My thoughts as a female feeder (1)

Chapter 1

I have doubts sometimes about making my pigs...

too Fat
too Heavy
too Slow
too Unhealthy
too Helpless

But then they look at me and BEG me to feed and fattening them MORE. They want me to shove the rest of the cake down their throats. Funnel feed them nightly gainer shakes before bed. They implore me to handcuff them to chairs, and not let them up until the buttons on their shirts pop off.

They plead with me despite my concerns, to make them grow another 20,50,100lbs fatter. They tell me they want it more than anything, they desire and dream about it. They have full understanding of the risk and consequences, but don't care. They only have one life and they want to spend it growing for me.
How could I say no? Who am I to say no?!

To be this type of feedee is so rare, so precious, it is a gift that can not be bought.

Finally understanding that makes me realize how unappreciative I have been, its cruel! Its cruel to not give my PIGS what they WANT, what they CRAVE.

My NEED to be a CREATOR. Your NEED to be MOLDED - and used.

We are all souls whom have desires, yours is to BE the FATTEST blob POSSIBLE, mine is to help you do it.

From your Feeder πŸ’‹

Same Above & Below

I have doubts sometimes about making my pigs...

too Fat
too Heavy
too Slow
too Unhealthy
too Helpless

But then they look at me and BEG me to feed and fattening them MORE. They want me to shove the rest of the cake down their throats. Funnel feed them nightly gainer shakes before bed. They implore me to handcuff them to chairs, and not let them up until the buttons on their shirts pop off.

They plead with me despite my concerns, to make them grow another 20,50,100lbs fatter. They tell me they want it more than anything, they desire and dream about it. They have full understanding of the risk, but don't care. They only have one life and they want to spend it growing for me.
How could I say no? Who am I to say no?!

To be this type of feedee is so rare, so precious, it is a gift that can not be bought.

Finally understanding that makes me realize how unappreciative I have been, its cruel! Its cruel to not give my PIGS what they want, what they crave.

We are all souls whom have desires, yours is to BE the FATTEST blob POSSIBLE, mine is to help you do it.

From your Feeder πŸ’‹
1 chapter, created StoryListingCard.php 4 months , updated 4 months
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Awlawd 4 months
Your like a goddess of fattening and shaping piggies into being bigger and bigger…
Secret_revea... 3 weeks
Thank you 😊
Built4com4t 4 months
Short and sweet
Secret_revea... 3 weeks
Enas 4 months
This is so brilliant! I love these kind of aspects in the (lets just call it) ideology of feedism / feederism! The urgency of the need to feed / be fed until one's gut is just so achingly full and fat
Secret_revea... 3 weeks
Thank you 😊