls. She spent a lot of time collecting dossiers on each of them. Everything turned out to be fruitless. Nothing explained what happened, except that they were meeting the same guy, named Raz.

Ortal was looking for information about him among the relatives of one missing girl which saw this person. Ortal found his house and decided to set ann ambush.

Every day she sat and looked for a good opportunity to enter the house without him noticing. One day, she walked in and found herself in a strange house. She came across a mysterious basement and decided to go down there. Ortal looked at the situation with horror.

The basement was divided into separate cells, in which there were girls with different parameters. Ortal recognized them as the missing girls; what amaze her the most is that the longer they stayed in this place, the larger they became. The girls were fattened up while on captivity. And the fattest girls were feeding the thin ones.

Suddenly, she was hit hard on the back of the head and lost consciousness. When she woke up, she found herself in a cage that was different from the others: a tube was installed on the wall. As soon as she make a sound, a very large woman, weighing about two hundred kilograms, entered the cage. She ordered Ortal to put the tube in her mouth and drink the liquid that was being fed from it. She resisted and demanded that the woman release her, “I’m a police detective!” She shouted. “You don’t want this.”

But she was hit with electric shock and soon was forced to drink this liquid. And she found herself doing it more than once throughout the day, and so the first days passed unnoticed for Ortal.

Soon she has to admit to herself that she simply enjoyed her cocktail and watched those around her. Of course, she had an escape plan. As an experienced athlete, she knew how to bend the wire and break free. Time continued to pass. After a few more days, Ortal began to feel discomfort: her clothes began to squeeze in her slightly. With horror, she noticed that it was not her clothes that had shrunk, but she had gained weight.

When Ortal was brought into the room, she clearly rejected all offers of drink, pointing to her growing belly. Attempts to approach her with understanding were unsuccessful, and all persuasion was rejected. In the end, she was forcibly tied up and fed in much larger quantities. After a couple of weeks, Ortal began to suspect that the portions had become smaller, and eventually she began to ask for more and more food. Her gained weight made her hungrier, so her clothes were barely hanging on her body now. But Ortal did not forget about her plan of escape, but she understood that in order to do this, she needed to gain the trust of those around her.

That night, she attempted to escape, but the plan was unsuccessful. By that time, Ortal had become so weak that she could not quickly get up from the floor, let alone cope with the bars. In the morning, she tried again, but the result remained the same. At that moment, one of the girls who had disappeared approached her, but now she looked very fat — having gained at least 150 kilograms. After that, Ortal was lifted up.

She found herself in front of the mirror and was shocked by what she saw: She had developed a double chin, her arms had become full, while her breasts were large and perky, and her heavy hips widened significantly. And there were her butts, both of her blossom ass bowls were massive, and her belly hung in folds down to her knees. She was massively overweight.

Ortal asked in bewilderment how this had happened and when. She was told that she had been deliberately overfed and would continue to do so for a long time, even when she was sleeping... Ortal moved away from the mirror and looked at her reflection. She had spent so much time in this closed world, where every calorie was tracked and her dreams dissolved in extra pounds.

She remembered how the girls laughed at her when she tried to escape from their control. But now everything would change. Ortal began actively looking for a skinny girl. A girl who could become her guide to freedom. She had her eye on Dana — the one who always cleverly avoided anyone's attacks. She was clever and smart, and her main advantage was that she did not arouse suspicion. Ortal began to approach her. Conversations about books, music and easy informality brought them closer. Soon Dana became her friend, not suspecting Ortal's deep plan. In the evenings they dreamed of freedom, each of them felt cramped within the walls of this place. And then, one day, exploring the secret paths in the building, Ortal whispered: "I know how to escape. You just need a little courage ..."

The girls were preparing an escape plan. In the silence of the night, when everyone was at rest, Ortal carefully opened the door to Dana's room. Everything now depended on Dana and her strength. They managed to get out into the yard, but at the exit they were awaited by a group of strong girls. They quickly caught Dana and Ortal, separating them and sending them to different cells, where they were carefully watched.

At this time, the captors made sure Ortal would never have the opportunity to escape, so they attached her to a large feeding tube in order to fatten her up faster, and so a new folds on her sides became noticeable. During the feeding, she felt breathless but also how her body was becoming larger. Her waist disappeared, and her belly felt much much heavier. Ortal fell into complete despair. Her two attempts at freedom ended in failure. In search of consolation, she began to actively eat high-calorie food to relieve stress, not to mention the forced feeding process who clearly affected her growing body. Gradually, her physical activity significantly decreased. Extra pounds were added with incredible speed. Her stomach began to cover almost the entire surface of her legs. Her hands and fingers also noticeably rounded out and her huge breasts barely stayed in her bra. But that was not the end. Her legs has became so wide that they could cover whole her old body. Her butts turned into real soft pillows.

One day, Ortal felt bored while sitting on the floor, eating food. Suddenly, an attractive young man with an athletic build came up to her and offered to go upstairs. It turned out to be Raz. He set a condition for Ortal: if she gained weight up to 400 kilograms, he would let her go. She looked at him with mixed feelings but agreed.

With renewed strength, she began to absorb more and more food, she consumes more fattening liquids and fast foods and drinks willingly from the gigantic feeding tube that was attached to the feeding machine. So, every day, her weight increased by 2-3 kilograms. In about two months of such a diet, Ortal reached the desired weight, but did not expect that her body would become so heavy that she would not be able to walk, all she could do was just to waddle, she became so big and bloated all the time. But a promise is a promise and Raz let her go, along with one of the missing girls who was large too.

But the damage was done. She had become a huge mass of fat, unable to move. Raz actively took care of her fattening process, she just couldn’t leave physically...

Ortal understood that having reached this weight, she would not even be able to move a finger, and she decided to stop, she already reach the desire weigh. No matter what, even if she is going to lose weight, her fat cells still be there, even if they will shrink.

Fatness has become hers.
1 chapter, created 4 months , updated 4 months
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