Food for fatties - part two

chapter 1

Part Two - Fiona
I couldn’t decide whether to text that cute boy from last night after breakfast or play hard to get. It had been too long since I’d dated, my son was now 6, I split with his father when he was about 3 so 3 years without adult male company! No wonder I’ve put on 150 pounds since then!

Who am I kidding, I’ve put on this weight because I love to eat and I’m a greedy guts! And my work. I have to keep up appearances for my recipe/menu/blog - - Food For Fatties.

I say ‘work’ but it’s really an online food diary with the occasional recipe. I started it after the divorce, he always thought I was going to lose weight and perhaps I did too. The fatter I got the more comfortable with my body I got and the less comfortable he got. Why he married the class fat girl I’ll never know. Think he deluded himself into thinking he liked curvy girls, wonder why? Never mind, now my little Jimmy is away to school I can concentrate on my real breakfast!

I always have a bowl of Granola with Jimmy before he goes to school and once he’s gone I have my real FFF breakfast.

Today it’s meat-free day. I start with 4 avocados mashed with a little salt and a dash of Tabasco on 2 thick slices of buttered sourdough toast. Then 6 fried eggs on 3 slices of fried white bread with 4 veggie sausages. Then 4 pancakes with maple syrup and 6 slices of crispy veggie bacon. To finish I have 4 slices of cinnamon toast. Phew!

I post my menu on the website with the comment - ‘Meat free doesn’t have to mean taste (or calorie) free! See recipes on Recipe page. Just enough to get me to lunch!’ I sit back and rub my tummy, mainly out of habit as I can no longer massage my stomach through the amount of flab I now carry.

Everything has gotten easier since I started taking paying subscribers, I no longer have to go out to work thanks to them. They’re a mixed bunch, gainer girls & guys, feeders looking for menu ideas and recipes and fat admirers. I never post pictures of myself just my food. It’s not that I’m against it I just don’t want my face all over the internet. I like getting name checked and linked by some of the BBW & SSBBW models, they’re a beautiful, confident community.

I’ve not been looking for a boyfriend but know there are a few out there who would find a girl of my size fanciable. I was surprised how good looking Paul was though, when he came over to me last night. I was sure he’d been put up to it by his mate. At the size I am now no guy could expect that I’m anything other than a confirmed fatty, but I’ve never been with anyone who actually found my fat attractive or understood my relationship with food and eating.

Was I mistaken, after all, it was just a couple of texts? Oink,oink!? What was I thinking? Too much prosecco! So may be he likes big girls, ok massive girls! But will he be understand how much food and eating, eating to excess, mean to me what they ‘do’ to me?

The feeling of a full stomach and thoughts of him were making me so aroused, I realised I had been squeezing a breast with one hand while massaging my soft belly with the other. I smiled and made my way to my bed. As I lay down the bed groaned under my weight making me even more excited. Would or could he find pleasure in my weight straining furniture the way I did? I decided to text him, forget playing hard to get!

‘Morning - too much prosecco last night, hope I didn’t scare you off?’ I wriggled onto my side, the bed creaking and groaning, and snaked my hand into my leggings and to massage the underside of my gut. I closed my eyes and pictured him, his big brown eyes with long dark lashes, his wide shoulders & chest, so much taller than me, his long legs and strong hands. I imagined him lying here beside me, caressing me, stroking my fat body.

Raising a leg to shift my belly I lifted my fupa and stroked myself, feeling hot & wet. His text made me jump. ‘Not at all - nice to see a girl who knows how to enjoy herself’. I wiggled my fingers further in, stroking & flicking, I imagined his fingers inside me. ‘I know how to do that alright! Did you have a good night after we left?’
‘Ok - tbh I wished you had stayed, my mate went off with a girl 😕’
‘She not have a friend for you?’
‘Bit skinny for me 😉’

I grinned, almost anyone is skinny compared to me! ‘Not enough curves? You like?’
‘Oh yes me like curves!’
I giggled ‘got those and then some!😉’
‘I’m all the right places and sounded like you were adding to them last night’
‘Just maintaining, takes a lot of work!’
‘Hope you’ve had a good breakfast!’ I licked my lips thinking of all the food I’d just eaten, wondering how many calories and if I’d burn any off or if they’d turn to fat. I gasped, a hot tingle running up my spine. Would he think I was greedy, a glutton could he be excited by my appetite?

‘Check out my blog/site for breakfast details -’. Let’s see if he’s scared off now. My fingers were as deep as I could reach, my belly & fupa were getting nearly too big for me to reach. That thought made me giddy and with a few more rubs I came! My cheeks flushed and spine stiffened, I shuddered feeling my flab jiggle. I gasped, breathing faster & deeper. I rolled onto my back, a grin on my face. If he wasn’t into me I knew I could, for the time being and belly allowing, get off myself.

A few minutes later I got his next text. ‘Wow! Hope you had enough!😘’. Yes! ‘Just about, feeling a bit peckish now though 😞’
‘Time for a mid morning snack?’
‘Good idea, any suggestions?’ I sat up on the edge of the bed and absent- mindedly played with my belly. ‘Chocolate or pastries might be an idea?’ ‘Yum!’ I pulled my leggings under my belly & heaved myself up and padded back to the kitchen.

‘I’ve got 4 Danish pastries, 4 pain au chocolat, 6 croissants, a 4 pack of Mars bars, a six pack of wispa, a half pound block of dairy milk and 3 walnut whips. What do you suggest?’
‘The lot! Might keep you going until lunch?xx’ My god! He’s perfect! ‘Correct answer! xxx’ I sat at the kitchen bench, the table covered with pastries & chocolate. ‘Wish I was there to watch x’ ‘Wish you were too and to rub my belly!xx’ ‘Such a big beautiful belly!xxx’ I was getting wet again, his texts and a mouthful of sweet fattening pastry! He called my belly beautiful!
‘So my belly is big?’

There was a long pause, I guess he was trying to work out if I was being serious. I thought I’d better relieve his stress ‘Lol! It is big, huge in fact, but nice of you to call it beautiful xx’. ‘Phew!xx’ he replied. The pastries were nearly gone now so I had a drink of milk. ‘You like big bellies?’ ‘I do, yours is just about the biggest I’ve seen’. I grinned. ‘Finished the pastries hopefully they’ll make it a little bigger xx’. ‘That would be wonderful xx’. This was getting too good to be true.

‘Hope I won’t get too big for you xx’. ‘Tbh I’ve never met a girl as big as you, not sure you could get too big xx’. ‘Have to pinch myself, you’re a dream come true! xx’ I was wriggling on the bench wishing I could reach under my belly as it hung between my legs to play with myself again. ‘Finished your snack yet?xx’ I opened another the last walnut whip ‘nearly, almost full xx’. ‘You don’t seem like a girl who gets full xx’. I chuckled ‘you know me so well! xx’

I licked my lips and took a long gulp of milk, ‘all finished xx’. ‘Good girl, looking forward to lunch?xx’ I laughed. ‘I like a man who makes me laugh, think we need to meet xx’ ‘You mean on a date? xx’ Oh no I thought, in the closet, ‘not ashamed to be seen out with me?x’ ‘I’d be proud to be seen out with the biggest most beautiful girl in town!xxx’ I smiled, ‘it’s a date then!xx’ ‘Shall we go out for food?xx’ ‘LOL!!!!X’

Hopefully he would be as funny and appreciative of me in public, sounds like he might be, sounds like this might be fun and maybe fattening!
1 chapter, created StoryListingCard.php 2 years , updated 2 years
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