How I Hate Cheerleaders

  By AndiFive

Chapter 1

Dre Jackson had known Lily Smith his whole life, as their families were friends, and they practically grew up together. However, while Lily became prettier and more popular over time, Dre became shyer and nerdier over time.

The truth is, Dre has always liked Lily since they were kids. Lily was beautiful with her long blonde hair and beautiful blue eyes, and her face was angelic. Her body was slim and fit, and she had a distinctive pear shape with perky small breasts. Dre wasn't bad looking; in fact, he could have been quite handsome if he wanted to. But he hid under hoodies and baggy clothes, old-fashioned framed glasses, and big messy hair. He was tall but he shrank to try to go unnoticed, and despite being thin, his body was defined.

The break in their friendship was when Lily joined the cheerleading squad. She stopped talking to him at school and started avoiding him at the parties their families threw, as she was ashamed of their friendship.

One day, Lily was approached by Captain Jennifer, the head cheerleader. Jennifer asked Lily to prove her loyalty to the team by humiliating Dre in front of everyone in the cafeteria, which was the meeting point for young people in the city.

Lily was in doubt about what to do. She knew that Dre had always been a loyal and caring friend, and she didn't want to hurt him. But at the same time, she wanted to prove her loyalty to the team and become an official cheerleader.

Lily was silent for a moment as she processed the captain's request. She didn't like the idea of humiliating Dre, after all, they had a history together, and she didn't want to hurt him.

But Jennifer was the head cheerleader, and Lily knew she couldn't cross her. So, she reluctantly agreed to do as asked.

"Okay, I'll do it," she said finally. "But why would you want me to humiliate Dre? He never did anything bad to us."

"Because he's a loser, Lily," Jennifer replied. "And we need to show everyone at the school that we're at the top, and he's at the bottom. Plus, you need to prove you're loyal to our team."

Lily sighed, knowing there was no way to argue with the captain's reasoning. "Fine," she said resignedly. "I'll do it."

Jennifer smiled, satisfied. "Great. And don't worry, we'll be there to make sure everything goes as planned."

Lily nodded, but felt a lump form in her throat. She knew she was about to hurt a dear friend, and it made her sad. But she also knew that she didn't have a choice and needed to follow the captain's orders if she wanted to keep her cheerleading position.

As she walked to her next class, she wondered how she was going to handle the situation. She would have to choose her words carefully and make sure Dre didn't get hurt emotionally. But how could she do that when her heart was heavy with guilt?

Lily felt like she was at a dead end, not knowing what to do or where to go. She just hoped that everything would work out in the end.

"Hey Dre, do you want to hang out with me today? I'd like to talk to you," said Lily, trying to sound casual as she spoke to Dre at school.

"Sure, that would be nice. What do you want to talk about?" Dre asked, excited by the idea of spending time with Lily.

"Just life, you know," replied Lily, smiling shyly.

Dre was excited to meet his childhood friend and try to regain the friendship that had been lost. As he arrived, he was surprised by the presence of Jennifer and the other cheerleaders.
2 chapters, created 1 year , updated 1 year
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AndiFive 1 year
I apologize for any grammatical mistakes, as English is not my main language. My main language is Portuguese.