Growing Desire

  By Ann_mul

Chapter 1

Eric and Ann had always been a loving couple. They met in their early twenties, and both shared a passion for fitness and an active lifestyle. Their weekends were filled with hiking, biking, and working out at the gym together.

As the years passed, life took its toll on their once-thriving fitness routines. Careers became demanding, and they started a family. Gradually, they found themselves with less time to dedicate to their workouts and healthy eating habits. While Ann was able to maintain a reasonable level of fitness, Eric's once-chiseled physique began to soften around the edges.

At first, Eric didn't think much of it. He had always been in great shape, and a little extra weight wasn't a cause for concern. But as the pounds continued to pile on, he began to feel self-conscious. His once-defined muscles were now hidden beneath layers of softness, and his belly protruded more than he was comfortable with.

One evening, as Eric was lounging on the couch after a particularly indulgent dinner, Ann sat down next to him. She had noticed her husband's changing body and had an idea that she believed would bring them closer together.

"Eric," Ann began, "I've been thinking about our health lately. I miss our active lifestyle, and I think it's time we make a change."

Eric nodded, realizing he felt the same way but had been too complacent to do anything about it.

Ann continued, "How about we start working out together again? We can set some fitness goals and motivate each other to achieve them. I think it would be great for both of us."

Eric didn't want to work out, because he had become quite lazy. He said that he would better like to have more time for his hobby’s and to meet his "friends".

This made Ann upset. But then, an unusual idea crossed her mind. She had noticed that Eric was still quite flirty with his female coworkers. It bothered her, and she began to wonder if there was a way to redirect his attention. That's when an intriguing idea emerged – what if Eric were to gain a bit more of weight, particularly a nice pot belly? She thought that perhaps if he had a softer, rounder appearance, other women might lose interest in him.

The notion fascinated Ann, and she decided to secretly increase Eric's portion sizes and offer him richer, calorie-dense meals. Eric noticed the change in his diet but found himself enjoying the delicious dishes Ann prepared. Unbeknownst to him, he was unwittingly contributing to his own weight gain.
Eric's body began to change, his waistline expanding and his belly growing rounder and softer. Soon, his stomach was visible even when he wore baggy clothes. Ann delighted in her handiwork, noticing how the extra pounds gave Eric a new, softer, more sensual look. And while Eric was oblivious to his wife's devious scheme, he was also surprised to find himself enjoying his new lifestyle.
With each pound Eric gained, Ann's attraction for him grew. She loved seeing her husband's body transform and felt a sense of pride knowing that she was responsible for his weight gain. She couldn't get enough of Eric's soft, round belly and often found herself snuggling up to it in bed. As the pounds continued to add up, she felt closer to her husband than ever before. Eric loved the feeling of her soft, gentle hands exploring his growing body, and the sight of her face nestled in his belly turned him on more than he could have imagined. With each additional pound his desire for Ann grew.

As Ann watched Eric indulge in his meals, a mix of dominance and pleasure washed over her. She had realised that she truly controls his transformation into "her chubby hubby", and she became curious about how far she could take it. Her personality grew more dominant, while Eric, without resistance, savored the hearty meals that were gradually transforming his physique. Eric enjoyed the attention and was surprised to find himself attracted to his wife, who had taken on a more dominant role in their relationship.

Meanwhile, Eric's flirting with his female coworkers began to wane. Ann relished the attention he now directed solely towards her and the power she held over his newfound allure.
5 chapters, created 10 months , updated 9 months
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BeSoft 10 months
What a final! Someone should do that to ne! Thanks for the lovely exciting story!!
Johnnyblaze 10 months
Very very good
GrowingLoveH... 10 months
I love stories with a change in the power from one partner to the other. You do this well here.

I've only finished chapter 2, but I am enjoying this very much.

Great first story.