Forced Indulgance

  By Bloatedbellygirl99

Chapter 1 - Tight

The sound of footsteps did nothing to ease the embarrassment of the moment only fueling my struggle to button my jeans. Which a month ago had fit like a glove on an elegant woman's hands, but now my slight belly was keeping the jeans a good inch and a half from buttoning no matter how many time I sucked in. It was during the next attempt that my boyfriend James opened the door.
"Lindsey, were gonna be late ...oh uh need a hand?"
This caught me off guard wasn't he supposed to look disgusted?
"Um yes please."
James nods and soon has me laid down on the bed forcing my jeans together before closing the button.

"There we go all set I'll go start the car."
He kisses my cheek and leaves. I wish he hadn't helped me because now I feel like I'm being cut in half. How had this happened? A month ago these fit and now it felt like I could pop the button with a deep sigh.
"I need to cut back on sweets so these fit... I really hope there aren't any sweets at this office party."
I close the door and head outside to the car feeling my jeans groan with every step.
"I'm all ready babe."
I smile and kiss my boyfriend before buckling up. Vowing to say no to any treats at the party I put any thoughts of my tight pants to the back of my mind.
"Hey we should stop at McDonald's and grab something small to eat just incase the food sucks, I don't want to get hangry."
My boyfriend suggests food and picked my favorite spot, how could I say no to something so thoughtful?
"That's a great idea James."
I smile as he pulls into the drive-thru ordering for us both as he always has done throughout our relationship.
"I'll have a ten piece nugget with sweet and sour and 2 large strawberry milk shake...I'd also like a double quarter pounder meal large...oh and two apple pies."
I raise my eyebrows in surprise as usually he just orders me a quarter pounder. Before I can say anything the bag of greasy delights is sitting on my lap. My mouth waters as I dig out the pies, I don't get them often but everyone knows to eat them when they are still hot as the sun...I grab one and start to eat it savoring the gooey apple filling and the crunch of the pie. I was so focused on the delectable greasy treat I didn't notice as James unwrapped the other pie and set it infront of me hiding the garbage so he wouldn't be caught. Both pies found their way to my belly before being followed by handfull after handfuls of extra salty crunch jeans straining as the food rapidly found its way to my stomach. After scarfing down the last crumbs of fries my throat was dry and I couldn't stop myself from reach for the massive milkshake chugging it down to sooth the thirst. The sweet fruity drink filled space in my belly as I took large greedy sips. Half the shake gone in just a few minutes of chugging and another quarter gone before I was satisfied and ready to stuff more of my weakness down my throat. As I stuffed whole nuggets into my mouth I failed to notice my boyfriend switch out drinks giving me the untouched shake to finish after I had torn through the large double meat and cheese Burger. My jeans now digging into my swollen gut as it was too big to be called a belly right now...I had unknowingly given my boyfriend and hidden goldmine all he had to do was set the greasy filled burger bag infront of me and make small adjustments when I wasn't paying attention and I would pig out. If only I had noticed sooner then maybe I wouldn't be stuck in this bed too big to move....
1 chapter, created 3 weeks , updated 3 weeks
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