
  By JM Ross  Premium

Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

I picked up the phone, "Hello."
"Abbe, I've got another project for us."
The voice was my old college roommate, Darius; Dar for short.
"Dar... How are you?"
"Never better, my friend. But maybe your question should be, 'Dar where are you?'" he said.
"Okay, I'll bite. Dar where are you?"
"Over the Atlantic. If the winds stay with us, I'll be there in roughly four hours... Supper tonight?"
"Are you still with Dusty?" he asked.
"More or less."
"Does she still like to eat?"
"Ah, huh," I answered, "But I swear, that girl has the metabolism of a shrew. She eats again as much as I do and never gains an ounce."
"You going to bring her tonight?"
"If you like. Do you want me to try to find someone for you."
"Thank you, but I won't have time, my friend. This'll probably turn into a business meeting and in two days, I'm scheduled to be back in Dubai. Abbe my friend, I have another tremendous project for us. I want to lay it out for you and Dusty today and tomorrow before I leave. Then, I would like to see you two in Dubai next week. Is that possible?"
At seven fifty-five that evening, Dusty and I walked into the Jean-Georges Restaurant in the Trump Tower and were immediately seated. My Dusty wore her newest evening dress that hugged her slinky narrow figure. Although she had very little on top, the dress was low cut and pushed her breasts up giving the appearance of cleavage.
I'd often wished that our relationship wasn't as stormy as it was. Where it different, I'd have married her in a New York minute and put babies in her. However, my slinky beauty and sometimes business partner had a mind of her own and so, our relationship remained on and off, much like New York weather.
We were shown to a private room.
Dar was already seated (short for Darius, an old Persian name).
As I'd expected, my old college roommate had already ordered the ten course meals for each of us and arranged the chairs putting Dusty close to him. Oddly, there was also a presentation screen at one end of the table.
Because Dar and I had roomed together for all four years in college, I had some idea what to expect. I guessed that in a short time he'd begin to feed my sometimes lover from his plate.
As she sat in the chair close to him, he spoke to her, "The cuisine here is absolutely exquisite. It's so phenomenal that I'm going to ask you to indulge me for a few minutes. I think, I can make your eating experience that much better." He smiled his most becoming smile.
My former roommate was incredibly handsome. Standing six foot three and all hard muscle, he constantly drew the attention of women where ever we were. His narrow face and hawk like nose gave him a distinctive Middle Eastern appearance typical of his Persian background. A meticulously groomed beard completed his exotic image.
Within minutes, he had Dusty leaning back in her chair with her eyes closed and began to feed her.
"Open," he said softly and with her eyes closed, Dusty's jaw dropped.
As she was chewing, Dar began, "Although I'll front more than half the capital, I've also assembled an impressive group of investors."
"Open..." he ordered quietly, Dusty's mouth opened again and he fed her another bite.
The feeding continued as he spoke about the project and then turned the projector on.
Occasionally, Dusty would open one eye to study the screen and then let herself lapse back into her stupor.
It was amazing to watch my impetuous, sometimes forceful girlfriend sit there with her eyes closed chewing and waiting patiently as he put everything from his plate and her plate into my lover. Then he began to pick from mine. Later with her lovely dress bulging in the middle, he ordered three deserts for himself and the ritual continued.
I watched Dar reach between them and gently undo the zipper on the side of her dress and the belly of this slender woman burst forth even further. Still she was willing to lie there quietly and be controlled.
"Now," he said softly, "I'm going to place my hand on your middle and massage those muscles. Soon they will relax and the feeling of tightness will ease. This is not sexual. Trust me. You'll like it. Open," and another bite of dessert entered her.
As usual, Dar picked up the tab which ran somewhere near three thousand dollars, U.S.
Later that evening as she came out of the bathroom, I couldn't help staring at her bulging middle. This skinny lady looked as if she were five months pregnant.
"Just look at me," she said as she stood in front of the mirror, nude, "Never had a man do something like this to me. Never been so fat before."
"Here," she said as she crawled in next to me, "Feel my fat. Isn't that the most amazing thing?"
With my hand on her tight middle, I nodded, but knew Dar wouldn't be finished with her.
In school, I had watched as every year, my roommate would search for the perfect submissive girlfriend and then spend months fattening her. With time, I came to understand that his desire to fatten and change women was more than a fetish it was an actual obsession. One time, he'd also left one pregnant. I never learned what happened with her. One day, she was just gone. Twice, I tried to ask Dar about the girl. The second time, he got angry and so I had to drop the subject.
I wouldn't say this to my Dusty but, that was the problem with having an international traveler for a roommate who also had more money than God. When people like this have a quirk, they have the power to indulge it. But in my roommate's defense, I want to point out that he is also a faithful friend with a generous heart.
So... I hoped that Dar was finished with my Dusty and yet, I felt more than a twinge of concern. I knew better.

Note: A new chapter will be posted within two days and every day or two thereafter until it is concluded.
That is my promise.
I hope you enjoy.
18 chapters, created 3 years , updated 3 years
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