Chapter 1
Our story begins with Donny "The Kilo Counter" Dimico, a notorious serial feeder that has been laying low for the past year after a personal tour of the U.S. preying on women in various hangout spots, using his devilish charm and wit to lure them away to isolation in apartments and motels, turning them into delectable fatties for his own amusing pleasure. But after about a month or so off the clock and a new year just over the horizon, what better way to celebrate getting back in his hobby than a good ol' fashion New Year's Eve stuffing?It was late at night out on a desolate road just on the outskirts of Texas was a rusty truck stop bar and biker hangout. The soft chime of a bell would ring overhead as Donny walked in as the silent bell of the ball, wearing all black leather from top to bottom and having his gaze hidden behind a pair of reflective shades to easily blend in with the biker gang crowd and not be recognized too easily. Walking through the densely packed bar like a slippery eel covered in oil with a sense of purpose as he finally secured an empty booth in the far corner of the building with a clear view of the crowd and the nearest exit if, and when necessary.
"Hey there, what can I get for ya stranger?" An older looking waitress that could best be described as Betty White's slightly younger blonde twin would say walking up to Donny's booth prepared to write down his order with a pad and pencil.
"Oh uh, just a water for me….thanks."
The woman would eye him over for a second as Donny would start feeling a little tense wondering if this woman could see through his demeanor and recognize him, he would soon relax letting out a faint sigh of relief seeing her shrug her shoulders.
"...Sure thing sugar," she would say rather sarcastically with a pop of her chewing gum.
Despite coming to a barhouse it wasn't the pursuit of booze the Puerto rican predator was on the prowl for, but a good looking unwitting gazelle would do quite nicely. Now all he had to do was take his preferred pick from the flock, but at first glance he might as well have been picking from the bottom of the barrel with his specific taste in prey. Take that waitress for example, aged to perfection sure, even had the wide and attractive hips that assures having a child or two was not a problem at all for her. But Donny had no desire for continuing someone else's work, an aspiring artist would want a fresh canvas, each and every time. But in this day and age it was slim pickings and even slimmer chances of finding his desired catch of the day with each woman's face Donny rested his gaze upon lacking what he wanted, what he needed.
His eyes would scan the crowd like an ever so patient camera on surveillance before his eyes soon fell upon the absolute cream of the crop, a good girl college bookworm type broad just sitting at the front bar counter with her nose buried deep in some egghead textbook with an obscured author's name, frankly she looked like a fish straight out of water having no business being in a place and a scene like almost felt too perfect really.
"Wel l lookie what we got here, let's see…." Donny would say to himself leaning back in his seat as he observed and evaluated her from afar, sizing up his soon to be prized catch of the night.
Call Donny a sweet sucker for the nerdy shy types if you want but she fit the bill quite well, fair skinned with long dark brown hair resting on her shoulders and a portrait of freckles on her face. She was rather tall too, standing at around 5ft 11 at least with a pair of long slender legs that go on for days. Right away he knew he was right on the money about her being a college kid due to her wearing a private academy uniform: white school shirt, teal tie, and blue blazer, navy blue skirt, black knee socks, and brown shoes.
With a very formal outfit like that she was most likely a goody two-shoes as well, easy enough to sway and put underneath a seduction spell as long as he chooses his carefully. With his prey locked in his iron sights he would casually walk over to the bar counter next to her in a very nonchalant manner, she would look up at him with deep silver grey eyes shimmering through her upper rimmed black glasses for a fleeting fraction of a second before going back straight to her book without a word or even gesture.
"Evening dollface,"
"Don't call me dollface," she would snap back rather quickly without much hesitance, not even lifting her eyes off the current page she was reading.
"Ouch, why the cold shoulder babe? It's New Years, time to have fun with others and forget your troubles for a night. That's gotta sound good to you, right?"
She would roll her eyes in response to his words, it was clear that his words alone won't be enough to get her to lower her guard and be charmed. Deciding to change up his tactics Donny snapped his fingers to get the present bartender's attention.
"Hey, a round of New Year's Eve shots for me and lady," he'd call out before looking back over to her to see if she was at least paying attention to him now. "You're old enough to drink right?"
"Ugh…." She sighed in annoyance now resting her elbow against the bar counter and chin on her open palm most likely accepting she won't get much reading done with Donny's determination to win her affection. "What are you bugging me for?" .
At first Donny's only response was a quick shrug of his shoulders right before he said something actually meaningful seconds later.
"Figured no one should look so miserable on New Years,"
His words sounded so surprisingly genuine it made her initial colder outer exterior towards him soften up a bit.
"I'm not miserable, just a little stressed about my final school semester and it's giving me a killer headache." She said rather sheeply as if admitting something out of guilt.
Bingo, Donny thought. He hit the nail on the head, a bonafide workaholic goody two-shoes college girl. The holy mackerel of his hunt, now all he had to do was reel her in with a couple of drinks and intoxicate her with his lethal charm as the bartender would rest a bottle of Jack Daniels and a couple of shot glasses for the two.
" my opinion, what better cure for a killer headache than by killing a few brain cells having a little fun?" He would offer, picking up both shot glasses and flashing a smile over to her.
She would laugh a little to herself looking at the shot glass with a tempted bite of her lower lip before finally casting her book aside taking the glass from his hand as he held up his glass for a toast.
"To a great new year, cheers."
"Here, here."
In unison Donny and the girl would toss back their heads downing the shot glasses in one quick action before he would suddenly ask her name.
"Hey, got a name or what? Might as well tell me or else I'm just gonna call ya "doll face" all night." He would say with a joking tone in his voice, and with a reluctant sigh she finally caved in.
"It's…Jessie, Jessie Brooks."
"Jessie Brooks huh? Figured,"
"Figured what?"
"You struck me as a Chicago Bulls fan,"
"Ack, shut up! I'm Texas Longhorns for life jerk,"
That got her laughing, getting her guard down just a little bit more, just like he planned it would. As the night continued on Donny would monitor her steadily rising level of intoxication at every round the bartender would treat them. Refilling their shot glasses ever so often Donny avoided his own possible intoxication by simply pretending to take light sips from his shot glass while waiting for her to look away briefly at something he pointed on happening on the overhead television behind her before quickly and quietly dumping the actual contents into a nearby dried out withered potted plant figuring it could use the drink more than him.
Putting on the charm persuading her to drink more was becoming increasingly easier each and every time as he patiently counted each shot that passed through those pencil thin lips of hers. Around the seventh shot her freckled cheeks started glowing a faint shade of honey pinkish red, by the 9th shot she started looking a bit dizzy. For a girl as thick as a twig like her, she had quite a strong tolerance for the devil's nectar, Donny couldn't help but admire this rather fond of women who can handle their alcohol this well, yet was becoming difficult for him to hold back his excitement with his patience getting pretty thin at this point. Lucky for him, Donny had brought an ace up his sleeve, he just had to wait for the right moment. The window of opportunity he needed would present itself sooner than he anticipated as Jessie suddenly got up from her seat.
"Excuse me, gotta go -hic- "powder my nose" real quick," she would say looking pretty drunk enough already before sluggishly motioning towards the ladies' restroom.
"Alright, just be careful and don't hurt yourself in there." Donny teased watching her go, and for a girl with barely an ass to speak of she seemed to have an alluring sway in her walk as if she had one to flaunt.
Alright, time to focus. It was now or never. Reaching into his pocket it would retrieve a bright orange medicine bottle like the type one would see pass over the counter at a local health clinic but it wasn't a head cold he was seeking to cure, more like he was getting heated due to chronic feeder fever and waiting much longer would surely kill him. A single white pill, a small as a single snowflake was dropped into her shot glass before quickly fizzling into non-existence leaving not a trace as Donny began smiling wickedly to himself before reverting back to his cool and calm composure minutes before Jessie soon arrived.
Thriller & Suspense
Weight gain
4 chapters, created 4 years
, updated 3 years