Chapter 1
He glanced down at the second stack of empty plates, then stifled a belch, and began to marvel at how full-looking his belly had become.‘Damn,’ he said, with a brief moment of self-reflection. ‘I’ve grown so fat.’
‘No at all,’ she replied, sitting next to him on the couch. ‘But you’re certainly getting greedier, that’s for sure.’ She patted his thigh and smiled at him.
And that much was true. And he could no longer hide this problem given his size.
‘Regrets?’ She asked, as she caught him staring down once again at his gut.
‘Only that I let you talk me into it,’ came his reply.
‘Nonsense,’ she said, beginning to massage his overfed belly in her hands. ‘I never talked you into any of this.’
‘A few months of “dieting”,’ she continued, giggling a little at his failure. ‘And somehow somebody not a million miles from here is already another forty pounds up.’
She winked at him. ‘And lest we forget.’ She began to kiss his cheek now before whispering in his ear, ‘The little matter of that hundred you gained before.’
She dropped her hands below his waist and fingered at the blown out buttons of his pants.
‘Quit it’ he said, trying to pry his body from her grasp.
‘Quit what?’ She asked innocently, but knowing full well.
‘You do,’ he replied.
‘No I don’t.’ She played dumb.
‘Oh but you do,’ he replied further, and as he did, they both looked down at his waist.
There were a few good reasons why it had grown so big lately.
And she was not entirely without blame.
He was a man - to the innocent bystander - who had now lost all control.
But to them - he was just a growing fatty blowing well past their goals.
And spurred on by her encouraging whispers, each one of his meals had now become a feast. And each one bigger than the last.
And he really didn’t want this stop.
And neither did she.
The eating.
Him getting fatter.
Her having to go up more on top.
It was a headily fattening cocktail of which they both drank their fill.
‘You promised to help.’ He broke the silence, and cradled his belly defensively in his arms. ‘With my diet.’
‘You know I did!’ She rolled her eyes at him as she got up from the couch.
‘I only pushed an extra plate.’ She glanced back at him as she stretched then ran her hands suggestively down her thighs. 'When you wanted me most.' She fired him a sly wink.
And then their eyes began to meet - and not for the first time that night.
And in that moment; he could just about damn her, but her body - well that - he now really wanted to hold.
He was so addicted by now to her charms, her scent. Her chocolates cookies, cake and cream.
He couldn't help but eat his fill of her and her gifts.
And every night given half the chance.
‘I just don’t know where I’m putting it.’ He prompted her teasing as he patted his gut like he didn't know what was up.
‘I’d say you’ve hit the trifecta.’ She winked at him deviantly, and leant forwards to mop a little of his 'stuffing sweat' from his brow. ‘Of a super fat belly.' She puffed out her cheeks. 'Heavy man tits, and an ass.’
She then tried to mimic his waddle as she walked past.
‘Hey!’ He grabbed at her hand and pulled her back towards the couch. ‘Where d'you think you're going so fast?’
‘Like you need ask?’ She turned her head and smiled. 'You know how you always need a little more in you.' She allowed herself to be pulled back down onto his body and then straddled his thighs. ‘Before we,’ she added, then bit at her bottom lip. ‘Well you know.’
‘And judging by the size of this thing,’ she continued, patting his belly with her hands. ‘I’d say you've been liking me a lot lately.’
Damn, he was in a tight spot.
And she knew that too.
And if she be devil or saint.
He really didn't care.
Because he wanted them both, and fast.
‘Just let me in tonight.’ His spurious protests began, squeezing at her thighs. ‘No more desserts tonight, I’m too full.’
‘Aww.’ She mocked him and pinched his belly as a few locks of stray hair fell onto her face. ‘Aren’t you that big boy who always gets what he wants?’ she asked, enticingly, prodding his belly with a grin. Helping him put on weight like this had been like taking candy from a baby, except giving it back tenfold.
He had just lost all self control by now.
And without a moment’s hesitation each hundred calories she passed him sailed past his lips, without a care.
No willpower.
No ability to say no.
Just sheer want.
And always for more.
And always for her too.
She almost couldn't keep up.
But all of her little ‘encouragements’ were certainly helping him there.
‘Another forty pounds up,’ she mused, delightedly, as she grabbed lustfully at his softened chest. ‘That’s an awful lot more man you’ve now become.’
‘I’ve must’ve been such a naughty girl lately.’ She mused aloud as she shuffled her hips.
He tried to kiss her, unable to resist her charms, but she pulled her head back just in time.
‘Nah-ah. Your desserts first.’ She smiled sinfully at him, as she brought her index finger up to his lips. ‘Then your "treats" later.’
‘We’ll see,’ he said, as he picked her entire body up and laid her back down onto the the couch.
‘I’ll see.’ She echoed his words back up at him, as he tried to playfully part her thighs.
‘You know I’m a man who always gets what he wants,’ he added.
‘Evidently.’ She glanced down at his swaying belly. ‘And it's getting in the way a lot.’
‘This belly.’ He matched her words and dropped some of its weight onto her chest. ‘Is becoming quite the problem between us, don't you think?’
‘I see no problem.’ She grinned back up at him. ‘Except for a growing one.’ She blew him an inviting kiss.
She could feel her words exciting him beneath that heavy gut of his.
She had a natural ability to taunt men like this.
A natural gift beyond her control.
And as fattening men had long been a passion, it was one she had put to good use.
‘Tease,’ he mouthed at her, as she wriggled her hips invitingly beneath him.
He then leant into her to kiss her cheek, his breath laced thick with chocolate and coffee and pecan pie.
‘You’ll be a hundred and fifty pounds gained by the fall,’ she whispered encouragingly in his ear. ‘If you only you kept eating like this.’ She glance at the empty plates.
‘Fancy that.’ She smiled up triumphantly at him. ‘That'll be a whole one of me you've gained since we met.’
‘Well I’d get onto that last ten pounds.’ He tried to brigade her hands in his, as his breathing quickened, excited by his thoughts. ‘If you’d just learn to shut up.’
‘Just let me in.’ He added, moaning his want in her ear.
‘Desserts first.’ She blew him a kiss. ‘Shouldn’t a fat boy know the rules?’
At least she could now exert some self-control. And the self-restraint he lacked.
‘Fine,’ he said, pausing a little, and looking up from where he nuzzled at her neck. ‘Dessert it is, whatever this is gonna take.’
‘Besides,’ he continued, a little huskily now. ‘What’s another ten pounds going to be between friends?’
She grabbed him tightly between the hips. ‘Oh I think we’re more than just friends by now,' she said, raising an eyebrow, 'wouldn't you say?'
‘A hundred and forty pou…’ she continued.
‘The bestest.’ He cut her off, giddily, at a faint whisper in her ear.
‘Dessert it is then.’ She tapped his ass out of that play and he struggled himself to get up.
By the time he managed it, she had already made her way past him for the door.
‘Told you.’ He leant forward and smacked at her ass before she escaped. ‘I'm the man who gets what he wants.’
‘Careful.’ She turned her head back and rested a hand of her own on her pert behind. ‘I've been making you awfully fat lately to keep tapping this ass.’ She gave it a pat.
‘Just put me on that tab already.’ He sighed, exasperatedly.
‘That'd be bad news for your waist.’ She turned in the doorway and flashed him an evil grin.
‘You're such a big spender,' he quipped back at her.
‘The worst.’ She slapped her thighs.
‘But that’s a little rich,’ she added. ‘Coming from the guy with a sixty inch waist!’
‘Why you little …,’ she could his words fade into the background as she headed for the kitchen door.
Stirred up a like that, she knew he would eat big to get at her that night.
So she fixed up some cheesecakes and cream - as usual - and added some cookies and cream and a bag of potato chips to her haul too.
She looked down at the heavy pile of food on the tray and figured she could always come back for more if he had any room left.
And if past experience was anything to judge by, he could go always go a little harder when he wanted her most.
So seeing him up at a hundred and fifty pounds gained like this was now a distinct fantasy of hers coming into view. And why stop there, she mused, when that big two hundred would be so close, and such a prize?
She added another bag of potato chips to the tray for good luck and made her way back to the door.
Because that fat boy of hers, ...
Well, ... he wasn’t done growing just about yet.
*** *** ***
Sexual acts/Love making
Weight gain
1 chapter, created 3 years
, updated 3 years