Growing Habits

  By Littleextra

Chapter 1

“Chubby.” She poked his belly with her index finger.

“Good evening to you too,” he replied.

“Aw, don’t be too sore about it.” She smiled sweetly at him, then grabbed his waist from behind. “You know I think this looks so good on you.”

He looked down at his enlarged middle, as she gave it a shake in her hands.

“Thanks. ... At least, I think so,” he muttered, then glanced toward his phone screen once more.

“You sure it’s still thirty though?” She asked, in reference to his growing weight. She then glanced back down at his rear again. “I swear I detect a little more growth back here.” Suddenly her hands were all over his backside, and he felt like a piece of meat.

“I guess I do feel heavier.” He understated his true feelings about his recent uptick on the scale, then reached again for his phone and checked progress on the app. Five more minutes left to go.

She came around to face him then placed her hands squarely on his front, her favorite place for them now to be, as if he were expecting a very overdue food-baby lovechild on behalf of them both.

“This certainly looks heavier to me,” she glanced down at his waist again, then winked, before she spied the door dash update flash up on his phone. “And more takeout tonight too? Hmm?” She asked, raising an eyebrow at him now.

“I had another craving,” he said, a tint of that gainer’s remorse but equal reckless abandon already in his tone.

“Like last night too?” She winked, mischievously. “Someone’s getting greedy again.” She patted his belly very enthusiastically. "It's like you're liking getting fat."

“And what if I am?” His cheeks began to flush as he spoke, before he added, “And why are you giving me hell about it anyway?”

“Oh." She threw her hands up in the air at him in mock surrender, then continued. "This is a judgement free zone right here. And I’m totally here for all this indulgence. I just hope you’ll confess I was right all along.” She then glanced at his behind again and asserted more confidently now, “Yep. Any day now, and these jeans won’t pass your thighs.”

“They're not gonna last forever anyway!” He protested, a little grumpily now, and tried to stem her teasing at its base.

”Not with door dash on your phone.” She kissed his cheek, smiling sweetly at him, as she teased him back, then he sucked in his belly at her touch. “I know, I know," she gesticulated at him with her hands. "Takeout’s making it all too easy for you to pack it all on.”

“But all these cravings,” she continued, as she began to search the kitchen cupboards now for her own evening meal, a renewed fervor in her step. “It’s as if you’re starting to actually need to get fat.”

“Ha! Charming!” He rolled his eyes at her in frustration, then added. “I guess I’ll have to deal with you in a moment after this order arrives.”

“Just admit it.” She said, then re-approached him, to steal a kiss from his lips, and his hungry eyes began perusing her dainty frame. “I was right all along, wasn’t I? ... I always told you this would be fun.” She then ran her fingers subtly behind the waistband of his jeans to check that they still fit. “Any day now,” she continued, whispering some sweet nothings in his ear at him softly. “Pop, pop, pop! And you’ll blow right up out of this pair.”

“I am not outgrowing these jeans.” He crossed his arms, defensively, and irately, but it only emphasized the roundness of his belly once more.

“Well I’m sure the scale disagrees when you next step,” she replied, puffing out her cheeks cheekily at him, as well as her waist, as she waddled back pregnantly towards the kitchen cupboards once more.

“Really!” He said, with some exasperation now in his voice. “It’s bad enough having to put this all on, but having you give me hell about it too??”

“All part of the fun.” She winked at him once more, then picked out an open bag of chips from the kitchen cupboard and offered him one.

He accepted, then said, “You’re pretty lucky I don’t use all this added bulk up against you right now.” He gave his belly a firm shake in her direction with his free hand, before he grabbed another chip from the bag before she could tie them right up.

But the front door bell rang and his order arrived.

“Saved by the bell big boy.” She giggled, and patted his waist again, before placing a suggestive hand on her own rear. “I guess I’ll be keeping all this warm until you want your next feast.”

“I know I can always get it when I’m growing like this,” he replied, more confidently now, as he turned away from her to head for the door.

“Finally!” She welcomed his confession, gesticulating again at him wildly with her hands. “He admits! He’s putting on a little chonk!”

“And damn boy!” She hollered back after him, as she checked out his fattening rear from behind as he waddled away. ”It seems like you want it a lot, .... don' it??”

“Yeah, yeah, Keep talking,” he shouted back at her over his shoulder at her and kept on toward the door. “And I’ll be sure to shut you right back up once I’ve eaten my fill.”

“Ha! Charming!” She said, repeating his own words at him now as she opened up the freezer door and tittered lightly to herself. “I guess I’ll start picking out your 'just' desserts. And we can take it from there.”

*** ***
1 chapter, created 2 weeks , updated 2 weeks
10   3   1057


Td0057 2 weeks
As always, fantastic story and writing. I always like how your characters always tease each other but enjoy the weight gain, especially the male gainer/female encourager plots. I hope you continue.
Ifmusicbe3 2 weeks
Fantastic writing. Please continue
Littleextra 2 weeks
Thanks! I'll try if the inspiration strikes.