Learning With the Best

  By Puppy

chapter 1 - the basics

Alex couldn't believe the opportunity that just fell on her lap. A young woman who just graduate college, she didn't expect to find a job as fast as she did! Her friends in social media, while congratulating her, spoke ill of Alex on her back. They said that the only reason she got the job was because of the way she looked. And indeed! Alex was not your average woman. She was petite but curvy, smooth white skin, long curly blonde hair, and a round face with big green eyes who carried a scared expression half of the time - she used to say that this was just the way she looked like. In fact, alex looked like a small dog being caught doing something it's not supposed to be doing.

She was never aware of the things they spoke about her, however. Alex was always too naive and expected the best of people, always thinking she could befriend everyone around her if she tried hard enough. One of the things she tried often was to cook for people. Of course, on the meantime she always took some time to taste everything and with that she created a taste for sweets.

And now she had the opportunity to learn with one of the most well known chefs, Leonard. It was hard to not know the man, he was on TV and won rewards for his creations. And now he decided he wanted to focus on bakes goods and sweets, and Alex got the invitation to work with the man himself!

She was a nervous wreck the moment a car came to pick her up from her apartment. She expected a taxi or something, but instead a very expensive looking car was waiting for her. If she didnt looked scared before, she looked like her soul had left her body now.

Alex got in the car and kept her mouth shut the whole way to the bakery. Or... she thought it would be a bakery. It was much bigger than this. The place she thought she would be working was, in reality, a massive mansion of sorts. The entrance was indeed a sort of restaurant, but the rest was untouched by others. Alex hesitated a bit before leaving the car, but as soon as she stepped outside she was greeted by a very deep voice.

- Welcome. You are Alexandra, am I correct?

Alex had to look up. She recognize the man, it was Leonard alright. But she didnt expected him to be so... Tall? Built? Leonard looked more like a wrestler than a chef. She really took her time staring at him, though, which made Leonard chuckle a bit. As soon as she realized what she was doing - starring at Leonard like he was lunch - she finally decided to talk.

- Y-yes! This is me. Alexandra. It's me.

Alex tried to look away, but it was really hard to take her eyes away of Leonard. As said before, he was built as a mountain. His hair was black, long and tied back. His eyes looked pure black and although he had a kind voice, he looked to have some malice on his eyes. Not like Alex had noticed it, though.

- Nice meeting you, Alexandra. If you are ready, would you like to look around and get to know your new space?

Taken aback by Leonard, alex couldnt resist but ask.

- how about the others? Wouldn't it be better to wait for the other apprentices?

Leonard looked at Alex like she just tried to make a really bad joke.

- there are no others. I only take one apprentice at the time.

"Oh", alex thought. She really was that clueless. Within a few seconds she started to realize that, yes, she knew nothing about the actual job. She didnt read about it nor looked deeply at it, alex just accepted it on a heartbeat. Which in retrospect could be a really bad idea... if she cared. She kept thinking: "this is Leonard we are talking about! I could never say no to this opportunity, even if I HAD read what I signed up for!"

And while alex kept getting lost on her thoughts, she walked with Leonard learning about the locations. Her thoughts got interrupted by his voice once again.

- and this is where you will be staying.

Alex looked around. It was a room that was bigger than her apartment living room. It had a pretty big bed with tons of pillows, a big mirror on the side of the bed, a balcony, everything you see on these fancy hotels. She stopped to look around and got very confused.

- .... I thought I would be working on a kitchen?

Once again leonard looked at her with surprise, but soon started laughing. Alex got a bit nervous with that, and as soon as Leonard realized that, he stopped and explained.

- Did you looked at your contract?

Alex, under her breath, responded

- .... No ..?

It was clear that Leonard was actually trying to keep a serious face to not burst into laughter again.

- well, let me update you to what you agree upon. You will be my only apprentice and with that, I will give you full attention. You will be living here with me, and will be working on the bakery as well. You also get to taste all of the new items of the menu and keep anything you want from the kitchen. Of course, if you are regretting it....

Almost immediately alex jumped to answer Leonard.

- no I would never! I agree with anything

Leonard smiled at her in a way you couldn't say if it was malicious or excited. Maybe a bit of both.

- good. Please, take your time getting your space ready. Today you wont need to start your studies, so just relax.

With that, leonard opened the balcony so a fresh breeze could get in and walked away while Alex sat on the surprisingly soft bed that was gifted to her. Well, "gifted" isn't exactly the word but it sure felt like it.

She looked around the room once again. There was a closet door and she wondered if there would be anything inside. It took some time till she finally gathered courage to open it, and... yes. It did had clothes inside. The expensive type, even! They were all beautiful but Alex felt like something was off. All of the clothes were a size up from what she usually wears.

She shrugged it off, because of course, how would they know that? They probably eyeballed it so she could get some clothes for work.

*this Is my first story here! please bare in mind English is not my first language, and I would love if you could leave a feedback.
1 chapter, created 3 years , updated 3 years
7   1   2360


Karenjenk 3 years
You write well
this is a crazy good set up.
keep going.
i like how she is stuck gaining because she signed a contract