Chapter 1
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The short, freckled faced auburn brown redhead magical spellcaster apprentice known as Nettie couldn't help but gawk openly at the imposing entrance, it was easily the most impressive site she’d been too yet. This statue gave the entire semi-region of the swamp it’s name! Well that coupled with the strange fat that clings to the wildlife of the area. Even the trees managed to look thicker and drooped heavier than normal. Nettie made a quick sketch of the statue, rough at best, that she planned on polishing up later. What worried her was the lack of adventurers.
Normally the Schola Progenium Guild would send a more traditional team of adventurers to clear the place out and disarm traps. But my the looks of it no one had come here in months at least! They must’ve taken their up front half of the payment and ran with it. Regardless Nettie couldn’t go back to the Schola empty handed, so with a quick casting of mage armor, and dancing lights, she made her way towards the entrance, deeper into the dungeon. At best her perceptiveness could be described as average (11) though she thought of course she thought she was being careful enough. Though she found her eyes drifting more to the walls than the floors where possible traps may lay hidden.
Upon drawing closer to the dungeon's gaping maw of an opening, the slighty above novice preceptive glance the spellcaster made upon stepping foot into the macabre maze entrance would be met with a stone slab of rock that made up the door. The door would decorated from top to bottom in a colorful mural that could only be described as...perverse. The paintings depicted various rotund females being bound and gagged as they are surrounded by a sea of fire and food while imp like devlish kinfolk with sharp forks and even sharper grins would be feeding them the hellish buffet, some willing giving into such hendonistic gluttony, while others...bless their damned souls.
The others would be forcefed with reckless abandoment and little to no mercy to speak of. The flames seemingly cackling at their pained expressions as they were unwillingly being fed inhuman amounts of food to make their bellies swell against their skinny frames. A faint purple mist could be seen radiating from the banquet of swollen bellies into the center of the mural as the smokey gaze of a shadowy demon would stare at the young caster, almost as if peering directly into their soul. Leaving one to ask themselves, is this a dungeon for exploring....or a tomb to keep whatever was inside, at bay?
Weight gain
First person
4 chapters, created 2 years
, updated 2 years