Shaping Bodies

  By JM Ross  Premium

Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

I love inventing. But the problem with being a nerd-introvert-inventor is that it was always hard for me to meet people, let alone make friends. Dating was nonexistent for me. All this caused me to focus inward and on my experiments and my wondrous ideas.
Yet later, my focus on academics allowed me to come out of Cornell with a medical engineering degree and continue on with inventing on a far grander scale.
During my time in school, I was already tinkering. I created a new interface between human nerve cells and computers, which I eventually patented and sold to a prosthesis manufacturing company. So if you see the word “Nervinator” in the instructions for your artificial limb or pacemaker or whatever, which is a result of my work.
The initial payment and residuals became my ticket to continue through school. And life became easier.
It was during this time that I met the love of my life, Freda. My little Freda was incredibly bright and yet, she was equally as introverted as I was. Her love was in literature and writing. My sweet love was also self-conscious about being thin, painfully thin. This resulted in her using little makeup and dressed badly and as if to remain invisible. And it worked. Her long black hair and her thin face gave my sweetheart an Honest-to-God 'Munster' look. Sadly, it was true. Freda truly resembled Lilly from that old TV series, “The Munsters.” But underneath, she had a potential to be pretty. If only, she had a few more pounds on her. But... Oh, well...
Shoot! If she'd had even a few more pounds on her tush, maybe some good looking guy might have come along and made off with my Freda and I'd never have been in the picture and my life would be totally different now.
But... Oh, well...
Six months after we graduated, I married my pretzel-love.
By this time, I'd taken in a partner and was working on variable microwave lasers, combined with the use of ultrasound as a method of studying human organs and identifying cancers and that sort of stuff. We'd already perfected and patented a process that lead to another residual. This allowed the three of us to work at our leisure, Albert and I at inventing and Freda at writing.
Now, with our inventing being as successful as it was, Albert asked his longtime girlfriend, Betty to marry him and in an amazingly short time, she was pregnant with their first.
But this triggered more thought between Freda and myself. We'd discussed children and had agreed that we wanted a large family and so, we set out working on this exciting subject, too.
It meant that we needed to dive into the arduous process of serious procreation. It was tough (snicker, snicker), but we managed to stick with the task before us. Sometimes, we stuck to it all night. (Another Snicker) Sometimes??? Heck! Not sometimes.
We worked at sex all the time...
But, because both of us were virgins when we married, there was a long learning curve. And I can certify that we explored every part of the learning curve we possibly could. (And if we didn't completely understand, we did it over and over, again and again until we got it right. Ah, hmmm.)
But... Oh, well...
Our most spectacular nights came after my bride showed me how to rub her little spot and make her climax. As time passed, (inventor that I was) I developed a very distinctive way of moving my wrist from side to side that simply drove my little Freda crazy. My hand moved, kind of, like a hula dancer between her legs until Freda would begin to moan and then hum and when she was really into her body, she'd begin to purr. (I loved doing this to her.) It became necessary to end every night with my magical touch and that was perfectly fine with me. And feeling totally satisfied, my love would fall asleep in my arms.
About that time, my sweetie developed a thing with sweat pants. (Don't ask me why.) But she took to wearing them to bed. Nothing on top, yet sweat pants on her bottom. Then, she decided she wanted me to reach into her pants and do my (now infamous) touch. And so, we'd lie there as I kissed her tiny boobs (very tiny) and reached into her pants for eons as my ultra thin wife purred.
Finally, she'd begin to gasp and gulp and shudder and I knew she was peaking. Minutes later, she'd ask me to remove her sweat pants and put a baby in her and I did my best.
Sometimes, she'd climb over me, push me into her now dripping wet spot, and rape the hell out of me. Other times I'd pin her under me and pound her until we were both sweating and exhausted. And then, there were times when we were standing and I'd lift her (she only weighed eighty-five pounds) and she'd wrap her legs around me and... Well, you know? But even then, when we'd climb into bed she'd slip her sweat pants back on and fall asleep in my arms purring like the tiny kitten that she was.
But within our perfect love life, and life in general, there was one massive flaw...
No babies.
We tried everything... Positions... Counting days... With magic touch... Without magic touch... And still nothing. We sought out a fertility clinic with no success and then another... and another. No luck... And no babies.
Meanwhile, my work was progressing in another direction. I'd gotten into studying the affects of various radiations would have on different cells in the body. I found ways to identify and study individual types of cells which lead to a huge breakthrough in locating cancer cells in the body and then making them (and only them) visible to the body's immune system.
This led to more patents and the marketing of the “Cellminator” and a boatload of money. And so, now you know where the well-known Cellminator process came from.
And still... With all our money and all our success...
No babies.

Note: A new chapter will be posted within two days and every day or two thereafter until our story is concluded.
That is my promise.
I hope you enjoy.
13 chapters, created 2 years , updated 2 years
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