Food Fight

Chapter 1

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Author's note: Just a weird idea I had for a horror erotica that was taking up space in my files and I enjoyed writing it too much to delete it. Love it or hate it, enjoy it or not. Without further ado, here is the story.

Our story begins in the brittle remains of the once densely populated New York City, it has only been a day after the dreaded "accident" occured plunging the entire city into a screaming well of darkness as the city streets were littered with human bodies laid out on the ground, thankfully not dead but they have suffered the 2nd worse possible fate imaginable evident of all the giant bulging bellies they were all sporting that torn through their shirts and popped the buttons off their pants. They were all suffering from horrible food comas, some even still trying to lick the sweet tangy tomato sauce off their cheeks in their forced food induced sleep as the aftermath of a recent zombie horde attack while their giant bellies sloshed gurgled loudly desperately trying to digest the large amount of food. Not even a full 24 hours earlier scientists were working on a food multiplying serum to solve the problem of world hunger, but it came with a grave cost of creating not only self replicating food but food that has grown huge in size and become self aware with the unstoppable mission to fill up the stomachs of every human on earth, willingly or not. And it has become the latter apparently as monstrous food items roam the streets looking for their next target they deemed as too skinny causing a city wide apocalypse, or more appropriately called....."Gluttongeden".

A highschool emo hoodlum tomboy named Nikki would find herself hunkered down in the locker room of the broken down remains of her old highschool building when it all started, while her classmates ran out at the first sight of trouble only to bare witness their softball coach Mrs. Bailey change from a skinny toothpick as fit as could be, to an absolute porker blob of a beached whale laying on her back on the floor of the gymnasium with her quivering mountain of a middle filled to the brim with food.

The group she found herself leading ran into the locker room and managed to block off the door before patiently waiting for the food to eventually give up and leave. But after a great deal of time went by the dreadful growl known as hunger echoed from a majority of the trapped survivors, a huge argument would break out between the members of the group whether or not they should leave to go find food that wasn't in the form of zombies with the risk getting found and stuffed without mercy.

In the end it was decided by a majority's vote, Nikki would be the last vote needed to decide to leave the makeshift stronghold in hope of finding help or at least supplies to help fend off the horde outside. But as expected the food proved to be patient hunters, an unexpected all-you-can-eat ambush was waiting for the crowd just in the halls of the school. Buttons popped out shirts and belts grew tighter and tighter as gullets were filled with the sentient force feeding food.

As her classmates dropped one by one left and right too stuffed to fight back or even stand anymore, Nikki however managed to smash and bash away the two large snarling burger monsters that chased after her with her trusty wooden baseball bat weapon. Unfortunately she couldn’t stop the slick jello monster dessert that was big enough to send several of the other students into a coma, she would look over at their bloated stomachs and shake her head with a heavy sigh upset she couldn't save a single one of them during the attack.

“Couldn’t any of you...just cover your damn mouths?”

Taking her bat in hand and swinging it over her shoulder before heading off with hope still she could bring back help to save them while she still can. With a hallway crowded with loud bulging stomachs the only logical way out is heading back the way she came, at first glance the gym seemed clear with an emergency set of doors that led outside. That flutter of hope in her chest filled her legs as she burst out in a running sprint into the gym, as Nikki would suddenly make a head on charge through the vast gymnasium room she would soon realize she had left herself completely exposed as she could suddenly feel a cold chill run down her spine moments before the sound of snarling could be heard, a giant hotdog smothered in large amounts of constantly dripping mustard started crawling from behind the bleachers adjacent to the door as the creature quickly moved on all fours of it's ketchup limbs blocking her path with no intention of simply letting her escape it's sight with a belly that flat. Mustard continued to drip to the floor leaving a bunch of sticky puddles on the ground as it slowly started to stalk forward towards her snarling and growling lowly to intimidate the young and skinny school girl like a crouching tiger cornering it's newly discovered defenseless prey, only the intended roles were now completely switched. 

She glared at it before almost chuckling as a wide smile cracked across her face, putting both hands on the bat as she was readying herself for a proper boss fight. The hotdog guard dog would growl viciously as it began to charge straight towards her, Nikki held her ground in the center of the gym holding the bat tight with both hands waiting for the creature to get closer and closer before it finally lunged at her. She would swing at the last second putting all her might into it, the bat smacking the hotdog hard as it practically exploded in front of her. It would lay there twitching for a few moments before finally coming to rest being dead, Nikki then walked out of the gym spinning her bat around slinging the grease off of it.

With the sentient hotdog guard dog quickly defeated in a somewhat clean and efficient manner Nikki was able to get past the first of many obstacles on her long journey to escape the high calorie horrors of New York City, upon bursting through the doors leading out of the gym lead out to the wide open school football field where several more fattening food fiends were busy patrolling the area, only to use their advanced hearing to suddenly grow alert  to the doors opening before turning around to see Nikki.
3 chapters, created 4 years , updated 3 years
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Feedercadd123 4 years
We need more, we needs it
Feedercadd123 4 years
Need more!!! So good
Jolene 4 years
Ok- I like it... But the repeating cliffhanger kind of sucks....more?