Chapter 1
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“Five years ago, my husband lost me in a card game. But then, I was never more that his trophy wife anyway.”
“All I ever wanted from life was to serve a good man, get big and fat and have a basket full of babies. I hate being pretty. Maybe, I should get so fat that no man would ever want me.”
After I said that, I looked down to my coffee, as once more, any possible vestige of hope seemed to drain out of me.
Chapter 1
Carl added his new cards to his hand. He spread them seeing three kings and two aces. His knuckles turned white as he gripped the cards. He deliberated how to manage his next move and then, pulled back two chips.
“I'm light two thousand,” he said in a low voice.
“This game isn't fun anymore,” said the next man at the table, “Too much money, it's getting too serious.”
But still, he anted the two thousand dollars in and leaned back to study his cards again.
“You're right, Phil,” said the man to his left as he also threw in his chips.
Then it came to me. I put the two thousand in and raised the bet an additional six thousand. The next man at the table folded his cards, threw them on the table and went to make a drink.
I watched Carl open his cards again and study them. I watched his pupils dilate.
“Fool should be wearing glasses,” I thought, “This guy's got so many tells.”
I didn't like him. There was something different about him. Aside from his compulsive gambling, it was hard to put a finger on what was wrong. But he definitely was an odd one.
Carl pulled back six chips and then another ten more saying, “I'm light the six and I raise you another ten thousand.”
He looked up to watch my reaction.
The next two players complained about the game again and threw their cards in. And again, it was back to me. I didn't open my cards but met Carl's stare.
“Ten to you,” he mumbled nervously.
A minute later, I prepared to push ten thousand dollars worth of chips in but then stopped and studied him again.
“You got something to back all this up?” I asked as I pointed to his shortage.
Carl nodded nervously.
I let him sweat for another minute and then pushed the ten thousand in.
Then I raised the bet by another twenty five thousand dollars saying, “Twenty five, back.”
He starred at me in disbelief. Was I bluffing? He wasn't sure. Finally he drew back chips signifying he was lite another twenty-five thousand dollars.
But then, he pulled another five thousand dollars worth and said, “Five thousand more.”
I studied his face again and then pushed in the five thousand saying, “Call.”
Carl began to smile as he enjoyed his moment of triumph.
He spread his cards saying, “Full house. Queens over kings,” and he spread his cards on the table and waited for that moment of defeat to show in my eyes.
I studied the five cards for half a minute and then spread my own cards.
“Royal flush,” I said impassively, “All spades. Never had one like this before... No... Never in my life.”
Carl starred at the cards in disbelief. But, there was nothing he could say.
The sky was turning light and the game began to break up. One of the men put his coat on and left. Wallie sat back finishing his drink. I cashed in my chips and began to make notes.
“That's fifty from this game,” I said, “Seven from earlier this evening and twenty-one from last week. Carl, you owe me seventy-eight thousand dollars.”
“I thought I had this one,” he said, “I'll work it out this week.”
“Now, just how do you think you're going to do that?” I asked sarcastically, “In the last year, you pissed your savings away and everything else for that matter.”
“No problem. I can...” he began.
“No problem, nothing,” I interrupted, “Carl, I'm going to need some security here. This is way too much.”
I was now regretting ever being involved with this guy. My card games were supposed to be entertainment and now they'd become work. I swore to myself this was my last high-stakes game.
“Carl,” said the forth man as he put on his coat, “If you can't carry the freight, you shouldn't accept the load.”
“But I... But I...” stammered Carl as he began to remember that he was gambling with a son of one of the last great Mafia bosses in the country.
“How are we gonna handle this?” I asked softly.
“It'll take time,” he answered.
I nodded and asked, “OK. Then what have you got for collateral.”
“My house?”
“Doubtful. Didn't you pull the equity out last year?” I asked.
Carl nodded.
He shrugged.
“Carl, this is too much,” I said, “If you can't find a solution, I'm just gonna sell these markers to someone, take my losses and forget about you. Your name will be shit in this town and we all know how those collection people are. Is that what you want?”
“Only thing else I got is my wife,” mumbled Carl.
“What did you say?” I questioned, “Are you saying your wife is a thing?”
“Oooh, Pete,” said Wallie, the other guy sitting at the table, “You should see this bitch. She's a looker. Carl, how much did those jugs set you back? Somethin like twenty thousand, maybe? Pete, I ain't never seen one like her before. I mean, this bitch is perfect.”
“She's like dat movie...”
“You know. Dat movie...”
“Ah... Ah... Ten. Ya... Ten.”
“Ya, she's like a perfect ten. You know? Dat movie?”
I nodded and waited.
“Now what am I going to do with someone's used wife?” I finally said sarcastically, “Hell, I just got rid of a wife. I sure as hell don't need another. And... Carl, I'm not a God damned pimp.”
The other man left and the three of us continued to sit at the table.
“Maybe you could hold her as collateral?” mumbled Carl.
“What? Like kidnap her?” I demanded, “Well, forget anything like that... Carl, I'm not crazy.”
“Well, what if she agreed to come to your house on her own?” Carl asked.
I shook his head, “Then I gotta pay for room and board. I got a stranger under foot. No privacy. Lot of trouble.”
“OK,” said Wallie, “So you charge for storage.”
I stared at Wallie and then shook my head again.
“You gonna use her?” asked Carl.
Surprised, I turned back to him.
“I don't believe you said that,” I snapped, “If that doesn't beat all. I don't believe you guys. I don't even want this bitch and you already got me sticken her.”
“OK... OK...” said Wallie as he started to write on a piece of paper, “I wanna go home. An so, here's a deal... Pete, you are gonna hire a new cook and pay her... Ohhh... Say, a thousand a month and the vig on the notes is gonna be two thousand a month and storage of da collateral, another two thousand a month.”
“That means you're adding three thousand a month to the tab,” protested Carl.
“Carl,” said Wallie, “I'm thinking you take the deal and start making some serious payments. Otherwise, my advice to Pete is gonna be to sell the markers an you know what's gonna happen then.”
“Pete?” Wallie asked me, “You wanna put this to bed?”
I thought for a minute and then said, “OK. I'll give this guy eighteen months to cut the tab in half. Otherwise, I'm selling the damn thing. We got a deal?”
Carl stared at the table and nodded.
“Alright,” I said, “I expect her at my door in three days. Alone! No escorts. No guards. And... No car waiting at the curb. She comes on her own. Are we clear?”
All the next day, Carl's neighbors heard shouting coming from his house and again, the following day.
On the third day, a tall willowy blond appeared at my front door. In her four inch heels, she stood eye to eye with me. But all I saw were those intense blue eyes filled with hate. Her long blond hair blew back and forth over a coat that strained to cover her full breasts.
“I'm Amber,” she spit out.
I stepped aside and Carl's trophy wife entered my house.
Note: A new chapter will be posted within two days and every day or two thereafter until it is concluded.
That is my promise.
I hope you enjoy.
Sexual acts/Love making
Weight gain
11 chapters, created 2 years
, updated 2 years