The Bimbo Pill 2

  By JM Ross  Premium

Chapter 1

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“Studies show it goes in stages,” said a man sitting at the end of the table, “Very similar to the original, Kleinhans-Zimmerman report. We found this portion in an archive in an old East German library.”
“The plant in itself has an amazing process,” he continued, “Give the test woman a sleeping pill and then set a vine over her navel. Next morning, it's grown into her and she's attached to the plant. In a week, you've created a captive baby machine. She's become part of the plant and all she'll want to do is procreate. Damnedest thing I ever saw.”
“You've tested this?” asked a member of the board.
The chairman of the board nodded saying, “We've still got a dozen test women in northern China. Chinese government is showing some interest. They're hoping this might manage their dropping birth rate problem. We may be able to lease time on our plants to them or sell them one of our extracts from the plant.”
“Extracts?” questioned another man at the table.
“Yes,” nodded the Chairman, “I don't think any of you were here when we had our line of KZ drugs on the market. But you'll remember the human cow phenomena of a few years back. All that stemmed from our initial work with this plant. And all these years later, no one else has discovered our plant. If the FDA hadn't stopped KZ, we'd still be making money from it.”
“So, where does this leave us?” asked one of the board members.
“Very hopeful. Very hopeful,” said the chairman, “It turns out that the compound we've now isolated is more effective than the original KZ.
“Interestingly, it works in three distinct cycles,” he continued, “With the initial lower dosage, it causes cognitive function in the brain to reduce significantly. It increases breast size and comes with some weight gain. We'd originally intended to market this as a sexual stimulant for women. Yes. As it might sound, we'd hoped this would develop into an effective female version of Viagra. But, our test subjects became incredibly over-sexed and yet, stupefied... Well... All I can say is 'dumb as a post.' We've got one test subject in the US who refers to herself as having become a bimbo. She's probably right. Yet, the pictures show most of the test women become more radiant, just plain beautiful. It's possible that we can market this in male dominated countries for use on their women.”
“There are times,” one board member began, “when my wife could use a few of those pills.”
Heads nodded and several members laughed.
When the group had quieted down, the Chairman continued, “So today, I'd like your approval to begin American studies on milk production. It appears that with a sufficiently heavy dose, a woman's body changes physically. Part of this becomes a very acceptable output of milk. This could be the new answer to our old KZ line.”
“And... And...” he continued with a smile, “In their altered mental stat, they're already docile as cows. Easy to control. Willing to be used.”
“You've tested this?” asked one member.
The Chairman nodded saying, “We've got a small herd in northern India. All they do is eat, get fatter and produce milk. So, what I'd like to do is expand into dairy testing here in the US.”
He looked at the men seated at the table and said, “Do I hear a motion to move forward with US testing?”
One man raised his hand.
“Is there a second?”
Another board member raised his hand.
“All those in favor of testing?”
Each board member raised his hand.
Motion carried.


Chapter 1

“Damn!” muttered Nicole, “I am getting so fat. Just look at my ass.”
“Eat like a horse, look like a horse,” quipped Lucy.
Nicole thought for a second and began to smile and then said, “Hmmm. I like the sound of that. Would it be OK if I took Tommy for a ride tonight? You know? Like a horse... Well... You know.”
“Oh, that sounds so delicious,” said Lucy, “Can I do it, too?”
“Ya. But you gotta wait your turn.”
I walked into the room to find my two wives giggling again.
“What's so funny?” I asked.
“Oh, nothing,” one said.
“Just wait until tonight,” the other said.
“What did you say?” I asked.
“Oh, nothing,” someone repeated.

And then came Sunday football...
As the game was about to begin, the girls came in wearing their football jerseys and nothing else.
“What do you think?” asked Nicole as she turned, modeling the fashion of the moment.
The jerseys were cute, but my eyes were drawn to their bare legs and those shapely butts peeking out from beneath the shirts.
My world had certainly changed in the past year. We'd gone from husband and wife, all be it, a hard, thin, prudish wife; to husband and sexpot; to husband and two sex-craved bimbos. I'd never expected the pills to be so life changing. But damn! Life with these two women had become fantastic. What had started out as a minor test of a new drug for the company, had changed everything.
I was finding myself with a renewed passionate love for my wife and now, also for her sister.
“And this?” said Lucy as she turned modeling her own jersey.
“Very nice,” I said patronizingly as I tried to watch the football pregame.
They stood silently, staring at me and waiting for more recognition.
“But only jerseys,” Nicole finally said.
They looked at each other and began to snicker.
Lucy pulled on the neck and looked down into her jersey saying, “That's all. We're dressed exactly the same. Nothing else, in there.”
“Ah, huh,” said Nicole as she continued to snicker, “Want to see?”
I smiled at my wives. I knew exactly what was under those jerseys. (And loved every inch of those soft bodies.) Although Lucy was actually my sister-in-law, we now lived like husband and wife..
No... Strike that...
Make it, husband and wives.
Although Nicole was actually my legal wife, we'd taken in Lucy after her divorce and in a short time, Lucy had become my second wife. Testing the pills for the company had changed everything. I was now left with two lovely, slightly chubby, and very busty bimbos.
Although the medication had robbed them of the higher levels of their mental acuity, they didn't seem to care. I was sure that they were aware of their loss. But more than ever, they seemed content with their current lives.
The kick off came. My girls continued to chatter.
Suddenly, Lucy shouted, “That's terrible! How could they do that? Not fair.”
“Now what?” I asked.
“Five yards for farting?” she grumbled disdainfully.
“No, my love,” corrected Nicole, “That's a five yard penalty for a false start. Not a false fart.”
“Oh,” said Lucy as she started to smile and then began to laugh.
Nicole began to laugh. Then, her laughing turned to snorts. Then Lucy began to snort. Then Lucy broke wind.
Nicole turned to Lucy and pointed saying, “False fart. Five yard penalty.”
Lucy continued to snort. She couldn't catch her breath. The snorts turned to snickers and then whispering about false farts.
Finally, my wives settled down and the game continued.
“Ready for another beer?” Nicole asked me.
I nodded.
“Want a glass?” she asked.
I shook my head no.
“I could bring a couple, right away?”
I shook my head no and held up one finger.
“Popcorn?” Nicole asked.
Lucy nodded.
“Popcorn?” Nicole asked me.
“Whatever,” I answered as I tried to get back into the game.
I looked up to Nicole and nodded.
“Maybe I should do a big bowel?” she asked.
Feeling frustrated again, I shrugged.
“Is one bowel enough? I could make two?” she asked.
“Sure. Whatever,” I blurted out and again, tried to get back to the game.
“OK,” Nicole said, “Should I make them now or at half time?”
I didn't answer.
“Tommy? Tommy, what should I do?”
I held my finger to my lips.
“Humpf,” mumbled Nicole and walked away.
The game wound on to half time and Nicole appeared with huge bowels of buttered popcorn. The women settled in, each with a bowel in her lap. Both shoveled in handfuls of popcorn and chewed with their mouths open. Then, someone mentioned 'false fart' and popcorn sprayed onto the floor.
The game began again.
“Look at that penetration,” said the announcer.
“I like good penetration,” whispered Nicole.
“Ahhhh, hmmm,” growled Lucy.
They began to snicker again. Then they began to laugh and then snort.
Finally, my wives calmed down and my game continued.
I knew I shouldn't, but I shook my head and muttered something about the problem with having wives in heat.
They both stared at each other in silence and then Lucy began to smirk and asked, “Nicole, am I in heat?”
They stared at each other again and Nicole answered soberly, “Fraid, so.”
The snickering began, again.
“Do I look hot?” Lucy asked.
“Ah, huh.”
“Am I in trouble?”
“Do you want to be?”
“Ah, huh.”
“OK. Come with me.”
And the two left the room holding hands. Minutes later, they returned and sat together on one side of the couch. I could hear a faint whirring sound. Then, they began to kiss and caress each other.
“Do you two have your vibrators in, again?” I asked.
“Shhh!” answered Lucy, “We're in heat.”
They ended up lying at one end of the couch kissing and moaning with their feet in my lap. Nicole began to gasp and then Lucy joined in.
The announcer said, “Looks like holding. Five yard penalty.”
Nicole said, “I'll say.”
“Do you want five yards?” asked Lucy.
“I'd settle for five inches,” answered Nicole.
“That's all?”
“Shhhhh,” I said.
“Well, OK. Mister Grumpy Pants,” one said.
“That's well and good,” the other answered, “But remember, I get his pants first tonight.”
They started to snicker and then snort again.
Then, Lucy began to whimper and moan.
“Is it starting?” asked Nicole as she kissed Lucy and looked into her eyes.
Lucy pinched her eyes shut and nodded. Then, Nicole began to moan and the kissed and petting and moaning and panting continued in earnest.
“Shit!” I thought, “I do not want to watch football with my women, again.

Note: A new chapter will be posted within two days and every day or two thereafter until our story is concluded.
That is my promise.
I hope you enjoy.
22 chapters, created 2 years , updated 2 years
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