Lacking Control

  By Bglover  

Chapter 1 - Intro: Layla

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Layla Feilder was a beautiful girl. Her body was perfect, a slim waist, perky tits, and perfect hips that held a juicy ass. She had long blonde hair she loved to style and she always wore fashionable clothing and tight dresses to look her best. But this girl wasn’t always the beauty she is now. Growing up in the Fielder residence wasn’t easy on any of the family members waistlines. Laylas Mom was a chubby lady, and she loved to cook. And loved to feed her husband and children! All 5 of Laylas older siblings, 2 male, 3 female (including her) were all on ranging from Chubby to outright fat. When Layla was in elementary school she was chubby. She loved sweets, pizzas, burgers, she loved it all and it didn’t help that her mother obliged, also it didn’t help that as a younger girl she was more on the lazier side, more preferring to sit inside and watch TV or scroll YouTube. But by the time middle school was starting to come around, she was fat. She was quite wide for a twelve year old, with a big bulging gut and a thick double chin. Most the other kids would laugh and make fun of her. They would call her names like piggy and lardass, and taught her with food. Layla hated this, but the problem was her solution had become more food. She would eat and eat until her stomach felt like bursting. She was miserable, until one night, while crying to her mother about her weight she offered advice, instead of her usual (bringing her a snack) and suggested she’d start training for the soccer season coming up in 5 months, a sport she hadn’t played since pee-wee. Layla asked her mother for help, to cook her the same meals she did with her older brother, Will, different than her other family members, a healthier option. She also started to exercise, running with her In-shape older brother, Will. He also helped her with her soccer practices. He loved to see his baby sister wanting to break the mold from their family's habits. With his help slowly but surely the pounds started to fade. Layla continued to work hard. 5 months later she made the soccer team. She succeeded on the team, making new friends and stopped binging on junk food. Soon entering her sophomore year of High-school, she was turning heads. Her Jawline was now sharp, her nose was small and adorable, and her eyes were bright and green. Her popularity had drastically changed over time, becoming a girl every guy wanted to be with, especially the ones who used to call her lard ass. By the time Laylas senior year rolled around, she was a two sport athlete, both playing soccer and volleyball. She loved playing sports! But in High-school, she found her love to party, and drink! And while she was enough of an athlete to play both sports, she hadn’t put in the effort since her new found popularity to get any sort or college scholarship. At this point as much as sports kept her in perfect shape, she only liked them for her friends, mostly Maria, a short and busty Latina, and Micheyla, a very pretty brunette girl. She’d prefer hanging around them than her actual siblings, not that they were bad people, just bad influences (Except will). One was only a few years older than her, Emily, a relatively pretty girl (Not the beauty like her sister), she dropped out of college a year in and is still living at home, for the past year and a half she had barely moved from around her room, the kitchen, and the couch, with frequent runs to the front door to pick up her DoorDash orders. She had always been chubby but as the days led to months her shirts became more tightened and constrained, revealing more of her flabby gut. Any parents would be concerned. But Mrs. Fielder loved her children, and most of all loved when they were in close proximity, so to her, she secretly enjoyed having her daughter here, having her fatten up, than her even being in college in the first place! But she would never tell her that, encouraging to go out and get a job to at least pay it forward around the house. She didn’t. Laylas other sister, Allie was even worse, at least last time they met. She was much older than Layla, their last time speaking being when Layla was still overweight. At that time, Allie was a cow. She was 345 pounds and weighed more than Laylas father, and out of shape brother Matt. She was the fattest member of the family by 50 pounds. Layla wasn’t sure why Allie left, she was still very young at the time, but she knew how the family was affected. They all loved their older sister. Layla thought her brothers were the most fun out of her family, though she loved her brother Matt dearly, she had a special connection and was closest to her brother Will. She cried the most in her life 4 years ago when she found out he was joining the Army. Now unfortunately most of the time she was only able to talk to him occasionally a on Skype call. But Layla loved her family, she really did, she just wished that they watched their figure or were healthy like her or her Will,

however years of being the most popular and lusted after girl in school was really going to the poor girls head. Truth is she was truly losing interest in the healthiest thing she did, sports. And recently after a guilty stop at McDonald’s, she started to remember how delicious and savory her guilty past was
11 chapters, created 2 years , updated 2 years
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Vsjen 1 year
So I assume you are done updating this then?
Vsjen 2 years
Are you still updating this story?
Bglover 2 years
Hello! Yes! I recently have had a terrible schedule for writing! I'm working on the next chapters in bulk
Fettucine 2 years
Please keep updating! I would love to see Layla balloon and come to be okay with her fatness. I love this story
Bglover 2 years
Thank you!!! Coming soon!
Fatowl 2 years
Is a very serious straight A student like Bailey. She wants to graduate suma cum laude from university. Bailey softens up under Layla's influence as the two of them become lovers.
Bglover 2 years
Stay tuned friend! You’ll see what I’ve got planned! You’re not that far off smiley
Fatowl 2 years
It would be fun to see Janice seduced by the obese one that feeds her rebellious side to become a blob too. Meanwhile, Layla becomes a gym rat with Bailey as they switch roommates because she is a
NipNip 2 years
This is a really amazing new WG story. Perhaps more references to farting like the burping and potentially WG influence onto the skinny roommates, but overall, REALLY GREAT! Can’t wait to read more.
Bglover 2 years
Thank you!!! Just wait! The next chapter is a longer one I’ve been a bit busy but you’ll see smiley
Bglover 2 years
Thank you!! Just getting started smiley
Shiloh 2 years
👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 Beautiful!🤧
Bglover 2 years
Thank you!!
Fatowl 2 years
Great Story!! Poor Layla! Devin should show interest in her and encourage her to get to the gym with Janice and Bailey to be a size 4 again. Then have Janice or Bailey lost control and blimp up.
Bglover 2 years
Thank you!! Stay tuned!!