Going Beyond the Freshman 15

Chapter 1 - Going beyond the freshman 15

My name is Maryanne, and I love college. The thing I love most about it is how much food you can eat - and how much weight you can gain!

Once you get a little plump, you no longer need to worry about trying to stay the thin little cute thing you were in high school.

It's kind of like once you get your first bad grade in college, you can relax. You no longer have to worry about being perfect.

And in the same way, once you gain that freshman 15, you can just enjoy all the pleasures which come with the fat lifestyle.

I'm into stuffing. Mostly, I stuff myself, but I do stuff others. I'm pretty sneaky fattening up my friends, but it's not like a sexual thing at all. I just don't want them staying thin while I am chubbing up.

I get these huge boxes of homemade goodies from home. Mom calls them Care packages. They always have tons of chocolate chip cookies and brownies and fudge.

I will open up a box and allow my roommates and friends to take what they want. It's fun to watch them act like they are so pure of intention while they can't help themselves from stuffing. I watch them grow pudgy as they say things like, "Oh, I shouldn't." Meanwhile, they gulp down two or three or four brownies.

And then, at the campus buffet, I'll say something like, "Let's get another plate." And then, my friends will all follow me to the buffet and fill up once again. Without my prodding them, they would probably just sit there, satisfied. But we can't have that, can we?

Sometimes, I imagine myself as a devil girl with a curvy voluptuous figure, horns on my head and tail. I entice those around me to pig out. It's so much fun. And so easy here because so many people fatten up at college, it's practically a rite of passage.

I gained 35 pounds my freshman year because I was stuffing like everyday at the buffet. I went nuts everyday at the buffet. But then, I got mono in the spring and lost some of it.

I'm making up for it during my sophomore year. I've already gained 22 pounds in eight weeks' time.

You only live once. Might as well live as a cute plump stuffer, I say. I don't want to get gigantic or anything, but I am enjoying food more than I ever did when I lived at home.

Going to the campus buffet is one of my favorite things to do. With a meal ticket, you have practically unlimited access to ungodly quantities of delicious fattening foods.

You can practically see the other girls getting fatter there, just expanding before your eyes. Guys too. So many college students get a big beer gut! It's so sexy to watch.

I love seeing people eating too much, holding their tummies as they eat cause they are stuffed. Or they are obviously full and still going for more. They act like zombies or like they are hypnotized sometimes, just walking mindlessly up to the buffet and filling their plates with desserts and all kinds of fattening foods.

If my friends thought about what they were doing, they would probably stop. Not me. I think about eating all the time, and I don't' know that I want to stop. I don't want to get huge or anything, but I love to eat.

My friends will talk with their mouths full, saying things like, "Oh, I'll exercise extra at the wellness center later."

Of course, later never comes for them. They stuff themselves into a coma, and about all they can do is take a nap once they finish at the buffet table.

And besides, there's not way they can ever exercise off all those calories they are eating. I love seeing my friends undo their belts or unbutton their pants to allow some more room.

You can tell how stuffed the new freshmen are by looking at their tummies - especially when they first start college. Later, as they pile on some fat, it gets more difficult to tell how stuffed they are.

Also, most freshmen undergo a change in their clothing. At first, the girls and guys wear nice fitted clothes to show off their slender bodies. But eventually, they give in to their expansion. And soon, they are wearing sweatpants, huge elastic-waisted shorts or baggy pajamas - even to class. It's fun to watch their transformation.

It's so cool to watch someone a thin and muscular freshman get softened up and outgrow her cute new college clothes. And when someone starts out thin, the belly becomes the first place where they balloon.

It often happens in a matter of weeks. They start college with these new bright well-fitting clothes, and within a month or two, you never see them wearing those outfits again.

Because they can't.

And if they have some spring clothing when they start school, they can't fit into any of it by the time spring comes around.

That was how I was. I had so many cute spring outfits, but there was no way I could even get them over my thighs.

And now, I feel comfortable wearing baggy elastic clothing. It suits my lifestyle. My family and some friends don't understand how I can accept this, but I am happy where I am - sitting at the buffet eating my heart out.

I really do feel better with the extra weight. It's hard to believe now that I was a cheerleader in high school. Not just any cheerleader, but the petite one - the one they always put at the top of the pyramids.

I sometimes imagine myself climbing up on the shoulders of the other cheerleaders and hearing them groan and grunt beneath my weight.

Before coming to college, I always thought of a buffet as a once-in-a-while treat. But here, it's an everyday thing - three times a day! It's a regular excursion into gluttony.

I used to get so turned on by the once-in-a-while challenge to overdo it at a buffet restaurant.

But here, I can overdo it every few hours, it seems. I have never left a buffet without being sick or having a tummyache since I was 12 years old.

Having daily access to a buffet was a killer as you can imagine. And it killed my girlish figure pretty quickly.

I have continued that stuffing tradition here in college. I walk in the dining hall door rubbing my belly in anticipation. And I waddle out rubbing my belly in pain and a little regret (not too much though, haha).

I can't count how many times I've nearly puked after going to that place. Oh, but I don't. I don't want to lose all those wonderful fattening calories.

It's fun to watch the joy on many freshman girls' faces when they first see the buffet - a little horror and fear, but mostly joy! They act like little piglets at a trough.

That's what got me into this whole weight gain thing at first, just watching so many lovely girls expanding and growing nice round bellies.

Nothing wrong with a little plumpness! Once you get a little plump, you don't have to worry about being perfectly thin any more.

Welcome to college! Time to pig out! Oink, oink.
1 chapter, created 10 years , updated 3 years
12   5   27386


GrowingLoveH... 4 years
Thanks for your like and comments, billedup! While this is not technically true, it's basically based on an actual conversation I had with a Kentucky cutie who was away to college for the first time.
GrowingLoveH... 10 years
Thanks for the kind words! I especially treasure your comment, 1train, because I love your stories also! I plan to continue this at some point. At first, I saw this as a stand-alone, but I can see some possibilities here. Any suggestions?
Shammyboy 10 years
Like so many of your stories, simply amazing and desperately needing more.