Filled With Pleasure

  By Boozle  

Chapter 1

My jeans were already tight but Jay wanted to feed me more. 100,000 calories a day was doing a number on my body. I'd once been small but that was in the past. Jay brought me the bucket of milk and honey, looking me up and down to assess the damage he'd done to me before. He put the bucket down and ran his hand over my belly, tracing his finger over the tattoos on my sides. He squeezed my love handles and chuckled at me before he put the straw in my mouth and ordered me to drink. I took it slow, loving the taste of the milk. It was sweet and very filling. As my jeans became tighter I moaned in pleasure. Jay gently squeezed my belly and teased me.
'You're certainly getting big,' he said with a bit of a moan.
I nodded. I was definitely larger and it was all thanks to him. Nothing really fit me anymore and if it did fit, it was still tight and ready to rip. I didn't mind though. I wanted to please Jay. I was very happy as well. Jay fed me perfectly and there was no way I could complain.
It took me a while to finish the mixture in the bucket. I was so full by the time it was all gone and I was surely ready to pop. I sat up slowly and looked down. I couldn't even see the button on my jeans anymore but judging from the new relief I felt, it had probably popped open a long time before without me even realizing. I felt Jay's hand gently caress me. I tilted my head back and looked up at him.
'Good boy,' he said with a kind smile.
He was always kind to me. He knew my limits and even though he loved to test those limits, he was kind to me. He wanted me to gain as much as possible. I'd grown so much already, putting on almost 50 pounds in the first two months with him, and about 10 inches around my waist. It was a nice feeling. I was very squishy and super jiggly. Very pleasing to both me and Jay. And we both wanted me to grow more.
Jay let me rest for a while and I snuggled down into our bed. I was very comfortable though breathing was difficult with my belly being so heavy. He watched over me for a while and rubbed my full belly, playing with the button that had popped open. It was still there on the jeans but just barely.
'That's the third pair of jeans so far. What am I gonna do with you?'
I laughed tiredly and shrugged, shaking the bed with my weight. Jay shook his head at me and covered me up, letting me sleep for the night. Tomorrow would be another day.
1 chapter, created 8 years , updated 8 years
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MangaBL 7 years
A handsome feeder will make my day!
Yindy 8 years
WayTooThin 8 years
I liked it as a beginning
Boozle 8 years
I'm thinking of working on a sequel or another story so if anyone liked this one let me know! I'd love to write more.