Just Moving In

Chapter 1

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It was just another day in the rural suburban neighborhood as Gwen, a short pixie haired nerdy yet buxom freckled face ginger in a Hello Kitty white T-shirt with a cute round ass currently tucked into a pair of loose fitting jeans, had just finished moving into her ideal dream house on the hill. Given her current finances she had little choice but to move out to a place where the houses were a mile or two apart. It was a rather nice deal though, having a whole massive five bedroom house all to herself for only $300 even a month! Apparently there were plenty of rumors of the previous owner had died after years of being morbidly obese or something. 

Other than that the house looked completely fine and even better now completely decorated and furnished to her preference....with the only exception of one small box that was left un-opened in the middle of the floor which looked a bit abnormal since the movers wouldn't leave a box out in the open like this. But of course Gwen's curiosity got the better of her as she would now feel compelled to open said box to see what was inside. Thinking it was just leftover junk from her storage unit she would pick up the box and walk towards the basement, the supposed only part of the house that had to be thoroughly deep cleaned by a separate cleaning crew service before she was allowed to move in. Sitting down on the middle of the floor as she looked down at the mysterious box.

"Time to figure out what is in you huh? Wonder if it's an old house warming gift or something?" She said looking down at the box and calmly unfolding the top peering inside.

Suddenly the box would start vibrating inside the woman's hands, no...more like shake, shudder, violently quake in her grasp as the box started losing its shape from whatever was inside wanting to get out now. Much to her surprise what soon burst free from the small tight space of the box was a bright green glowing ghostly ghoul of a furry fat dog man, and what an utter sight he was. Huge beady red eyes, more grease covered chins than a chinese phonebook, huge juicy titties that looked even bigger than the ones she had to show for. The rest of him however was nothing much, except a decent sized package of a thick veiny cock and a pair of sweat dripping balls, and thin wavy ghostly tail.

"Heya toots, so it's you who's moving in to my old bachelor pad, huh? Well that's cool, what's mind is yours...as long as what's yours is now mine that is~" The large hairy ghost man would say taking a moment to size up Gwen's body like she was a suitable home herself. "Hope you don't mind, ME MOVING IN!"
5 chapters, created 4 years , updated 3 years
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FatFeedeeDem... 4 years
This is so hot! Love her body growth throughout this. I wish there could be more chapters though. Would be cool to see the big 🐖 bigger. 😍
Hubbert2995 4 years
More chapters